Shadow Travels: Thirty Five

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The past few days for Nico had been a guilty, Hades realm type of days. His mind was constantly nagging him.

Voices even nagged him in his dreams. . . Mainly Bianca and Hazel's voices.

And Nico even admitted that he knew this was wrong. He knew he shouldn't have done what he did.

And to be honest, Nico regretted it almost as much as he regretted. . . Well. . . A lot of things.

Nico sighed, flopping onto Hazel's bed, inhaling the scents of cinnamon and cherries.

"Nico, I've been looking all over of you! Where have you been, and why are you smelling my bed?" Hazel asked, opening the door to the Hades cabin.

"Hey sis." Nico said, face to mattress.

"You okay?" Hazel asked concerned, letting her fingers slip.

The door behind her slammed shut, making both teens jump.

"Sorry." Nico replied, his voice still muffled by Hazel's sheets.

"That wasn't the right answer to my question." Hazel paused, "Now, seriously, what's wrong?" She continued, walking up to Nico.

As Hazel sat down on the bed, Nico lifted his head up.

"Is this about the James thing?" Hazel asked him.

Nico flipped over, "He hasn't talked to me since Esme came to camp. And frankly, I'm feeling guilty about this whole thing. Your voice and. . . Bianca's voice keeps shouting at me in my dreams about doing the right thing." Nico stopped for a minute, trying to control the tears that had started to sting his eyes.

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S THE RIGHT THING!" He ended up screaming at Hazel, still on her bed.

Hazel just smiled sadly, "The right thing isn't alway necessarily what others want, sometimes, it's what you as a person needs." She said, starting to play with Nico's bangs.

"Should I drop the plan? Was the plan even a good one in the first place? Am I a bad person?" Nico questioned her, moving his head into his sister's lap.

Hazel still smiled at him sympathetically, continuing to play with his hair, she answered.

"What does your heart want? It isn't bad if the hearts telling you it's not." She paused, "As long as your happy. That's all we need right now." She continued, twirling a strip of Nico's black bangs in between her two fingers.

Nico wiped a tear that had fallen down his cheek.

"I want Will." He whimpered, Hazel chuckled. "Okay, so we cancel the plan. And you get your Solace." She said gently.

Nico sniffled, "Thanks sis." He whispered, "No problem. . . Brother." She replied, before sitting up and walking out.

Nico sighed, his 'body pillow' now gone.

His lips slowly curled up into a smile, "I'm gonna try to get my Solace." He told himself, before bursting put in laughter.

He paused, happily adding a prayer.

"Wish me luck dad."

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