The First Encounter

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Fire Spirit wandered the forest, searching for his boyfriend. Now this was back in the day when the lovers had just graduated college and ran off with each other. "Windy? Wind?? Windyyy?" Fire called out, clutching his flamelike scarf that his lover had lovingly crafted for him. The deeper he went, the colder it got, which was weird because Fire had never felt cold before. He entered the center of the forest and saw the silhouette of Wind Archer... or so he thought it was a silhouette...

"Windy! There you are!" Fire chirped.

"Windy...? I am not familiar with that name..." A low voice responded. 

Fire was confused. He had never heard this side of Wind. He decided to laugh it off.

"You're funny. Now why'd you run off like that?" He asked with a giggle.

"It seems like you don't seem to understand. I don't know anyone associated with the one you seek." The voice responded.

Fire's small giggle started to fade to a nervous chuckle. "W-Windy...? You can stop joking now... heh..."

"I thought I told you that I am not familiar with that name..."

Fire's chuckling faded. "Windy...?"

"I don't think you're hearing me... now you must face the consequences..."

The silhouette fired a dark arrow at Fire. It missed by a centimeter. "I warned you didn't I? That was merely a warning shot. I will shoot you again if you fail to heed my message." The figure sounded very calm, like Wind Archer, but they were not Wind Archer. Wind Archer doesn't have a blindfold over his eyes. "W-Wind Archer...?" Fire stammered. "Oh dear, is that the one you are looking for? Unfortunately, he is long gone and will not be returning anytime soon." The figure said. They stepped toward Fire Spirit and squatted in front of him, since he was sitting on the ground in fear. "Who are you...? And what did you do to Wind Archer?!" The smaller cookie yelped. "My name? Night Raven, but simply Raven will do... and him..? He's fine, trust me, for he is simply being one with his mind." The taller cookie, Night Raven, replied. Fire stayed silent, and reached a hand toward the taller male's dark wing. Raven jabbed an arrow into the smaller cookie's hand, the smaller cookie in response cried out in pain. There was thick jam oozing out of the wound. Raven cocked his head sideways. "Oh my... did I hurt you...? Unfortunately I cannot apologize, for you should know better than to touch one's wings." He spoke with very faint sympathy. Fire glared. Raven put the arrow back in his backpack and removed the blindfold. He had piercing dark violet eyes, with an emotionless look that could kill. Fire shivered at the sight. The cookie in front silently examined the other. After that, he gave a cold smile. "Hmm.. I think I'll let you live..." He says, getting up and walking into the darkness. He stopped and looked back at Fire. "We'll meet again.. and you will be mine..." Those were the last words that were said before he disappeared into the night, leaving Fire dumbfounded.

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