Chapter 5-Nicholas

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The morning sun cast a golden hue over the forest grove as we prepared to move.

I stole a glance at Damion. All of this has hit him hard.

"What's the point of all this? Everything we had is gone." Muttered Damion.

I wanted to reach out, to offer comfort. But there's nothing I can say.

Lou, nestled in London's arms, giggled as a blue butterfly fluttered past.

"We can't lose hope, Damion. We're in this together." I said with a deep breath.

"Sure Nicholas." Muttered Damion crossing his arms.

"Most of us." He added.

"Aelin is still out there. She could be dead for all we know."

"Then don't assume the worst." Muttered London.

"Let's just get going." She said.

As we broke camp, the forest path stretched out before us, a winding trail through dappled sunlight and flickering shadows. Damion walked behind us muttering to himself.

Just seeing him like this just feels like I failed him.

He usually goofs around and acts like an idiot.

Not acting like this.

We finally got out of the fields and went in the woods.

The forest path continued, weaving through the trees like a mysterious labyrinth.

London caught a concerning glance at me.

"I'm starting to think there might not be a town nearby."

I furrowed my brow.

"We need to find civilization, London. If not a town, then maybe a city. There's one near the Star Realm. All the townspeople evacuated there.

Damion looked at me and raised a brow.

"A city over there? That's too far, Nicholas. We don't even know what's out there. We don't have a horse or anything to travel that far."

I stood still in silence with my arms crossed and my eyes closed.

A while passed and I finally opened my eyes.

"There's no harm in trying Damion." I said.

Damion responded with a deep sigh.

"Let's go I guess. I'm done arguing."

I nodded and looked toward the distance.

"We still have some ways to go. I don't even know if we're going the right way."

London walked to my side.

"Well, the Star Realm always has a constellation of a stallion in the sky, even in the day. And we know the Eclipse Realm is just cold as hell with snow everywhere. If we were close to that realm then we would be nearly freezing our asses off."

I shrugged.

"Yeah I guess your right. Besides, if we even go near the Eclipse Realm then Lou will freeze when with a blanket on."

London nodded.

"Exactly, so we must be going the right direction."

She looked at the trees ahead and squinted her eyes.

"We're still not out of our realm as you can see. The forests are still in our path."

"Yeah no shit." Muttered Damion

I ignored Damion's words. Hopefully his spirits will be lifted soon.

Because I'm tired of seeing him pissy like this.

We entered the woods again. However, the trees seemed more darker and dense then the forests I've ever been in.

Suddenly, the path split. I hesitated, my brows furrowed in concentration as I stared at the two paths.

I then pointed to the left.

"Let's try that way. It looks like it might lead somewhere."

We followed the left fork. The trees closed in around us, casting shadows that danced eerily in the shifting light.

Hours passed, the forest was getting darker and the air was becoming more suffocating.

Damion's shoulders sagged with exhaustion.

"How much farther do we have to go?" He asked with a strained voice.

My gaze swept over the woods, searching for any sign of civilization. Any people. My heart sank as there was nothing.

"I don't know, Damion. But we can't give up. We have to keep going." I said grimly.

As we pressed forward, the tangled undergrowth became an impenetrable barrier.

"We can't go on like this. We need to find a way out." Said London with a trembling voice. She clutched Lou close to her and she seemed to be pale.

"We have to get out of here soon Nicholas or Lou is going to be sick."

My jaw clenched. I scanned the horizon for any sign of a break in the trees. But the forest stretched on endlessly.

"We can't give up. There has to be a way out of here." I said firmly.

It's odd. Usually the trees in the Emerald Realm are well- emerald. But here their almost black. There's a fog around the canopy and I think there were some webs up there too.

Even so, we forged ahead.

Suddenly, a faint glimmer caught my eye—a sliver of light filtering through the dense foliage ahead. Hope surged within me as I quickened my pace, the others following closely behind.

As we emerged from the dense thicket, we found themselves standing on the edge of a vast clearing. The sky stretched out above them, a canvas of blue punctuated by fluffy white clouds.

"Is that... sunlight?" Asked Damion breathless

I nodded, his heart swelling with relief. The clearing offered a brief respite from the suffocating embrace of the forest, a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness.

"Nah Damion it's just a burning dragon." Said London sarcastically.

Damion frowned at her.

"Shut the hell up."

I gestured ahead ignoring them.

"Let's keep moving. We're not out of the woods yet."

We ventured forth into the clearing.

As they ventured further into the clearing, the landscape gradually transformed from dense woodland to an open meadow. Blades of grass swayed gently in the breeze.

London breathed a sigh of relief.

"It feels good to actually breathe again."

I nodded in agreement. In the distance, a river meandered lazily through the grasslands, its waters sparkling in the sunlight like liquid silver.

I pointed to it.

"Let's head that way. Water means civilization, and we might find someone who can help us."

Upon reaching the riverbank, we found themselves greeted by the sight of a small village nestled amidst the rolling hills. Smoke curled lazily from chimneys, and the distant sound of laughter drifted on the breeze.

Damion widened his eyes.

"It's a village!"

"Holy shit.." breathed London.

We all shared glances and headed to the village and prepared for what awaited us within its welcoming embrace.

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