Chapter One: Fever

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Rikuo's POV

I woke up and found my sister's futon empty. I walked over to the door heading out and saw her sleeping peacefully at the base of the sakura tree. 'She looks so peaceful.' I thought with a smile. I then noticed the smaller Yokai messing with her hair. 'They know that she doesn't like to be disturbed. Especially when she wakes up.' I thought with a sigh.

I went over to our closet and grabbed my school clothes. After that, I went to go and eat some breakfast. "Morning" I said to mom as I went to eat. "Morning Rikuo." she said as she handed me breakfast. "Your sister is still asleep, right?" mom asked. "Yeah. And the little ones know not to mess with her in the morning, yet they're playing with her hair." I said with a sigh as I finished.

I had my shoes on when I called everyone into a room. "Alright, is everyone here?" I asked, scanning over the crowd.

Third Person POV

"Yes. Every member of the Nura Clan is in attendance." Kubinashi said. "Thank you master. It is great that you summoned us here." Aotabo said. "We couldn't be more honored as your retainers." Kurotabo said. "It is fitting that you as the third have called us all together. Yes, yes indeed." Karasu Tengu said. "Come on, you're being dramatic." Rikuo said to Karasu Tengu. "Ok Master Rikuo. Who are we up against. Give us the order and we'll go kick their butt." Yuki-Onna said with enthusiasm. "It's nothing like that. I called you all together to make a request to all of you." Rikuo said. "A request?" Yuki-Onna asked, confused. "You have a request for all of us?" Kubinashi asked.

"Yes. Now listen. You're all forbidden going near the old Junior High School building tonight. Understand?" Rikuo said. "You mean the building that stands right behind the school?" Aotabo asked. "Mm-hmm. You all know the one I mean." Rikuo said. "But how come we can't go there?" Kutotabo asked. "Because I said so. Anyway just stay away from there and don't go near it." Rikuo said, rushing. "Anyway I'm off to school!" Rikuo said.

Rikuo's POV

"Wait Master Rikuo. It's dangerous for you to walk outside alone. You should at least take a sword with you." Karasu Tengu said. "I'll be fine. I'm just going to school." I said as I headed out of the house. I noticed Gyuki in front of me and took a step backward and sweated a bit. "Gyuki." I said, a bit surprised and scared. "Well, well. If it isn't Master." Gyuki said. "I-it's been a while. How are you?" I asked. "I am glad to see that you are doing well, Master Rikuo. Nothing could please me more." Gyuki said while bowing. "Anyway, I've got to head to school." I said as I walked away.

"How is your sister doing?" Gyuki asked, making me stop and turn around. "She's fine, just sleeping by the sakura tree, as usual." I said. "I hope that she gets better, soon." Gyuki said, walking towards the house. I then remembered that I had to get to school.

Rika's POV

I felt tiny things touching my hair. I opened my eyes and noticed that some of the smaller Yokai were started to sneak away. "What were you doing on my head?" I asked with an innocent smile and voice. That stopped them in their tracks. They turned slowly and saw me smiling at them. I saw them sweat and looked scared. I then moved quickly (so quick that you had to have a trained eye to follow) in front of them, preventing them from escaping. "Tell me." I said, my anger starting to rise.

Before I could do anything else, I started coughing really hard. I bent over on the ground, trying to stop the coughing. "Go get Lady Wakana." I heard someone say. They then started leading me back to my futon, having trouble since I was in pain as well. Once I was in my room, I fell to the ground in pain and coughed harder.

I felt some hands grab me gently and dragged me carefully to my futon, laying me down. When I opened one of my eyes, I saw that it was Gyuki. "Thanks, Gyuki." I said softly as the coughing died down. I saw Gyuki bow and leave as my mother came in. "Hi, mom." I managed out a weak smile as the pain continued to rise. "Tsurara. Come here. I need some ice for Rika." mom shouted. "Coming Lady Wakana." I heard Yuki-Onna shout while running.

I started to breath heavily and the pain started to become more painful. Mom had a thermometer and put it in my mouth, checking the temperature. "You've got a fever, Rika." mom said as she had Yuki-Onna freeze a bag of water. She then proceeded to smash the bag until the ice was in pieces. She then emptied it out in a bucket and put small amounts in the bag. After that she put the bag on my head. "Sleep, dear. I'll go and get the medicine. Tsurara, you go with Kurata to school." mom said as she left the room. "Alright Lady Wakana. Please get well, Mistress Rika." Yuki-Onna said as she bowed and left the room. "Have a nice day, Yuki." I say softly and look at the ceiling.

After a while, I started to cough again. 'It hurts.' I thought as the coughs got rougher. Soon mom came back with the medicine and a glass of water. After the coughing subsided for a bit, mom handed me the medicine to take, along with the water. I took both and drank the water. "Thank you." I say softly, my throat sore from coughing. "It's ok. I informed the school that you wouldn't be there today." mom said. I then laid down to sleep. "Another day, another bout of coughing." I say grimly as I fell asleep.

