Shadow Travels: Three

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Will gently touched the boys forehead. It was burning up, and Will could feel blood quickly spread to his clean shirt.

Will looked over his body quickly, gently picking him up.

Arms? Scrapped.

Legs? Bruised.


Oh dear gods he found where the blood was coming from.

Even as a doctor, he had never felt this worried for a patient— No, a friend.

Possibly more, but he wasn't going to go into details now.

He quickly started to walk, but this soon turned into a sprint. Huffing, he started yelling.

"Get out of the way! Critical demigod!" He screamed at others in his path to the infirmary.

A few of his siblings followed him, asking him questions, and some running ahead— getting medications and supplies ready.

Will's hands started to warm up, and his mind quickly listed injuries.

"Head injuries– concussion, bruised cheek, and broken nose– untreated." Will said, taking a breath as he continued.

"No neck injuries. Chest injuries– two broken ribs, severe bruising, and what seems to be internal bleeding." Will listed, wincing slightly.

How could Nico have hidden this?

This is nothing– nothing– Nico should have been walking with!

Will gulped, then started listing again.

"Arms– left arm bruised, elbow shattered, right arm bruised, and broken wrist." Nico's body shook, and Will tried to be gentler as he ran.

"Waist– severe bleeding, ripped side, four torn muscles, and poisoned horribly."

"Do I need to get nectar?" Aracely– one of his siblings asked.

"No, nectar consumed at 3:45pm, nearly 12 ounces. Unsafe." Quickly answered, then added. "Same for ambrosia."

Aracely nodded, then went to get Emily– her twin sister.

"Legs– left ankle twisted, thigh bruised, right thigh cut, right ankle bent oddly– resulting in limp." Will rambled on, out of breath.

Finally, they had both made it.

Now, Nico looked slightly green.

His face sweaty, and he was trembling slightly.

"How bad?" A sinking questioned, Will shakily answered. "Tw-twelve. Code purple." He breathe out, panting as he scrambled to and empty room.

"Get Sonya, an-and James." Will stammered, and quickly looked at the plate of tools arranged next to him.

He grabbed a pair of small scissors, and cut the small boys pants off.

"Get bandages, help me set his bones!" He shouted out, Sonya appearing at the door.

"Code purple?" She asked, tying her (dyed) lavender hair into a messy bun. "Yeah." Will answered, quickly setting Nico's neck in a brace.

"This will keep his head still enough so you can set his nose, I need to wrap his left ankle, ribs, and manage to fix his side." Will said, then gently took the jacket out of Nico's mouth— it was only loosely hanging there.

"Cool." Sonya replied, and grabbed his nose. She grimaced, "Sorry dude." She commented, before setting his nose.

Nico's eyes opened in fear.


Sonya covered his mouth, and Nico let out a scream.

"Sorry." She apologized, before placing a bandage over it. "That's should be enough." She said, the touched it lightly. Nico tried to get away, but James came in.

"Hold him please." Sonya ordered.

Out of slight jealousy, Will wanted to be the one to hold him. But he quickly got his thoughts back to Nico's health.

He grabbed some gauze, tightly wrapping it around his ankle. "That should hold." He muttered to himself, moving upwards.

"Pants?" James asked, "Over there." Sonya replied.

Will ignored them. . .

And tried not to look at Nico's black and white, plaid boxers.

He then came to the waist.

3 claw marks, each gushing out blood.

"Get me some cloths, James– hold him tighter." Will ordered, Sonya running to the table.

She tossed 4 cloths to him, Will caught them with his left hand, holding Nico's hip with his right.

"Don't get too comfy there Will." James joked, Sonya took a short break in her wrapping of the ribs– and slapped him. Hard.

"Ow!" He complained, "Not when we're working!" She snapped.

Will blushed, and continued.

"Sorry Nico." He whispered, and pressed a cloth to one of the wounds.

Nico bolted up again, well tried to that is.

James held him firmly, Nico now had his neck brace removed, and a washcloth in his mouth.

Tears running down his face, he screamed again.

It was muffled, and Will could barely think of such a sadder sound.

He took a breath before applying more pressure.

Another muffled scream.

Will finally wrapped gauze around his waist, and repeated this for them all.

"What are we going to do for the poison?" James questioned, having remembered what code purple meant. (Poisoned, broken boned, and likely near death)

"Get six shots of anti-Chimera meds." Will ordered.

(Will thought the name was pretty well thought out. Poison is going through your blood stream, a stream is a type of water way, a Chimera is a sort of sea monster).

"Six?" James asked, "Six." Will reassured, then quickly scanned Nico again.

"Wrap his wrist." He told Sonya, then quickly tried to stop the internal bleeding.

Will sent a prayer to his father, then focused on fixing it himself.

His fingers tingled, and he could feel Nico being drained of his injuries. The internal bleeding quickly being resolved.

Will had a small, quick celebration before looking at Nico's face.

The small, pale boy was looking around. Tears filling his dark, beautiful eyes.

Nico was beautiful.

But. . .He looked in so much pain.

His eyelids slowly fluttering, and his breathing heavy. As if he could only savor breathing.

Will quickly snapped out of his daze.

"All set?" He asked Sonya, "Yeah." She replied, sighing in relief.

"Stabilized." Will called out.

James then jogged in.

He held 6 syringes, "Anti-Chimera. Just like you asked." He said, placing them in Will's hands.

"I'll take it from here. Put Nico Di Angelo on my patients list." Will requested, "Okay." Sonya replied, walking out.

"You like him, don't you?" James asked, Will froze.

"No I don't!" He defended, "Yes you do. You give him the look Percy does to Annabeth, and Frank gives Hazel." James said, then walked out.

Will glanced at the cot.

He sighed.

"He's right." He whispered in defeat.

"But that won't stop me from taking care of you." Will whispered, gently reaching for Nico's hand.

"Now, Anti-Chimera. One dose every hour. In order to be stabilized efficiently, has to be here for at least six hours. But seeing the injuries, I'd say three days. At least." Will murmured to himself, then took a cover off a syringe.

"Again, this may hurt." Will told Nico, well aware Nico was passed out again.

Will reached for his hip again, cupping it gently. Nico made no protest.

Will then opened a bandage, "Bandage change every two hours." He noted, then placed the needles tip in his biggest 'scratch.'

Nico's breath hitched, and his unconscious body seemed to tense. "Sorry." Will apologized, slowly sinking the needle in.

He then courses the anti-Chimera in Nico's body— hoping it takes effect.

"Done." He whispers.

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