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Surrounded by a land scape of metal, the towers of kaon had such a glow at night. The city streets were busy with little glowing hover like vehicles that quietly zoomed by. Every so often one would yell unhappy words at another and then carry on. The neon lights made the city look beautiful, all the purples, greens, and reds. The glass windows shimmered as the breath taking site grew closer. It was midnight as the white muscle looking car rolled through a tunnel. The already loud exhaust noise amplified as it bounced off the energon lined tunnel walls.

The lights that lined the road helped tremendously with finding its way. As it drove by an off ramp a sign stated "Kaon City of Deception". It was silent inside the vehicle for a few moments as it took in the sights.. well until a radio transmission interrupted it.

"Enjoying the view?" a males voice chuckled through the radio causing the drone from the exhaust to fade out.

A blue and yellow car flashed by the white one only to slow down and cut it off.

"Knock it the scrap off!" the white car in a female voice yelled out of anger.

"Its just been awhile since we could get away from the ship. Away from prime and his goons." Again the female voice spoke.

Leading the way the blue car pulled off the road way and came to stop in front of a massive building that looked like the autobot citys councils tower. The car began to morph into a massive robot. His hidden optics come off as blue behind his visor. Staring down at the white car he crossed his servos.

" Come on Charger. Megatron wants us to report back to him as soon as we find something. They have to be up to something if the cameras have caught them several times sneaking into the subway under the artifacts vault building." The mech spoke determined to get the mission done.

With a loud sigh, the white car morphed into an 18ft tall female robot. Her purple optics narrowed as she stared down the mech.

"Then lead the way Treadshot.." Charger spoke in a low tone a she pointed her digit at the entrance of the tunnel.

With a quick nod, Treadshot led the way towards the enterance with Charger in toe behind him.

Kaon Weapons/Artifacts vault:

The two cybertronians quietly made their way down the massive steps towards the weapons and artifacts vault of kaon. Charger wrapped her digits around the pistol she had. One digit rested on the trigger as Treadshot leaned his back against the cold steel wall. His optics dulled slightly before he lifted his servo with his own blaster. Glancing towards his partner he caught her nod giving him the ok to go for it. Looking down for a few moments he had shut his optics as if to let out a prayer. Then slowly he lifted his helm upwards and tightened his grip on the blaster. Turning his head to the right, the mech glanced over his shoulder and around the corner. All that could be seen was a dully lit hallway. There was a line on both sides of the wall that glowed a green. The green trailed its way down the hallway until his optics met the darkness.

Looking back at Charger he nodded and began to lurch forwards. Treadshot had now made himself wide open as he stood in the middle of the entrance to the hallway.

"My scanners do not say anything is near by. But autobots have been well known for cloaking themselves." Charger spoke softly as she stepped forwards following Treadshot down the hallway.

They chose to travel in the dark to avoid being spotted if anyone still was down there. Neither turned their headlights on but allowed their armor to glow around their tires, legs and arms. Chargers rare clear energon vents glowed brightly as her dark energon flowed through her. They were as strong as her armor but allowed a full in sight of how her energon flows through her body. Under both of her optics one sat. It had then trailed off the sides of her face and vanished behind her head dress build. Her servos and legs also had one that would wrap around each limp and vanish behind her armor.

"Your so glitching bright." Tread muttered as he could see her purple glow bounce off the walls.

" We can't all be built the same.... I can't help it." Charger instantly replied back with a slight annoyance in her tone.

Entering the darkest part of the hallway Tread began to lose sight of his way. He never had the best sight in the darkness. It was a weakness of his just as the vents were of chargers. Both scanners at the same time had decided to go off warning them of energon signatures that were close by.

" Bots." Charger growled as she gripped her pistol tighter.

Treadshot ignored her and kept going, his peds tapping against the floor as the hallway began to grow smaller. The mech was having a hard time trying to fit through as the smaller it got.

