Chapter 1-Aelin

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My mind was a thick haze as Pyrrhia's wings sliced through the air. The world around me blurred into a canvas of dark clouds, mirroring the chaos within.

I struggled to open my eyes, as I was exhausted to even move.

The surroundings were obscured, my vision clouded by the ominous sky. The air, heavy with foreboding, seeped into my lungs, and I succumbed to the darkness.

Days or weeks, I couldn't tell, slipped away like shadows in the night. It wasn't until a distant murmur, a whisper of reality, beckoned me back from the abyss.

As my eyelids fluttered, I found myself surrounded by large dragons. Their scales, obsidian and ominous, reflected the ambient glow of an unknown source. Their eyes fixated upon me.

I lay on a bed of damp moss, the ground beneath me pulsating with an unsettling energy. The dragons maintained a stoic silence, their forms a haunting silhouette against the enigmatic backdrop. The air crackled with tension, and I stayed perfectly still.

This isn't my room.

I have never seen dragons before in my life.

In the obsidian eyes of the dragons, I sensed both curiosity and wariness. Questions lingered in the air, unspoken but palpable. I attempted to rise, but my limbs felt as though shackled by the weight of the shadows themselves.

"Where am I?" The words emerged as a hoarse whisper, swallowed by the oppressive atmosphere. The dragons remained quiet and kept staring at me.

That was until Pyrrhia spoke up from the silence.

"Your in the Dragon Realm." Murmured Pyrrhia.

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