Chapter 7 - Selection

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"Who do you have in mind?" asked Crow.

Old Wolf turned to Nightshade. "Who is available?"

This was an unprecedented contract which would take the entire winter season. Three whole months was a long time for a single mission. Those who were chosen would be wholly committed to the lady's full time protection. They would not be able to take part in future covert missions for the duration not that many were expected during the coming months. However, one never know when an exciting mission will appear to test their skills. Although, this mission promised to be boring and taxing on one's patience, it paid well.

The chosen ones would also get more than standard missions due to the unique nature of the task and its lucrative payment. At 100 gold coins per week, the Shards involved would earn 10 gold coins per week each. A substantial sum. The chosen Shards would be well off indeed after this mission.

Protection for Lady Shuang will be required twenty four seven. There will be no breaks; rest and sustenance will be on convenience basis. Who had that kind of stamina and endurance? Not only that, who could be calm and flexible enough in 'trying situations'. Also, teamwork was essential. The two Shards must be able to work closely together to make it work.

Old Wolf chortled. If the rumours were to be believed, he would need someone who could either tolerate Shuang's outrageous behaviour or deflect it. Perhaps someone not too much older then her? Someone who could bear her nonsense and not lose their temper. The older ones would probably bind her up, stuff her mouth and leave her in a closet somewhere, if she was lucky. Killing her was out of the question, it would be too messy for something they were not getting paid for.

"Well, this contract needs the Skills of at least a Four. They may have to kill. There may be fighting and deaths involved if anyone dares to attack or kidnap the girl," he paused thinking.

"Arrow and Cloud are around."

"Arrow requested some time off to settle a personal dispute and Cloud needs to rest. The last mission was hard on him."

"What about Mist?"

"She is still recovering from a stab wound."

"Level Fives?" asked Nightshade, "... I know Glass is home. How about him?"

"No. Glass can't work with anyone. His style of working is incompatible with others. I promised a team of two. Anyway, he would sooner torture and kill the girl than protect her."

Crow laughed. "True."

"What about Ghost? He has just been promoted to a Five. He is too active running around delivering messages in between his official assigned cases. This should slow him down and give the others a chance. Let him cool his heels at Zhai's for the winter."

"The others didn't want the extra jobs he took. It was too trivial for them," Crow reminded Nightshade. Seriously, what did it matter if a Five was doing a One or Two's job. Ghost liked keeping busy and was not picky with his missions. Besides, it was good for the Sect. "It's not like he snatched jobs from them. There have been no complaints."

"He is still too active for my liking. He is seldom here anymore and is making the others look idle," argued Nightshade throwing a scowl at Old Wolf. "Always on the outside running around. Only the Gods know what he is up to. It's not good to favour him so much."

Old Wolf stayed calm not rising to Nightshade's provocation. As the Leader of the Dark Sect, he was supposed to be impartial and fair. However, everyone knew he had recruited Ghost and although not obvious, favoured him. Many were jealous at the boy's rapid rise in ranks conveniently overlooking all the hard work, sacrifices and training he did to prove himself and pass the difficult Level tests.

"It's not favouring him. Besides, he brings in a lot for the Sect," countered Crow neatly defending Ghost for Old Wolf. He liked the boy. He was trouble but have never disappointed on a job.

"He is rising too fast. He is too young."

"So what?" asked Crow. "Anyone can rise in ranks if they have mastered the required Skills. Age is just a number. He is skilled, knows the rules and is likable. He also works well with others. What do you have against him?"

"Nothing. It's just that he has been working non-stop since he was a Three. I can't put my finger on it but ... its suspicious. Why is he working so hard? Why does he need money?"

"Money? Seriously Night, you are getting old. He does not need to keep money. The Sect provides for us," said Crow. "He spends his well earned money just like the rest of us. In case you didn't know, he is very popular in the 'Blue Peony' and the 'Singing Nightingale. More than half the courtesans in those places are in love with him. Just ask any of them."

"I have a weird feeling about him."

"Pfffttt, you and your 'intuition'. Just because he likes to keep busy doesn't make him suspect. Look, the books are in order right? Ghost has turned in the correct amount for all the contracts assigned to him. He has not kept any from the Sect. In fact, he has even turned in some extra tips which he doesn't need to."

