Shadow Travels: Thirty One

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"What's wrong Will?" Eryn– his sister– asked, sitting on his bed. In the bed beside his own, Aracely popped her head into their view.

"Yeah." She said in agreement. "You've been distant and sad all day." She pointed out.

"Not at all like yourself." Eryn added.

Will nervously looked down at the floor. "I-it's nothing guys." He insisted.

"It's not nothing Will." Another one of his siblings– Nathan–insisted. "You barely ated you food." Another– Carly– concerningly added in, sitting at his feet.

Nathan got up, looking at Will.

"What's up?" He questioned, his yes baring into Will's soul.

"Nothing." Will insisted again, trying to blink back the tears that we're trying to escape.

"Why are your eyes so glossy? Are those tears?" Eryn asked, shocked at his manner.

Never in Will's years at camp did she see him cry. It kind of alarmed the twelve year old.

"I'm fine." Will tried again, his voice cracking.

Carly, being only five, crawled into his lap. "On a scale of one to ten, how bad do you rate your pain?" She whispered, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Will, tell us what happened." Nathan spoke, his voice gentle and soft– like an adults would be. Which was generally surprising for his age (nine).

Will wiped a tear away, having fallen down his cheek on accident.

"This calls for desperate measures." Aracely decided.

"Apollo kids, hug circle!" She shouted, making their heads all bob up.

Within seconds, all the Apollo kids had made a circle around Will, wrapping their arms around another– trapping Will in a hug.

"Can you tell us what happened now?" Eryn asked.

Will let out a shaky breath, then started telling them what had happened.

By the time breakfast the next day, or was just about to roll around, Will had been up for about two hours. He had been up since five am, partially just worrying about the Nico situation. . .

He was dating someone.

Not him.

And Will admitted, it hurt him. To see him in a relationship with someone else. Someone he considered an honorary Apollo kid, James, he was like a brother to him!

Talk about betrayal!

So alas, Will was lying in bed again, dreading when he had to go to breakfast with his siblings in an hour. They were going to pay close attention to him, mainly because of the hug circle session they had had.

It just hurt, it hurt too much, seeing Nico back—and in a relationship of course—knowing that it wasn't him.

Knowing he would never hold Nico in his arms. . .

Kiss him when he cried. . .

Or even speak to him anymore! (Seeing that Nico had been avoiding him, it seemed, since the incident.)

Will, upon quietly feeling sorry or himself, heard a soft knocking on the door.

He debated for a few seconds, wondering if he should open the door.

Will swallowed his spit, looked at his chest, and decided to get off his butt— and grow enough balls to open the door at six am.

He took a deep breath, creeping over to the door.

He opened it quietly, praying that the hinges wouldn't creak.

Thankfully, he opened the door silently.

There, standing there, in his pajamas, was James.

"What do you want?" Will hissed, but was shocked at the fact that it wasn't his voice. The voice he had asked James in was cold, angry, each word being spit put like venom on his tongue.

James winced, looking at Will's blue eyes guiltily.

"Listen. We gotta talk."

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