Rikuo's POV

"Sorry, Kiyotsugu, but my sister won't be coming today. I don't know if she'll be able to make it tonight, either." I said, eating some food from my lunch. "What do you mean by 'later'?" Maki asked. "Later, we are going to the old Junior High School build behind the school!" Kiyotsugu announced. "What do you mean by 'we'?" Torii asked. "Nura, Shima and I are going to go there to hunt for Yokai!" Kiyotsugu announced. "Nura's sister was supposed to come as well, but it looks like she might not make it." Shima said. "Yokai don't exist, though." Kana said, coming over to eat with us.

"Yokai do too exist. I saw them with my own eyes four years ago!" Kiyotsugu exclaimed angrily. I started to sweat bullets. "You can come too." Kiyotsugu said. "But it's too scary for girls." I said, not wanting Kana to go. "It's alright. Yokai don't exist. And if I do get scared, you can protect me Rikuo." Kana said, looking at me at the end. I just sighed. 'Hope everyone heeded my warning.' I thought to myself.

Rika's POV

I woke up in a cold sweat, not sure why. I got up from my futon, and looked outside. 'I think that they are at the old Junior High School building right now.' I thought as I got up. I went out near the sakura tree and jumped up to a comfy branch.

"Where is Mistress Rika?!?!" I heard Nato yell while searching around my room. I silently laughed at his efforts. I jumped down from the branch and re-entered my room. "No need to get so worked up, Nato." I said as I got in my room. "Geez. Please don't worry us like that, Mistress Rika." Nato said as he sighed. "Sorry. And you should know not to make a fuss like that. The only place I go beside my room is the sakura tree." I said and sighed.

I then stared coughing again, more painful than earlier this morning. "Lady Wakana!" Nato shouted as he comforted me. I barely saw mom come in the room as my eyes blurred. Mom started to make circles on my back to help, while Nato went who-knows where. The coughing soon stopped, and my stomach growled.

I blushed, realizing that I haven't had anything to eat at all today. "Come on. I'll help you get up." mom said as she got up. I took her hand, and she helped guide me to the dining area, my eyes still blurred a bit. "Ah, Mistress Rika. Good to see you up." Kurotabo said as he bowed. Well, I'm guessing he bowed from the noise his body made. "Thanks, Kurotabo, for your concern." I said, hiding the fact that my eyesight is blurry.

We then made our way to the dining area. Mom helped me sit and went to go and get some food. My eye sight started to clear up as she got back. "Thanks for the food" I said as I started to eat, remembering my manners as I was about to stuff my face. After I finished, I went out and headed towards the sakura tree. Once I got to the sakura tree, my eyesight disappeared. I dropped to the ground, my legs failing to keep me upright. I started to hyperventilate. "Mom? Rikuo? Anyone?" I asked softly, because that's all I could manage.

I then started to fall forward, hands to my chest. I hit the ground with a soft thud, not seeing anything. I then felt some hands grab me gently and carry me bridal-style, I think. I was then placed sitting up right on the platform around the house. "Who helped me?" I asked in a meek voice, still not able to see. "I'm glad that you weren't hurt, Mistriss Rika." the voice beside me said. "Is that you, Gyuki?" I asked. "Yes." Gyuki said.

"What happened?" Gyuki asked, and I picked up some concern in his voice, though he would probably never admit to it. "After I finished eating, I was heading to the sakura tree when my vision suddenly disappeared and my legs failed on me. I then started to hyperventilate, and couldn't exactly call out to anyone." I said. "You know that you don't exactly have the healthiest body, Mistriss Rika." Gyuki said. "I know that, but I only feel at peace or healthy near the sakura tree and with Rikuo." I said.

I felt Gyuki get up from sitting. "Where are you going?" I asked, not looking towards him. He didn't respond. I heard his footsteps getting further away. Soon, I hear wing beats. "Is that you Karasu Tengu?" I asked, not moving my head. "Yes. Is something wrong, Mistriss Rika?" Karasu Tengu asked. "Can you help me get to my mother and grandfather please?" I asked. "S-sure. But don't you know the way yourself?" Karasu Tengu asked. "Yes, but at the moment, I can't see anything." I said. "Ok. But how is your hearing? You can use that to follow me, right?" Karasu Tengu asked. "My hearing is fine. So please, lead the way." I say, getting up steadily.

It took a while, but Karasu Tengu lead me to where mom and grandpa were. "Hello, Supreme Commander." Karasu Tengu said. "Oh, Karasu. Nice to see you. And good morning Rika." Grandpa said. "Good morning grandfather. Or should I say good evening?" I said, bowing a bit. "No need to be so formal." Grandpa said. "Ok." I said and tried to head toward his voice. (A/N: keyword, tried.) "Umph!" I said as I fell, tripping over my own feet. "Ow!" I said as I rubbed my head. "Are you ok Rika?" I heard mom say. "I'm fine." I said. "You can't see, can you?" Grandpa said. "Hehe. You got me." I say sheepishly. "Come here." mom said. "Ok." I said and headed towards her voice. I stopped once I felt her.

I then grabbed my head once I felt a splitting pain go through it. "Are you ok?" mom asked, and I heard her come near me. My vision started getting brighter. "I'm fine, mom." I said as I looked at here. "And I can see now." I say as I get up. "Thanks, Karasu Tengu." I said. I then walked back to my room, changing into my normal clothes.

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