Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Elizabeth's POV

 Time Skip... A Couple Days Later...

  I just finished my last surgery thankfully. I'm in recovery now and will begin physical therapy in a couple of days. That's the real test to see whether or not I have any chance at being able to walk again on my own eventually. I'm lying in bed trying to come out of the surgical fog by myself for a little while before I get bombarded with visitors. T'Challa, Shuri, and Okoye are still in the city for a few more days so they might end up visiting again which would be nice. 

  A little while later...

 I snap out of my fog enough to have visitors, though I don't want too many in the room right now. Bruce, Tony, Wanda, Nat, and Shuri come in to visit first. Perfect! This is everyone I wanted to see the most. All of them smile at me and give me warm hugs before sitting around me. Becky was kind enough to bring all of them their own chairs. Gosh that girl is great. I end up proposing the potential dream team collaboration to Bruce, Tony, and Shuri. All of them are thrilled with the idea together. Four of the smartest minds in the world teaming up to make history, it doesn't get much cooler than that. Wanda and Nat try to grasp the scientific lingo but are only able to understand bits and pieces. 

    Wanda and Nat end up talking amongst themselves for a bit about some training techniques they want to teach one another. Wanda has completely mastered her powers now. She even took a few lessons from Doctor Stephen Strange. He's one hero I have yet to meet but really want to. His personality reminds me a lot of Tony and his powers are so intriguing. Maybe Tony can set that up for me sometime. 

     I end up falling asleep about halfway through the visit. The last person I see is Bruce and the last thing I feel is his hand on my shoulder as I drifted off. I sleep for quite awhile and when I wake back up, it's just Bruce and I alone in the room. I glance at the clock and see it's nearly eight at night. My stomach growls, startling the both of us. Without a word being said, Bruce goes off to get me some decent food. He comes back within a few minutes with two bowls of soup, salad, french fries, and fruit for the both of us. I smile gratefully at him and dig right in. I wasn't kidding when I may or may not have told you that I eat like a man most days. 

      When we're done, I end up falling back asleep for most of the night. I guess having three surgeries within a week or so can take a lot of energy out of a girl. I'm not complaining though because I know I still have a long road ahead of me and I need all of the rest that I can get. 

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary

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