Don't Touch My Hat Blue Eyes.

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Chapter 7

As I walked into the school the next day, clad in black skinny jeans, a somewhat faded red Sleeping With Sirens band shirt, red converse, a black punk sweater that zipped and buttoned and had two strings that when you pulled on them, it accented the bottom part to give it a more edgey look and a red beanie. One both wrists, keeping the sleeves of my jacket pushed up to my elbows, I wore all kinds of silicon braceltes ranging from bands, to army stuff, pandas, hollywood, peace, freedom and anything else that felt important enough. I manuvered through the ocean of bodies as i made my way to my homeroom class. 

As the day went on, I grew nervous becuase after lunch was a free period that I had with Ryan and Jared. I had not run into Hayden today which was fine, odd blonde that one is. As I was walking to the lunch area, I was contemplating on the fact that so many high schools have different names for what a giant place that most students go to recieve food during school hours is called. Commons, Cafe, cafeteria, lunchroom, that room. It was silly that people callled it by different names and by knowning what a person called that room if you lived in the same town, you could figure out where they go based on that one word. It is ridiculous, and just as I made up my mind to call that room "The lions den" because so many people are crowding around for food or space you have to claim a place early,  I felt a hand messing up my hair and sending my hat flying to the ground. Acting on instinct, I swiped my hand over my head swatting the hand away and used my arm to shove the offenders arm away from being near me. I turned to be greated with Blue-Eyes staring at me with a wide girn on his face, the amused light in his eyes not going unnoticed. "Don't do that. Its annoying." I said with a frown, bending down to pick up my hat, dusting it off and fixing it back onto my head. His grin widened to show two rows of straight white teeth, the action making him seem like a kid. "Do what? Smiling is my faces natural pose." He replied. I could feel one of those 'facepalm' moments about to happen sooner or later. "No dweeb. Dont touch my head. Not unless you like being hit away." i replied while rolling my eyes, a small smile tugging at my lips. "Ah well. Can't promise I won't but Ill keep your warning in mind. You eat yet? Should think about keeping your beast tamed." Hayden spoke with a clear teasing tone in the first half of this statement but by the second, his expression held something. It was like he was trying to hint at something but whatever it was went over my head.  The next though was mainly about trying to find Jared and Ryan so that I could get the lecture out of the way first so I can spend some time with them during school without my nerves trying to immiate the strings of a violin being badly played.


Author's Note: So, yeeeeah. New update. Yay! :D I know its short, and Romeo has been out of the picture for the last few chapters. Dont worry, he shall be back soon. Very soon, I think in the next chapter or two. Oh and just cause I had been made aware it is a good idea to state this now, All characters in this stroy are my own, Romeo and Juliet are a popular iconic figure but these specific two are mine, If you express an idea for this story or give co-colaboration, I will give credit where credit is due. Just dont try to steal my writting and pass it off as yours unless I post specifically that I have given the ok. Fan work is appreciated as long as I am given credit for my original story and PM'ed to be informed of any such posted works. But I dont think anyone would be as low as to try and steal anothers authos hard work, tweak it and try and pass if off as theirs. So the coypright claim is slightly pointless but ah well, 

Feel free to VOTE, COMMENT AND FAN. Always appreciated. :)


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