"Still ..."

"Is this because he is much better then you ever were at that age?" Crow taunted. He was fed up with Nightshade's obvious prejudice against Ghost. Night was always finding fault with him. "Your reputation as the youngest achieving Shard has suffered since he became one of us. You were so proud to reach Five when you were twenty one. Now Ghost has beaten your record at only seventeen."

"Shut up. We usually spend a few years at each level to perfect our skills and gain experience, not rush through. It will sooner kill him," growled Nightshade. "He is too young and reckless."

"He is not!"

"Enough," said Old Wolf. "I have made my decision."

Both Level Sixes glared at each other but kept their peace. Nightshade dipped his brush into the inkwell, ready to record.

"Ghost and Key," said Old Wolf.

"Key?" echoed Crow in confusion. "The Three?"

"I thought we were screening Fours and Fives," continued Nightshade, this time in agreement with Crow. "He can't kill."

Nightshade was about to protest more but Old Wolf stopped him with a wave of his hand.

"Ghost has just become a Five. He has proven himself as an excellent Thief and Assassin. Now he will learn the finer points and hone his Skills with this assignment. Also, I want to use him."


"Key likes him and they have worked together before. They will make a good team for this soft mission. As the ranking Shard, Ghost will take Key under his wings and will guide him in adapting his Skills in different situations. They will also be exposed more to nobility."

Nightshade snorted rudely. "Exposing them to nobility?!? Ghost doesn't need any more exposure. I seem to remember a young boy who scared the wits out of that Household a few years back. That was how he got his name wasn't it? Being a ghost and moving their things around without them knowing? They thought some rooms were haunted."

"C'mon Night. The boy is ingenious," said Crow. "Imagine testing one's skills by breaking into the ruling House's tight security and moving things around undetected. He was just practicing that's all. Technically, he did not actually steal anything for himself so he did not break any rules."

"The audacity ...what if he had gotten caught? He kept sneaking in for several months even after I warned him not to! The Dark Sect's reputation could have been ruined for allowing such pranks."

"He did not, did he?"

"He defied me!" retorted Nightshade angrily.

"Hey, relax Night, don't get all stressed out. It's all in the past, o'kay. Getting all riled up is not good for your health," quipped Crow grinning at Nightshade's bruised ego. Seriously, Nightshade's accumulated resentment towards Ghost was getting out of hand. He seemed to forget that they were on the same team. The young Five was an excellent Shard who brought in a lot of money.

"You brought up a valid point, Night. I've forgotten about Ghost's unauthorized personal practice runs," laughed Old Wolf.

That boy was a handful. The Sect Leader continued smiling, letting his Sixes repeat the popular story. But as usual, it sparked a deep sadness on how he actually found and named the boy such. He suppressed the feeling to focus at the matter on hand.

"You know, that is all the more reason to send Ghost. He knows Zhai's property like the back of his hand," said Old Wolf thoughtfully, "Also, although Key is the best Level Three Thief, he is not comfortable with killing. At this rate, he will stay at his current level forever. We need more Fours. I'm hoping Ghost will be able to groom him into taking the next step."

"Key is already nineteen and they get along well," replied Crow. "If he advances to a Four next year, he could be a Five by the time he is twenty-three or twenty-four."

"Ghost is unpredictable." Nightshade balked at the idea. "Maybe it would be better to get someone more ... matured?"

"His youth is what I am counting on," smirked Old Wolf. "Our young ones are Skilled and will teach Zhai's spoilt brat some manners. They can be immature together for all I care as long as they adheres to Sect rules. That old goat will regret coming to us."

"Ghost and Key ... in the Ruling House of Zhai," Crow said thoughtfully, "maybe we can take advantage of this chance to conclude the other pending matters?"

Nightshade finally smiled as he saw the opportunities. "Ice? And the Seals?"

"Ice will motivate Key to push Ghost. It will be a test for Ghost's next step to becoming a Six. At the same time, if an urgent situation comes up, Key may be forced to kill to protect Ice," Crow summed up. "This mission might just get us a new Four and Six."

Old Wolf nodded.

"Yes, that was my intention all along."

"It's settled then. Record their names."

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