Shadow Travels: Twenty Six

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Will never found Nico that day. No one seemed to know where Nico was, nor did they think it was that important.

To them, he was just another camper.

Will groaned in frustration, laying in his cabin bed. "Why." He said, his voice muffled by the pillow that covered his face.

"Why?" He asked again.

"Sleep." He muttered, suddenly tired.

"Son." A voice called, taking Will from his awake status. "Dad?" He called out, unsure of who the voice belonged to.

"Yes. Who else would I be?" The voice asked. Will sooo wanted to comment Dark Vader.

"Listen. I need a favor." His dad began, suddenly appearing in a ball of light.

Will winced, looking away. The ball seemed unnatural in the black, bottomless-pit like area they were in.

"What's the favor?" He asked his dad. Apollo shot him a smile, his teeth almost as bright as the ball of light he had appeared in.

Will looked over him, same blonde hair and blue eyes. But he looked different. He had armory on, which was strange, he usually looked like a teenage surfer. If not an earlier twenties surfer.

"War is coming." Apollo stated. "Dad. I think this message is late. We defeated Gaea, like, months ago." Will clarified.

"Not with you guys, with Hermes and I. A prank war. And I need your help." Apollo insisted. "Why?" Will asked, trying to hide his amusement from his father's lack of maturity.

"I just really need you to, I don't know, maybe paint his cabin gold and spray painting my name on it with orange spray paint. . ."

"Bye dad. I'm gonna wake up now."

"No!" Apollo whined. "Sorry, but I need to eat." He completely lied (thankfully, his dad didn't detect his lie), "I'll meet you next time." Will promised.

Apollo let out an 'unmanly' pout, but accepted this.

"Goodbye my son."


"Dad. . ."


"Let go of my leg."

More 'unmanly' pouts.

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