Maybe Friends... (plus a short rant in Authors Note at the end)

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Chapter 5.

"Would you slow down already?!" I shouted, my breathing labored with the fact that I am being dragged through out town by a crazy blonde who has officially been given the nickname Blue-Eyes. He still has a hold of my wrist. I wonder when I can have my wrist back. I kinda need it. He just kept on runining, tugging me as baggage along the way. Fine. I asked once, now I act. Using a burst of speed, I ran so that I was now side by side with Hayden, using the moment of suprise to throw my foot in front of him while using the momentum of him stumbling to twist my wrist around, grab his own wrist and pull hard insuring that he does stop. The downside to my little stunt? He still had a hold on my wrist so when he went down....I followed right after. 

We layed there on the concrete, me gasping for air while Hayden was only barely out of breath. As I was trying to reign my breathing into something that wasnt resembling a suffocating fish, Hayden begin to chuckle. I turned my head so that I could look at him and instead of having a annoyed expression, I was suprised to see a grin on his face. Hayden soon begin to laugh, the kind that makes you feel good and want to join in on. I did just that as I thought about what just happend. Soon enough we were laughing to the point of tears and when we would reign in our laughter, either I would start to laugh agian or he would which started the whole proccess right over. Maybe today isn't going to make me want to just hide out for the rest of my high school experience. I skipped the rest of the day with a crazy boy who technichally kidnapped me. I am having fun suprisingly from sprinting in a random direction, and actually full out laughing. I havent really felt anything since the day my family died all those months ago and right now, because of this boy, I was laughing and not feeling like everything is horrible. I just might try and be friends with him. Ryan and Jared are always there for me, but it's nice to be around someone who doesnt know what happen. If he does know, he is doing a good job of not letting any sympathy affect how he is treating me: as if I am a normal person instead of the sad orphan girl.

"Stitch my heart,

We were broken from the start.

Looking over the edge,

Where I stand is to close to the ledge,

Here is where I make my pledge.

I'm breaking out,

 Finding who I really am.

Im breaking my heart to find the new start.

Im done with the past,

I need to move fast,

the edge is breaking me down

Im a broken doll

and im ready for the fall.

Breaking down, without a sound.

My cries have died, 

Im an angel trapped in your dark embrace, trying to stay afloat in this race." 

I sang the words that had floated to my mind every day for the last eight months that I have lived alone. It was quietly at first, kind of like when you speak without realizing it, and I didnt realize I was singing until I sat up and turned toward my unusual compainion and saw Hayden staring at me with a mixture of shock, admiration and confusion. "What?" i muttered uncomfortably, casting my eyes down toward the ground, shaking my hair so that there was a curtain between my eyes and his reaction.

"Did you write that?" he said with a dazed tone of voice. I nodded my head. "Didn't mean to sing it. It's not even finished. Forget it happened." I whispered, my throat constricting with emotion. As i tried to clear my mind, all of the memories that I have been trying to surpres forced there way to the surface. My brother and I playing in the  backyard, pretending to be angels. Another of when Nate tried to do a backflip off a basketball to try and impress a girl. The lecture Nate got from Dad after the trip to the hospital after he failed to do the backflip while knocking the principal down in the process of doing his flip. When Mom and I would have our girls day out and go hiking up the resevoiur and I would lean on the rocks, peaking over the edge with a camera to take a few photo to brag about to Nate. The family picnics where we would all gather at one persons house, have a dinner and play around doing random stuff. 

The sidewalk grew blurry as I quickly got to my feet. Furious with myself for letting those emotions and memories come out from the box i burried them within the back of my mind, I scrubbed the moisture away from my eyes muttering words unintelligebly. I forced my emotions to tamper down before looking to Hayden. "Either you can sit there all day, tag along or just do what ever it is you were going to. Either way, thank you for helping me get out of school, but im going back to what I was going to do." I said in a monotone voice. Turning on my heel, I made a beeline for the Hot Wok Cafe all the while being completely aware of the boy following behind me. Entering the building, I waved to a few of the workers there. I stop by here often enough for food, might as well be nice, right?


Authors Note: So, a little bit about Juilet's family when they were still there.

Video in sidebar, if it shows up, it is Andy from Black Veil Brides new side project, the video was released on Hot Topic's website a month ago. 

Here is another video but form the full band because I really like them. :)

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If the embedding code did not work, here is the link for the youtube video. Song is called Revelation by Black Veil Brides....after something I feel I must address first regarding Black Veil Brides.

For anyone whose seen the post on christwire, do not pay attention to it. I apologize in advance for the, I do not apologize as I feel I have nothing to apologize for. I have been a fan of this band for many years and have never attempted the dangerous stuff that the person who posted that claims that fans of the band do. Some of the more....uhhh extreme and outgoing in dangerous stuff fans might possibly do some of those things for some reason, or it could be some biased person taking things way out of hand. We are not Devil worshipers. If we use the term Fallen Angel it is refering to felling lost in what is considered a normal society, finding a place where we belong in the music, in other fans, and in a band who has given us a place to belong. I could not read the full article as I felt that it was a piece of pure hate on a good band. They know nothing of what the band stands for or even what the name of the band really stands for. I am a fan of many musicians. Music is the  "place" where I belong. I do not care what other people say about me as long as I know the truth. I might feel better if I know that someone does not hate me (as I am a freindly person and usually easy to talk to, but I do not feel like I belong very often so I turn to music). Do not judge me or anyone else based on the music We listen to. We are not mindless, braindead or devil worshippers. We are angels who have had darkness thrown at us through life's chaos. We Are The Revolution. And as such, listen to the song I am pasting into a link below this.

Think of me what you will but the post that I had read regarding a brilliant band had made me upset and angry enough to voice my opmion. Anyways! Another new chapter after I post this one. Thank you for all the reads so far, I hope you will contine to read this story that I have grown to love writing.


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