Chapter 14-Aelin

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10 years later


As I stepped out into the crisp morning air of Alberia, the dragon kingdom where I now resided, memories of the past decade flooded my mind like a torrential downpour. Ten years had passed since Pyrrhia and Vortexius had taken me under their wing, guiding me through my own abilities.

Alberia had become my home, its towering spires and winding streets a testament to the resilience of our kind. I had embraced the teachings of my dragon mentors, honing my abilities and discovering the depths of my potential.

I had turned 21 today. I stared at a puddle on the cobblestone, I look much older now. I also decided that today I was going to show my "parents" my real eye color. To see if they view me as a monster too.

I would've shown them years ago but I wanted to show them when I became an adult just in case they did turn me away instead of turning me away when I was a child.

With determined steps, I made my way through the bustling streets of Alberia, my heart pounding with anticipation. The weight of my decision hung heavy on my shoulders, but I knew it was time to confront the truth.

As I reached the familiar place where Pyrrhia and Vortexius resided, I took a deep breath to steady my nerves. Knocking softly on the door, I waited with bated breath for their response.

Moments later, the door swung open, revealing the human forms forms of my dragon parents. Their golden eyes regarded me with warmth and affection, but beneath the surface, I sensed a flicker of concern.

"Come in, child," Pyrrhia said, her voice like the gentle rustle of leaves in the wind. "What brings you here today?"

Summoning all my courage, I stepped into their home and met their gaze with unwavering determination. "I... I need to show you something," I began, my voice barely above a whisper.

With trembling hands, I reached up to my face, willing the magic within me to reveal my true eye colors. Slowly, the vibrant hues of blue began to fade, replaced by the ominous glow of mismatched eyes.

For a moment, there was silence as my dragon parents took in the sight before them. Then, to my surprise, a soft smile spread across Pyrrhia's face, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears.

"You are not a monster, Aelin," she said, her voice filled with love and understanding. "You are our daughter, and nothing will ever change that."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I embraced them both.

Feeling the warmth of their embrace, I listened as Vortexius spoke, his words resonating deep within me like the echo of distant thunder.

"There is no reason to call you a monster," he said, his voice a soothing rumble. "Your eyes are not a curse, Aelin. They are a gift—a gift from the ancient dragon lords of old."

His words washed over me like a comforting embrace, soothing the doubts and fears that had plagued me for so long.

Could it be true? Were my mismatched eyes truly a mark of my lineage, a connection to the powerful beings who had shaped the world eons ago? I asked myself.

With a grateful smile, I nodded, allowing his words to sink in.

"With that aside, happy birthday, Aelin," she said, her voice soft and melodic. "You are a young lady now, filled with potential and promise."

I couldn't help but smile at her words, feeling a surge of gratitude for the dragon who had taken me under her wing and guided me with wisdom and kindness. In her eyes, I saw not just a mentor, but a mother. A real mother—a source of unwavering support and love.

Just then, I told them what I've been thinking about for a while now.

I'm an adult now and I have been visiting the Spring often. I have also been able to get some magic under control but I still can't use fire. I've been able to get one on my hand and make a decent flame but that's about it.

I have however, gotten really good with my sword.

I decided that I would try to take back my home.

I can't sit here forever and I need to get everything back.

"I want to try to take back to Moon Kingdom" I said quietly.

As the words left my lips, a sense of determination washed over me.

Vortexius and Pyrrhia exchanged a knowing glance, their expressions a mix of concern and understanding. They had seen the fire burning within me. Even if I could get a good flame from my hand, I could use an internal flame within me.

"Are you sure, Aelin?" Pyrrhia asked, her voice tinged with a hint of apprehension. "Reclaiming your home will not be an easy task. There are many demons that have taken it over and they are nasty creatures.

I nodded, my resolve unwavering. "I know it won't be easy," I replied, my voice steady despite the turmoil brewing within me. "But I can't ignore this feeling—the feeling that I need to go back, to confront the past and carve out my own destiny."

Vortexius placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder, his touch a comforting presence amidst the storm of emotions swirling within me. "Then we will stand by your side, Aelin," he said, his voice firm and resolute. "We will help you in any way we can. However, it is not wise to go alone. I know someone who could help you though. I don't know his name but I do know he is the Crown Prince of the Astral Citadel. I'm sure he'll be able to help you."

Vortexius's words echoed in my mind, stirring a mix of curiosity and uncertainty within me. The idea of seeking out this prince seemed daunting, especially considering I knew nothing about him.

"Are you certain he can help me?" I asked, my voice tinged with uncertainty.

Vortexius nodded solemnly, his gaze steady as he met my eyes. "The Crown Prince possesses knowledge and skills that could prove helpful to your goal," he explained. "His influence spans realms, and his connections run deep. If anyone can assist you in reclaiming your home, it is him."

I took a moment to consider his words, weighing the risks and benefits of seeking out this guy. The thought of venturing into the human world, to a city I had only heard of just now, gives my anxiety. Yet, the idea of finding a powerful person in my mission was undeniable.

"Where can I find him?" I asked, my voice steady despite the uncertainty gnawing at the edges of my resolve.

Vortexius's expression softened, a flicker of reassurance in his eyes. "If he is not in the Star Realm, then he is most likely in the human world," he replied. "There is a city called Northpass where he often frequents. It is a bustling hub of activity, teeming humans."

"Thank you, Vortexius," I said, gratitude filling my voice. "I will seek him out and enlist his aid in reclaiming what is rightfully mine."

As I prepared to leave, I said my goodbyes and began leaving the home I cherished for a long time.

As I walked, I realized something.

I can just do a teleportation spell. As long as the gems around the land shine with power, then I should be able to travel anywhere I want.

At first I thought I would just go ahead and go to the Star Realm. But then I wanted to see is the Moon Kingdom still stands.

No Aelin. It's too dangerous right now.

I stared at my feet as I stopped in my tracks. I've been waiting so long to see my home again. It wouldn't hurt just to see it from a distance.

And with that, I prepared my spell and thought of  the kingdom then I vanished.

When I opened my eyes I looked around and saw familiar woods. The familiar chill.

Then I saw smoke.

I followed it.

Then, right in front of my eyes, I stood there horrified.

The Moon Kingdom, my home, was covered in flames and everything

was red with blood.

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