Chapter 8: A Little Breathing Room

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Tiny warning: Implied sexual content ahead, sorry if that bothers you!

Kei unlocks the door to her apartment with shaky hands. She was just a tiny bit paranoid after everything that happened.

She was on her own now.

Once leaving the Court of Owls' hideout—nest? Kei wasn't sure if that was too on the nose/ punny given the situation—The Cat and the reporter had gone their separate ways.

"Don't want to freak out your landlord by bringing a known cat burglar." Selina had pointed out earlier and Kei agreed.

She opens the door hesitantly, only to find Selina sitting on her couch. Kei relaxed, able to put her fears of being followed or watched aside for a while.

Selina was still in her cat suit, her mask off and on the table. Her boots were also on the coffee table as she relaxed on the couch, reading some magazine Kei recognized from her shelf.

It almost looked like she belonged there. She looked comfortable.

Suddenly Selina looked up, her green eyes staring into Kei's black ones.


Kei shakes herself out of her stupor and looks away.


"You okay?" Selina asks, standing up from her seat.

"Yeah...I'm fine." Kei says with a shrug as one of Selina's clawed hands tucks underneath her chin and tilt Kei's head towards the right.

She was surprisingly gentle.

"Looks like one of them sliced your cheek." Selina murmurs, her breath tickling said cheek.

"Oh? Is it bad?" Kei asks, eyes widening in alarm at the word sliced.

"No, just a small scratch. Nothing too noticeable." The Cat reassures her.

"Oh. Good. Wouldn't want to draw too much attention to myself at work." Kei jokes and Selina smiles at her kindly in return.

Kei turns away suddenly, clearing her throat and trying to ignore her pounding heart and Selina's green eyes staring at her intently.

"Um...were you injured anywhere?" Selina's eyebrows furrow.

"I'm not sure," she admits, glancing her head down at one of her shoulders, "I might have a few wounds."

"Mm...I have a first aid kit somewhere around here. Hold on, I'll be right back!" Kei says, rushing out the room to get to her bathroom across the room.

As she waited, Selina took the time to place the magazine she had procured earlier back on its shelf and took a moment to observe Kei's apartment with fresh eyes.

When she first saw the apartment yesterday, it appeared cosy but without any sense of personal touches. Turns out, Selina had been wrong and was in too much of a hurry to notice the small things.

On Kei's coffee table, there were two photos.

One was of Kei, around six years old with a gap in her teeth, and a white couple with a Rough Collie sitting beside them.

The other photo was of Kei, she looked to be about twenty four, wearing a graduation gown for what Selina recognized as Gotham University. There was an older Japanese on one side of her and on the other were four younger Japanese men, who Selina assumed were Kei's brothers since they all looked very similar to one another side by side.

There was miniature flag with the pansexual flag stuck in it on her desk and some posters for some bands Selina didn't recognize on the walls.

She had just gotten to briefly skim Kei's bookshelves before the reporter return.

"I'm back! Sorry for the wait, it took me a while to find the First Aid." Kei explains with an apologetic smile.

Selina just nods in response, biting her cheek to not tell Kei how adorable she thinks she is right now.

"Could you um..." Kei gestures to her suit vaguely, "unzip yourself for me so I can look at your shoulder. N--not all the way! Just um...yeah."

"Normally, I'd ask for someone to at least buy me dinner first, but I suppose I can make an acceptation for you." Selina teases, beginning to unzip her suit.

Kei proceeds to blush furiously and looks away again.

"Ok. I'm ready." Selina announces and Kei looks up again, a thread and sterlized needle in hand.

"This might take a couple of minutes." Kei says with a grimace, placing her hand on Selina's chest and beginning to close the wound.

"Are you okay? Does it hurt?" Kei asks a moment later as she sees Selina wince.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Keep going." Kei nodded and continued what she was doing, humming a song to herself for a few moments before stepping away.

"Ok. Done."

"Thanks, Kei. How can I repay you?" Selina asks, zipping up her suit again and looking up to face her.

Kei lets out a nervous laugh as she puts the First Aid supplies away.

"I think you saving my life was payment enough." She points out, standing up so they're facing each other.

Her face changes: going from amused to shy and sheepish.

"Actually...there is one thing I can think of."

Selina raises her eyebrows, imploring Kei to continue.

Kei's black eyes flicker down to Selina's lips before staring at her green eyes again. Selina watches her silently as Kei swallows, cupping both her cheeks and leans forward to lock their lips together.

Selina sighs, wrapping her arms around Kei's waist and deepening the kiss further before Kei backs away to catch her breath.

"Do I still need to buy you dinner first?" Kei whispers in the space between them, subtly tugging on the silver zipper ring pull on Selina's suit.

Selina smiles, shaking her head.

"What do you think?" She whispers back, stroking Kei's cheek carefully with her claws before presuming to kiss her and push back towards the couch behind them.

✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩

The next morning, Kei was woken up by her alarm blaring next to her ear.

"Ugh! Shut up alarm!" She complains, attempting to grab it blindly.

Frowning, she opened her eyes and realized she was on her couch.

With Selina sleeping peacefully underneath her. Kei blushes suddenly upon seeing scattered clothes all over her apartment floor. She tries very hard not to think about the previous evening's events, occupying herself with a search for her phone. Eventually, Kei finds it tucked between two of the couch's cushions and shutting the alarm off.

"Oh shit." Kei murmurs to herself upon seeing that her phone was at 10% and the time read 8:30am. She had slept through three alarms and was apporximately 20 minutes late for work.

What a great start to her day.

In a panic, Kei shot up off the couch, waking Selina in the process, and scrambling to her closet to find some clothes.

"Hey...what's going on?" Selina asks, voice still laden with sleep as she yawns and rubs her eyes.

"Sorry! I'm like...20 something minutes late for work. Slept through three of my alarms. Ugh, Uncle Adrian is going to be so pissed at me!" Kei says, half talking to Selina and half to herself as she wrestles with some earrings and searches for some shoes.

"Oh...sorry. You don't regret it though, right?"

Kei stops her mad scrambling to give Selina a warm smile and leaning down to give her a chaste kiss.

"Of course not."

Then, she's back to running around to grab her things: purse, notepad, numerous pens, her phone, etc.

She was just about to leave with apartment keys in hand before turning around to face Selina again, who is still on the couch.

"Uh...maybe use the window? And don't steal any of my stuff. Thanks!"

And then the reporter is gone and out the door.

Author's Notes

I hope this looks okay, I wrote a lot of it on my computer so I don't know how this translate to phones x

cryingcancer- had requested an update of this so here it is :)

I forgot to mention some details about Kei's apartment before so I had Selina looked around the room and retcon some things :3

For those curious: Kei has four older brothers--Hiroshi, Arata, Yamato & Sora Nakajima. The other photo, when Kei was a little girl, is of Kei, Adrian and his wife in what I presume to be their backyard. And also I can finally reveal she's pansexual!! I completely forgot to do that before.

I wasn't going to have them kiss so soon but I couldn't help myself👀

Yes, Kei did in fact tell the cat burglar she had spent the night with before to not steal anything from her apartment. I love writing awkward and flustered Kei XD

But also writing a more confident side of her was fun too ;)

Sorry it's been a while (I keep saying that a lot—). I've finally gotten over my writer's block so hopefully updates can return to normal :)


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