Shadow Travels: Twenty One

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He quickly shadow traveled, despite his head pounding from what drama James had just created.

He felt himself melt into the shadows, and he then fell.

He yelped, hitting the floor within seconds. "Ow." He muttered, his cheek on the hard wood floors.

The Hades cabin had been redone after the war for Hazel's (Okay, maybe he was tired of the gloomy, vampire cabin being his 'home.' So it was for totally his own) sake.

The walls were a light grey, with the occasional small piece(s) of diamonds, jade, marble, gold nuggets, iron, or obsidian. Making the walls sparkle under the white lights that the Hephaestus cabin installed to the ceiling.

The dark oak wood floors were glossed over, and didn't creak when stepped on.

And much to Nico's protests, there was a big window on the left side, letting in sunlight. (Hiss hiss)

The beds were Nico's favorite part (personally).

The beds were no longer coffin like, the dark sheets had been removed, the black pillows were 'burned', and they were replaced by the Aphrodite cabin.

The new beds were plain beds, the frames matched the floors, but with small swirling carvings— filled in with melted golds, irons, and others (Hades took his riches very seriously).

They were bunk beds, the ladders matched the frame(s), and the beds were amazing(!).

The beds had a navy blue sheets, much to Nico's distaste, then the pillows were filled with feathers– quickly being covered in light grey pillow cases (matching the walls color), and the blankets were the same as the pillow cases.

The only difference between the two were that the blankets (in the inside) were a lime green. Hazel claimed that she'd use that side, and that Nico needed a 'pop of color' in his life. . . That also explains why there's a vase of lemons on his bedside table.

A black desk lay in the corner, covered in clutter (mainly notebooks, sketch pads, pencils, pens, drawings, an alarm clock, and erasers). A trash bin laid next to it, filled to the top with pieces of crumbled paper.

And that was Nico's cabin.

Nico sighed, the lights were on. "Nico? I didn't think you'd come here!" Hazel exclaimed, looking up from the book she was reading. ('Paper Towns' , Nico had read it. Terrible ending)

"Hey sis. Sorry if I scared you, thought you were with Frank at Camp Jupiter?" He asked, slightly confused. Hazel shrugged, "I was suppose to, but Frank and I had a problem with the Pegasus, so we're going to stay here for a bit longer." She explained.

"Cool." Nico replied to his half-sister.

Hazel then swung her legs off the bed, getting up. "You want help?" She questioned, slightly amused at the sight of Nico's body on the floor.

"Nope. I'm the Ghost King. I don't need help. Fear me." Nico joked, then put his hand up. Hazel giggled innocently, then grabbed his hand firmly. She then yanked him upward.

"Thanks." Nico said, letting go of her hand. Be flexed his a few times, popping each finger, and popping his wrist.

Hazel's nose wrinkled. "Ew! That's gross Nico!" She wined, Nico shook his head.

"Listen, if a guy knocks on the door at 12 tonight, don't be alarmed. He is James." "James?" Hazel looked at him, confused.

Nico sighed, and started to explain the whole thing.

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