Chapter Fourty Five

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Just as his mentor had assisted him, Spiderpaw had gotten Aspenclaw to come and guard Briartail for the night. The sun was finally setting, and Spiderpaw had just had the courage to eat. Honeyflower walked back into the medicine cat den, flicking her ears back. "Are you ready?"
Spiderpaw nodded.
"See you soon," Honeyflower meowed back through the den.
Aspenclaw settled besides his sister. His glare was still cold towards Spiderpaw, but he tried not to let his brother be the main attention of his mind - not when Honeyflower had to speak to him out of camp. He simply pushed his head forwards and grunted.
Honeyflower was quiet for a moment. She delivered a toothy smirk before turning away, her golden pelt glowing with the dim sunlight.
Spiderpaw shrugged his shoulders. He was tired. He had offered to take care and watch over Briartail for the remainder of the day whilst Honeyflower went out to look for herbs, and he could barely keep his eyes open. But he didn't care. As long he was serving his Clan, he wouldn't let lack of sleep get to him.
He followed Honeyflower out of the leafy tunnel and through the trees which winded around him with every step forwards. The sun was setting quickly now, and Spiderpaw knew the woodland would be darkened soon. He couldn't help but shut his eyes as he walked, until he nearly let himself trip up over a small stone on the ground.
He opened his eyes, grateful that if Honeyflower had noticed, she hadn't mentioned.
The journey was long and hard and tough on Spiderpaw's slim legs, he was aching and he couldn't wait to arrive.
Most of the journey was a blur to Spiderpaw. He was so exhausted he was barely aware of his surroundings.
By the time Spiderpaw and his mentor had reached the beautiful pool, the moon was barely shining over the water. Just as always, the sight was breathtaking. Honeyflower let him bound up ahead to gaze over the pond, just like he loved to do whenever Honeyflower and he were early to the half-moon Gatherinfs.
But as Honeyflower caught up to him, Spiderpaw felt himself distracted as Sedgepool met his eyes. "Hello," he meowed. Sedgepool dipped his head back to him, although Spiderpaw noticed that the SunClan medicine cat looked a little uneasy when he greeted him.
He watched as Gingerspot made her way into the clearing, dipping her head as she met the glances of the other cats. She settled down besides Honeyflower, and Oceanfur followed behind her, and Spiderleaf greeted him with a lick on the ear. "How have you been?"
"I've been well," Oceanfur meowed. "And each of you?"
"The prey has been running well in RiverClan," Gingerspot meowed.
"How is Heatherbird?" Sedgepool meowed. "I haven't heard from her in a while."
Gingerspot sighed. "She's alright," she meowed. "The only trouble is I don't think she feels like she's really a deputy, considering how small RiverClan is."
Spiderpaw looked down at his paws. He could remember, when Echostar was a calm cat, the stories she would tell him and his siblings about her adventures in RiverClan - how the Clan once thrived. He couldn't believe that the Clan had only two warriors now. He didn't like to see them as vulnerable, and felt even more relieved that RiverClan was at peace with all of the Clans.
Spiderpaw felt his anxiety take off as his mentor heaved out a breath with an emotion in which he couldn't tell.
Had she found out about where Spiderpaw was last night?
Spiderpaw shook himself. How would she?
The apprentice shook himself before looking back up at his mentor. He looked downwards, guilty for being distracted.
"I wanted to talk to you about how proud I am of you."
Spiderpaw felt his eyes widen. "What?"
"I always knew you'd be a courageous cat, but I suppose I've been unfair to you. I realised how stupid I had been when I had realised you'd crossed the forest all by yourself to assist a cat you barely knew, which you knew would have been more comfortable to him than coming here."
Spiderpaw nodded in shock. He didn't know what to say to Honeyflower. He felt a strong warmth within him. He felt Oceanfur nudge against him with a smirk.
She bent her head down and touched her nose to Spiderpaw's.
"This has needed to happen for some time, but I know I can't wait any longer," she purred.
She turned to look out across the pool, and Spiderpaw did the same, admiring the beauty along with the worry of what Honeyflower was doing. But then, he felt his heart race. He glanced to Oceanfur, his jaws dipping open. Oceanfur met his gaze with pure joy.
"I, Honeyflower, medicine cat of ThornClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and with your help can will serve his Clan for many moons."
Spiderpaw's heart was pounding as he turned from the waters and up towards Honeyflower.
"Spiderpaw, do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between Clan and Clan and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?"
Spiderpaw couldn't believe what he was hearing. However, his response slipped out of him without him having to check. "Of course," he breathed.
"Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your true name as a medicine cat. Spiderpaw, from this moment you will be known as Spiderleaf. StarClan honors your bravery and thoughtfulness, and we welcome you as a full medicine cat of ThornClan."
Spiderleaf was filled with joy. Even before he turned to lap the water of the Moonpool, he turned to his mentor and brushed his cheek against hers. "I appreciate this so much," he meowed lovingly.
Honeyflower came forwards with him, and simultaneously they bent down and lapped up the crystal clean water from the pond below.
"Spiderleaf!" The medicine cats cheered.

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