Shadow Travels: Twenty

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Will panicked.

As soon as Nico groaned, and started to wake up, he ran. He pushed James out of the way, abandoning Nico's room (and he barely left in time!).

He didn't see James, but he heard a small 'Hey!' After he had started to run.

"Clarisse." He muttered, sprinting into her room, still panicked.

"What's got the doctor running to me?" She asked grumpily, "Not dying, am I?" She asked, only half joking.

Will gave out a forced laugh, panting, he then gave the daughter of Ares a strained smile.

"Not today you aren't. I just forgot to give you your second dosage. It's almost three, isn't it?" He asked, looking at his wrist nervously. "Left my watch in my cabin." He muttered, seeing he was looking at his bare wrist.

Sighing, he smiled at her again.

Clarisse gave him a glare, but looked at the clock near him. "Nearly late Solace. It's 2:56." She answered, "Thanks." Will breathed.

He was starting to have time to regain his breath now.

"Now come on. Breathe, in and out, and now you treat me. I'm out of here. Boda bing, boda boom." Clarisse explained. Will swallowed the saliva in his mouth, nodding.

"That's the spirit." He told her, then went to the table by her cot. It was emptied.

"Where'd the Anti-Chimera dosage go?" He questioned, confused.

Clarisse rolled her eyes before answering.

"It's no longer 3 dumba**. (NO BAD WORDS!!) I got some sibling of yours to give me my prescription. I've been waiting for you here, for about a few hours at least!" She paused, then decided to continue.

"It's 5:34 Solace. Look at the clocks!" She snapped, Will blushed. "S-sorry." He stammered, Clarisse gave him an unamused glare.

"Why'd you really run in my room?" She asked, still glaring at him.

"I just freaking kissed someone." He admitted, leaving out the names. "Oh really? You're going to be that guy who ditches someone as soon as they kiss them? That causes really bad self esteem issues you know. And it hurts the person too. It gives you the official title of 'jerk' to them." Clarisse pointed out, still glaring at him.

"I-it does?" Will asked, bewildered. Clarisse sighed. "Yeah. Got it from. . . Silena. . ." She said, looking down.


An awkward silence was forming. Clarisse coughed, "Anyway, that was a jerk move." She concluded.

"Well what do I do about it then?!" Will questioned, Clarisse stated to look at him again. "You find them, apologize, and offer them a date. Duh!" She answered.

"For the war god's daughter, you sure know a lot about romance." He commented, "Shut up." She grumbled, blushing.

"Thanks." Will quickly mentioned. Clarisse didn't answer, "Tell anyone and you die. Got it?" Clarisse threatened.

Will just nodded, sitting on the other edge of the cot, he looked at her in curiosity.

"And where would I take them for a date?"

Clarisse gave a silent snicker, but responded. "Try a picnic at camp first. You can eventually take them to McDonalds or something, but it's better to feel safe on a first date. And, you know, not have to battle monsters instead of talking and getting to know them."

"Does Chris know you're such a romance expert?" Will teased, Clarisse gave him a playful glare. "You wish." She shot back.

"So, I go ask him on a date, clear up everything beforehand though! And then I just go with where ever Aphrodite chooses to lead me?" Will asked.

Clarisse nodded.

"Go get them Will." She said, slapping his shoulder. Will laughed, then got off the bed.

He walked to the doorway, looking back. "You coming?"

Clarisse smiled, "I'll be here for a while. Turns out I'm suppose to be under watch for the next 24 hours. Something about Anti-Chimera and my veins. I'll be fine." She answered, Will nodded.

"I'll be back." He told her before heading out. "I'd assume so." Clarisse commented.

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