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Kat curls Mom's hair with the curling iron and sprays it to make it stay in place. She then puts part of it on top of her head and the other part flows down her back.

I finish off putting her make-up on in front of the mirror. "You can open your eyes now, Momma."

She opens her eyes and looks in the mirror. "Oh, girls. You did a wonderful job together." Pulling us into a hug she whispers. "Thank you so much. Your father is going to drop dead when he sees me."

We all laugh.

The front door opens and Dad yells. "Honey, I'm home."

Her face pales and she looks around the room. "Please, hide me I'm not ready for him to see me yet."

Placing my hand on top of hers I say. "Momma, you're fine. Kat and I are going downstairs to wait for you. Remember to hold onto the rail when you walk down."

She lightly hits my arm. "Shut up, Lizzie. I'm not going to hurt myself. I've walked down those stairs plenty of times, young lady." Pointing at the door, she adds. "Get out, girls."

Kat loops her arms with mine and we walk down the stairs towards the living room where we see Dad with the kids.

Dad looks over at Katrina and a smile spreads across his face. "I'm glad you're here for the weekend, baby."

"Me, too. We should take the kids to the park and have a picnic tomorrow." She steps into his stretched out arms. "Momma, looks beautiful tonight."

His eyes twinkle at that statement. "You're Momma is always beautiful. That's why she fits with me perfectly. I can't wait to see her."

We hear noises come from upstairs and know that it's Momma making her way to us.

Dad turns his attention to me. "Thank you for making me take your Momma out, Liz. It's been a long time since I've done that. Also, it takes a lot of pressure off me that you're going to be at the bar. I think its best that I come home with your Momma after our date. You girls are going to do a good job of closing the place down."

Seb looks over the couch and says. "I'll be at the club an hour before closing. I don't want what happened last time to happen again. I heard the guys out recently after they came for you at the club. If they see you two together again I'm afraid they'll react again."

"Those boys were run out of town by everyone when they were released. They didn't like it that they went after the club or the girls that were closing. This town is a tight-knit community and we'd do anything to protect the civilians of this small town."

Turning back around Momma walks down the stairs and stops in front of Dad. "How do I look?"

"Stunning, absolutely stunning, baby." He pulls her into his arms and kisses her on the lips. "Let's get going. We can't be late for the reservation." They walk out the front door holding hands and talking.

The door shuts and I feel something tug at my pants. Looking down I see my nephew, Logan. "Chocolate?"

Damn, I was hoping that he'd forget about that.

Looking over at Kat I'm hoping that she'll help me out with her son and tell him that he can't have it. "You promised him, Eliza. You can't break your promise. He also ate the fruit that you gave him."

Seb crosses his arm and a smile is plastered on his face. "You heard my wife." He wraps his arms around her. "I would never go against her for anyone."

Now they're both working against me.

"Aunt, Liz." He pouts and then his bottom lip trembles.

Leaning to his height I say. "Go to the living room and watch TV with your sister. I'll get you a bar of chocolate."

I'm not going to a show this kid where I keep my stash. He's going to probably eat the lot on me.

"Yay," He runs into the living room and sits with his sister.

Walking over to the walk-in pantry I grab the plastic bag full of chocolate and take one out for all of us. I exit the pantry and give chocolate to everyone. I sit in the living room with the kids and watch Pets.

"Dog," Mia says.

"That's good. It's a dog, Mia." She stands up and lifts her arms up to me. I lift her up and she sits on my lap.

As we watch the movie for a bit, I start to smell shit. "Katrina," I yell.

She walks into the living room and looks at me. "What?"

"You need to change her. She stinks." I hold my nose as I pass my sister her daughter.

Kat laughs. "You know I can't wait to see when it's your turn to deal with this." She carries her daughter and whispers. "You're Aunty, Eliza is funny." She blows raspberries on her daughter as they exit the room.

Seb walks into the room. "Thanks for not calling me. I can't stand the smell when it comes to change those diapers."

"Do you change the ones where she's just peed?"

He nods. "Yeah, if she heard me talking to you about this she'd have my nuts in a jar."

I throw my head back and laugh.

"You're wife has them in her hand right now, Sebastian. I need you to go to the car and grab the diaper bag."

"Shit," He whispers hoping that his son didn't hear him.

"Momma," Logan yells. He runs into the dining room to tell his mother about what his father said.

"Sebastian Ryan Vance, that's a dollar for the swear jar. If you cuss again it will be five. I know how you are honey."

Seb rushes out the door and grabs the bag for Katrina. He quickly enters the house and gives the bag to my sister. "Here, you go honey."

"Stay here, Seb. You're going to change our daughter's diaper. I'm sick of being the only doing the job." She walks into the living room and takes a seat across from me. "He's going to have to do it tonight. It's better for him to do it now as well." She winks at me.

Logan walks back into the living room with chocolate all over his face and another wrapper in his hand.

I hope he didn't find my stash. If he did I'm going to have to hide it from him.

"Seb, is it clear to walk in there?"

"Yep, it's all good."

I walk into the kitchen and see the dirty diaper on the kitchen counter. Wrinkling my nose up I say. "You better disinfect that counted. We cook on it. It's not the right place to do that."

Opening the pantry I see the plastic bag on the floor and chocolate scattered all over the place. "How did he know my chocolate was in there?"

A smile spreads across Seb's face. "He watched you from the living room."

Packing the chocolate back into the bag. I take it with me up to my bedroom and put it in the fridge I keep in there.


I walk over to the computer and have a look at the message I just got. Opening it I see a message from Nina.

Hey, Sis.

My husband and I are coming home for the reunion. Hope you remember him. After all, the two of you went to school together. Ronny Abercrombie.

I hate that guy. I knew my sister would marry someone I couldn't stand.

After she left home she didn't reach out to any of us and kept to herself. Now she expects me to be all happy that she's coming home to us after all this time.

Well, that's not going to happen.

Looking above the messages I see a number 1 on it and click on the messages from other people. I see one with Austin Wilde on it. Clicking on his message I read it.

Hey, Stranger.
I haven't heard from you in a long time. I'm coming to town for the reunion. Are you coming? I would love to see you again.



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