Chapter 11

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Kakashi's pov.

Yesterday came and went in a blur. After hearing about 'Aniki', I felt an emotion I had never felt before.

I felt jealous.

I don't know why. All I know is that having Izumi's small hand in mine, was the only way I kept my anger in check. Her hand is so tiny, mine seems to swallow it up.

Then when I found out that Aniki boy was actually a child, a 4 year old no less, I was relieved. But I couldn't help but feel anger toward the child when he clung to her the way he did,and when he kissed her, I felt my heart stop.

Her laughter had rang through my ears. It was a beautiful sound. And her smile. I can't even describe..

Kami-sama, I sound like a hopeless romantic. I sighed, my eyes drifting over to the sleeping girl cuddled into my side. I had to admit though, she is rather cute. And her attitude only makes her cuter.

I've never taken a liking to any girl, but Izumi... she's different. She doesn't fawn over my exterior shell, instead, she tries to break through. Its so strange. I've never wanted to be around anyone. But for some reason, I want to be around Izumi.

Turning over, I carefully wrapped my free arm around her waist. She's so small, I thought, almost... fragile.

Izumi sighed, a small smile lifting her lips as she snuggled closer. I could feel my cheeks heating up at the small gesture, and my heart beating faster.

Thank kami I had my mask on.

I can't believe this. I really can't believe this. I think I like Izumi. I.. like Izumi..

I hadn't known her for very long when random thoughts of her began popping into my head after our first, and last, mission together. I suppose that's where this feeling began.

"Ka....kashi..." My eyes widened as my name left her lips in a breathy tone. Slowly, I leaned forward a bit, gently resting my forehead against hers. When I closed my eyes, I felt... genuinely happy..

Slowly, I fell back to sleep with Izumi in my arms, and a small smile on my face.

Just a short chapter on the Kaka-bakas thoughts.

I don't own Naruto.

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