Shadow Travels: Twenty Eight

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As soon as both of them were at the Big 3 Table (added after the war), James quickly pecked his cheek. Nico blushed, starting to regret this.

"I'll see you later." James told him, "Babe." He added, trying to ignore the glares from Percy, Jason, and Thalia.

When did Thalia get here?!

Nico thought, and then saw Hazel's confused glances. "Bye James." Nico said, clearing up Hazel's looks of confusion. James bent down slightly, pecking Nico's cheek.

Nico just nodded, then watched as James started walking off to another table.

Nico sat down, the silence was nerve racking!

Percy looked up from his blue pancakes, not bothering to eat them anymore. "Who was that?" He asked Nico, Nico gulped. He laughed nervously, "Well, that's James, my boyfriend." He answered, eyeing his old crush cautiously. 

"Does he treat you right?" He asked, his voice getting dangerously low. Nico nodded, trying to avoid his eyes. 

There was more silence at the table. 

"Okay." Percy said, then went quiet again, making their table silent again.

Nico then started to eat his breakfast that he had decided on. "Wait, so you're attracted to guys?" Thalia asked, breaking their silence. Nico could feel himself blush faintly but he nodded. "Okay. Cool, good job Neeks." Thalia responded, shoveling a mouthful of pancake in her mouth. 

"Don't call me Neeks, Thals." Nico smirked, then took a bite of his scrambled eggs. "Mhm." She only mused, giving him a playful glare. 

The 5 of them, including himself, then started to talk about (really random) things, like they usually did before starting their training (Jason and Thalia), working at the strawberry fields (Hazel and himself), or teaching other campers (Percy, usually taught sword fighting classes). 

"What about Will, I thought you were asked out by him?" Jason asked, interrupting the normal conversations (for them) that had taken the place of their awkward silences. 

"Oh, him?" Nico asked, trying to sound generally surprised. "I had to turn him down." Nico answered, Jason raised an eyebrow. "I couldn't, actually I wouldn't ever do that to James." Nico corrected.

Percy just nodded, clearly not amused by this conversation. "Hey Kelp Head. Neeks just said the word ever." Thalia pointed out, eyeing him evilly. "Why Nico! Now I gotta—" Percy was then interrupted by Thalia's voice. "Do it!" She said, her voice demanding, yet excited.

Percy sighed, he got up, stood on his spot next to Jason, and cupped is hands over his mouth.

"Hey guys!" He shouted, making the rest of the demigods silent. They all looked at him.

"My name is Perseus Jackson, and I, upon realization, have discovered something amazing!" He shouted, a few of the people in the crowd giggled.

"Red is superior to blue!" He shouted, wincing.

"Peace out mah homies!" He finished, before taking off his shirt and running to the horse stables. 

The crowd was silent for a minute, as if they weren't sure what had just happened. Then, Thalia started to laugh. Soon followed by Jason, and then Hazel started to giggle. Soon everyone was either applauding Percy—who was still at the horse stables without a shirt— or laughing to hard to breath properly. 

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