Chapter 1

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Cakey: Hey peoples! If you don't like Solangelo or Solangelo angst please-

Demigod_HorseLover9 (Demi): LEAVE! *sharpens knife that will be used if you insult solangelo*

Cakey: I was going to say that nicely but... yeah pretty much.
To help me with disclaimers, let my friends introduce themselves!

BridgetDiAngelo (Bridget): Hi!

Cakey: She is currently writing a really good solangelo book in which I met this other friend:

Demi: Hello people!

Cakey: She's a fellow Solangelo shipper. We're planning a love goddess' death together. You'd understand if you saw some of our conversations.

Anyways, they'll help me with disclaimers throughout the book! But for now I'm going to say it.
The characters (besides a couple later on) belong to Rick Riordan! It may seem that I copied someone's work, and if I do, I'm sorry I didn't mean too. The plot is mine and I'll try to be as original as possible. Yes, I'm aware the infirmary thing is over used, but I have my own twist and it only starts in said place.

When I say "----'s POV" it's third person limited because I like to write in third person.

All 3 of us: Let's start the story!

Nico's POV

Nico looked around his dark dream. It wasn't abnormal, he reminded himself. Though he was used to the demons of the pit dreams of shadows over taking his body had been happening more regularly.

A light shimmered somewhere in the far distance. Nico started to head torwads it.

"It's your fault Nico..." The ghostly voice of Nico's older sister echoed through the dream. "It's your fault I died."
Nico started to hyperventilate. " it's not..."
"Yes it is. You should have died in the pit!"

A sob wracked through the ghost king's body. His sister thought it was his fault, that he killed her.
He hugged himself, walking torwads the dull light. Trying not to listen to the voice.
It was new, he noticed. Usually he was left to his own thoughts when he had this blank-screen dream.

When he got close enough to the light, he gasped. Two bodies lay there. One was mangled and bloody, but Nico knew who it was. The other was bloody due to cuts from swords, daggers, and monster claws. The bodies were his sisters, Bianca and Hazel.

Another sob wracked through his body. He fell to his knees, then curled up into a ball, crying.

=A time skip named Bob the Titan brought to you by Alyss from Ranger's Apprentice (Cakey: Alyss/Ranger's Apprentice is owned by John Flanagan, not me.)=

After what felt like hours, Nico opened his eyes. He wasn't in his horrid dream, he was tangled up in the blankets of the infirmary bed, still curled up in a ball.

It was his last day of 3 in the infirmary, and after dinner tonight he could go back to his poorly decorated cabin or check on Hazel who as far as he knew was at Camp Jupiter.

Only a few mintues after waking up, Will, a son of Apollo - and his doctor -came into his small room.

"Hey Nico." Will said in his naturally cheerful voice that Nico hated.

"Hey..." Nico mumbled from under the blanket.

"Another nightmare?" Nico took deep breaths, trying to calm himself down not awnsering the slightly older blond boy. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Nico shot him a wolf-like glare that would have most people run from him in seconds and sat up. Will wasn't most people though, Nico could tell. Not only was he always wearing a smile that could bright up anyone's day, but he had gained immunity from Nico's glares.

"I'll take that as a 'Yes, I had a nightmare. No, I don't want to talk about it right now, mabye after food though.' So luckily I brought you breakfast!" Nico stopped glaring at him, but still didn't smile. He took the tray of food that Will held and started to eat, because if he argued Will might make him stay longer.

"You know Solace, I'd like it if you didn't stare at me while I eat." Will looked away, but Nico noticed a faint pink blush on his cheeks before he had turned.

When he finished eating, Nico noticed a few rays of sunlight shinning through the light gray curtains of the room bend torwads him.
"Solace..." Nico warned Will, because Will had done this to him before during his infirmary stay.

"Fine, fine." Will chuckled, letting the light return to its natural position. His joking expression turned serious. "Do you want to talk about it Ghost King?"

Nico glared at him and shook his head. "I'd never share anything like that with you Solace. It's my personal business."


Cakey: So how did you guys like it!? I hope you enjoyed it. Usually I wouldn't ask for votes/follows but...

Demi: If you did like it, help Cakey win the competition by voting which would inspire her to continue and write more fan fics!

Bridget: And if you liked her style of writing check out her original stories or follow for the possibility of more fan fictions later on!

Cakey: Also while you wait for me to update check out both of my friends! They're awesome people! =D

Anyways Cakes,

*throws you a blue cookie* Cookie?

(If you want me to change the name I gave you -Bridget and Demi- then private message me the name. I just wanted to post this before I continued working on other things.)

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