"How did that bug manage to get down here? Let alone Drift?" He muttered as his shoulder scrapped along the wall.

"Just keep going. Eventually we will hit the vault. This was our way of making sure they would never get in here. Now we have to try to push on and get through it...." The answer was sudle as charger nudged him in the back between his door wings.

Grunting the mech squeezed his metal ass through the small hallway. He had forced himself through, leaving bits and pieces behind. Charger being much thinner and less built other than her chest, was able to push through easily.

The view was different from treads memories. It seemed wider in the room that held the vault. The room though also seemed gloomier. What Tread had always forgot was that from all the flashbangs of war, the worse his optics continued to get.

"This is it?" Charger asked as stepped forwards towards the massive doors. They were lined with cybertronian markings.

For a few moments she stayed quiet observing the letters carefully. Then she spoke up.

"Only the energon of a gladiator may be welcome." The femme spoke as her optics continued to go down the line of weirdly shaped letters.

"Wait, you can read that?" Treadshot asked in shock.

The femme nodded before laying her digits on the doors. The doors were cold but covered in a rare mold.

"Its ancient language. You never studied that?" Charger asked Treadshot. Her digits still up against the sticky mold covered doors.

The mech looked at her saying nothing. He was full of disbelief.

"Where did you learn how to read the language of the primes?" Tread continued to ask the same question but worded in different ways.

"I had studied-" Charger cut off as something dropped in the distance. The noise echoed through the hallway behind them. The once dark hallway now burned with a bright purple.

Treadshot looked away from the femme, his optics widen as the hallway lit up a great purple.

"Get down!" The mech yelled as he pushed Charger.

Falling towards the ground, her optics kept focus on Treadshot. The blast came from nowhere it seemed. Connecting with the mech, Treadshot spiraled backwards. His gun slipped from his hand and clattered to the ground.

"Tread!" Charger screamed, but her voice could not be heard.

Treadshots body scraped across the floor and came to a stop against the vault doors. His servo dropped to the ground as the last limb to give any sign of life.

Pulling herself upwards Charger stood up. At first she couldn't take her optics off her wounded partner, He was covered in his own energon. The heavy damage had been to his spark chamber, the steal peeled back like a can opener had cracked him open.

"He got what he deserved. Little bastard thought he could train by my side and then just glitch us over?" A stern voice grew closer as charger turned away from treadshot. She had knelt down beside the mech to try and patch him up as well as possible.

Her optics narrowed knowing the voice. Gripping tightly, her digits formed a fist as her legs folded outwards. Standing up, the femme stood her ground as not one but two bots showed their optics from under the darkness.

"Well nice to see you again. Seems you've gotten older since you bailed on your brother." The taller of the two mechs spoke.

One mech, the tallest was a light blue with black and red ascents. His dark red optics pulsated as he stared down the femme. The shorter of the two, wore black and red armor. He bared two blasters and one sword. It had seemed that the mech had lost his way of the sword.

"Drift and wheeljack...." Charger growled almost as she fought back the erg to attack.

Drift smirked knowing very well that the femme would never lash out at him. He was too fast and too smart for her tactics.

"Should we take her in Jackie?" Drift asked as he stepped towards the femme.

Wheeljack lifted up Treadshots helm for a moment to make sure the mech had gone into stasis.

"That's up to you. Prime would love to have Megatrons best. But of course how useful is she without her partner." Wheeljack replied as his interest in the mech had vanished. He let the head go and watched it come back to rest on the ground in a pool of energon.

Drift wrapped his digits around her servo and pulled her closer. Gripping tightly the mech then began to push her forwards.

"If not then we can feed her to ratchets experiments." Drift spoke as he pushed Charger towards the dark hallway.

Wheeljack followed behind leaving Treadshots body against the vaults doors. A note across the doors in Treads energon. The only thing that could be heard were Chargers screams as they walked down the hallway towards the outside world.

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