Shadow Travels: Thirteen

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It had been a week until Nico returned back form wherever he was. And it had been a week since Will could sleep.

Nico's disappearance put him in edge, and it just made him sad.

Some Apollo kids (and campers) joked— though worried— by saying it was like they had broken up.

Will denied it, but secretly (?), he felt like they'd been ripped apart.

His heart ached, and it confused him.

He liked Nico.

He was cute.



Sex— woah.

Will had to stop himself from those thoughts. He knew he was gay. But Nico?

He's as likely to be gay as Percy is to say red was better than blue.

It was impossible.

But, a crush won't hurt. Right?

It was small. . . Ish. And it wasn't like Will obsessed over him. . . Much. And even then, those times were for doctor reasons only!

Like looking at his body, and admiring his eyes, and touching him (in a non sexual way!).

It was just what doctors did! And even then, Nico had put Will in the friendzone. Well, maybe even lower. He wasn't sure what they were quite yet. . .

Will sighed, lying on his bunk, questions swirling into a big, jumbled mess in his brain. "Yeah. No. Bye." He told himself, then forced him to get out of bed.

"Nico's gone. You chased him away. It's not a break up of any sort, stop acting like it!" He ordered, looking at his reflection from a mirror to his left.

"Y-you're fine." He stammered, taking a deep breath, he walked out of the cabin.

Will then trudged to the infirmary, checking his list of patients. It had gotten shorter. 3 people healed properly, 1 person moved to a different doctor (This rarely happened to Will), and 5 just left on their own.

"You're back!" Someone exclaimed, slapping his back. Will didn't wince, but gave him a strained smile. "Yep." He said, trying to sound happier.

He didn't know the guy. . .

Oh well.

Will sighed once he was gone, and decided to start from the top of his list.

"Clarisse. Hm, wonder why she's here?" Will wondered aloud, then started to walk to her room.

"Hey." Will said, coming in.

Clarisse looked at Will hastily with her brown eyes. "What took you so long? Is it finally true that you and Di Angelo broke up?" She asked, Will shook his head.

"We were never dating. Now, what's the matter?" He asked, looking over her.

"We had capture the flag last night. And some punk managed to stab me in the arm. Something was on their sword, and I was knocked out. Ended up here." She grumbled.

Will hummed in response, then picked up the clip board.

He quickly scanned the papers.

"Says here you've been infected with some light poison. Nothing a small dose of Anti-Chimera, nectar, and at the most ambrosia won't fix." Will said, Clarisse just nodded.

"Okay, so I'll get you the dosage, and I'll add some nectar for good measure if you still feel down. Be right back." Will said, walking to the closet.

He clicked his tongue twice, quickly locating the Anti-Chimera and two syringes.

"Check." Will murmured, then grabbed a small canteen of nectar.

"Here you go." Will said, placing the nectar next to Clarisse.

"I'll get the syringe ready. Then show me which arm." Will told her, Clarisse nodded again.

She quickly took off the bandages on her left arm, her right arm remained wrapped in gauze.

Will filled the two syringes, and turned.

"This may sting." He warned, then slowly pressed the syringe in her flesh.

Clarisse flinched, and the Anti-Chimera started to enter.

With the first dose done, Will smiled.

"I'll be back in an hour. Wrap your arm back up." He ordered, "Cool." Was Clarisse's only reply.

Will walked to his list again, under Clarisse's name, he scribbled down.

'Dosage 2 @ 3!!!'

Will nodded to himself, and started to check the second name.

However, it didn't go as planned. . .

"Will. Nico's back!" Sonya yelled, running up to him.

"Nico? Really?" Will asked, his stomach started to feel weird. A ball of warmth had spread.


Sonya answered with a smirk.

"He's looking for you. He's at Zeus' Fist."

"Cover for me?" Will asked, Sonya laughed.

"Go on lover boy." She teased, Will blushed.

"Shut it." He replied, then sprinted to Zeus' Fist.

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