Shadow Travels: Twenty Five

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They broke apart for air soon as free. James gasping, he whimpered to Nico.

"Why'd you kiss me?"

Nico chuckled silently, "I have a plan. And in order to make the plan work, we'll need to practice that a whole lot." He explained, glancing at Hazel's sleeping figure.

She moved, the blankets ruffling against the bed, making both of them freeze for a minute. She moaned, and fell back to her silent slumber.

"What do you mean a plan?" James questioned. He started to eye Hazel's bed now, nervously checking.

Nico sighed, "Will was the one who kissed me, right?" He said, James nodded in the darkness.

"So, we tell people we're dating. He gets jealous. One thing leads to another, and soon I started Will." Nico stated. Feeling quite proud.

"What's in it for me?" James asked him, Nico swore he could see his smirk and eyebrow raise already.

"Claim to be heartbroken after the break up, chicks will come to you, tell them you're bisexual or something. Boom. Eventually you'll get a girl." Nico decided.

"Hm. Deal."

"Now." Nico paused, "Let's practice. Shall we?" He asked.

James let out a small sigh, but nodded.

Slowly, they kissed again.

Nico's cold lips pressing against James's warm lips. Their lips slowly starting to move, finding a pattern within seconds so their lips start to move in sync.

James wrapped one arm around Nico's lower back, and the other on Nico's middle thigh. "Mhm." Nico moaned curiously, James carefully picking him up.

The son of Hades quickly followed, wrapping both arms around James neck.

James continued kissing him, and slowly lead to the bed. Setting Nico down.

Nico blushed, his face turning into a dark crimson, and it burned furiously.

James was blushing too- not that Nico could tell.

With the moonlight as his guide, Nico could barely see when James hand moved. He could feel it, but he didn't think of it much until James made a too big of a move.

James's hand snaked its way up Nico's shirt, stroking the younger boy's chest.

Nico gasped, his closed eyes opening widely.

He pushed James away, blushing even more.

"W-what are you doing?!" He hissed. "Sorry, was that too far?" James asked apologetically.

Nico gave him a small sigh, "Yeah. After all, I haven't had my first kiss until about 15 minutes ago." Nico admitted. "Same. I just thought you wanted me to go further." James said.

"How about. . . We practice for about 15 more minutes, then we just go to sleep together. Cuddle of something. Let me sister, you know, Hazel, find us tomorrow morning. And then we can go to breakfast together. That cool?" Nico ordered, James nodded in confirmation.

Nico took in a breath, let it out shakily, and wrapped his arms around James's neck again.

With their noses touching, he licked his lips. "Get ready to kiss me at breakfast my fake boyfriend." Nico muttered before kissing James for the third time.

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