102|Telling Dean

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It had been nearly two weeks, and I figured it was about time to tell Dean I was pregnant. I think he'd been starting to pick up on it, but since we'd been distracted trying to figure out the 'mother of all' deal, we hadn't really had a chance to talk about it. While the boys were downstairs researching, I took Maddie up to the room to get her ready to tell Dean, pulling the shirt we'd made over her head.

"Okay, you ready?" I asked her.

She nodded excitedly.

"Alright, head downstairs and show Daddy."

Grinning, she skipped out of the room and hurried downstairs. I followed at a much slower pace, waiting for my queue.

"Daddy, look!"

"What is it princess?"

There was a silence following the question, and I bit my lip. Then Sam started laughing and I heard Bobby swear under his breath.

"ELLIE!" Dean yelled.

"Yes, Dean?" I asked innocently, finishing my descent.

Sam was still laughing in his seat across from Dean, Bobby was shaking his head and Dean was staring from his daughter to me and back with wide eyes. Maddie was just grinning, proudly displaying her 'I'm going to be a big sister' shirt while sitting on his lap.

"W-what...?" Dean trailed off, finally just focusing on me.

"Surprise,"  I grinned back at him.

"Y-you're... H-how..."

"About 19 weeks, give or take," I shrugged, knowing what he was asking me.


"Oh, and it's a boy."

You could have heard a pin drop. Sam had stopped laughing and they were all staring at me dumbstruck. Dean's jaw was slightly agape.

"I- I'm going to have a son?"

I nodded my head, still smiling. Bobby walked over, taking Maddie from Dean and nodding at Sam to follow him. They headed out of the room, leaving Dean and I alone.

"You okay?" I asked him.

"W-when did you find out?"

"Right after we found out about Crowley. Sara told me. Remind me to stay away from supernatural creatures and just take a pregnancy test next time like a normal person."

"Next time?"

"Well, you know," I smirked. "If there is a next time."

Dean was quiet, just staring down at me.

"So, are you okay?" I asked him again.

"Yeah," he smiled. "Yeah, I'm okay."

I smiled back, standing up on my tiptoes to kiss him and he leaned in to meet me halfway.

"We're having a boy," he whispered against my lips.

"Yeah, we are," I laughed. "And he's making it to full term this time around, I'm making sure of it."

"Does that mean-"

"I'll sit out more later; just do research from here or whatever. I need to have at least one normal pregnancy."

I didn't sit out of our next case. It was a week later, and Sam got a text with some coordinates. It turned out to be Bristol, Rhode Island and Sam had worked another case with Samuel in the town during the year he didn't have a soul. Dean and I kept telling him we needed to leave, put another hunter on it, but Sam insisted.

The creature was an Arachne and it was Roy Dobbs, the former Sheriff, who Sam thought he and Samuel had killed when they got rid of the original Arachne, but it turned out she had turned him and he survived. I hated it, because I have arachnophobia, and Roy encased us in webs when he attacked us. Dean freaked out, because like me, he was worried about our son, but it ended up being fine. However, I agreed to sit out the next few hunts after that just to be safe.

I only ended up sitting out of one case, though, because after the boys took care of a ghost that was haunting some girl's kidney, Balthazar showed up and zapped, Sam, Dean and I into some alternate reality where our lives were a TV show. Apparently, Raphael was after a key to the weapons of Heaven, and so Balthazar gave it to us to keep safe.

Anyway, in this alternate reality, it was super awkward because the actors playing Sam and Dean, a Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, weren't even brothers and they apparently hated each other and refused to talk. The actress who played me in the world, Madelaine Petsch (which, let me tell you, it was really weird to be called by my daughter's name),  was dating Jensen Ackles off and on and it was kind of strange. She also wasn't pregnant, so I had a mini panic attack when my 24 week pregnant belly just... vanished until we got back to our world again.

When we got back, Dean had me sit out again while he, Sam, Bobby and Rufus took care of the next case. I got really mad, especially when I found out they not only ran into Samuel and Stephan, but both grandparents, Rufus and Gwen all died on the case. Dean told me it had been some sort of Khan worm that was making anyone it crawled into kill everyone. After holding a funeral for Rufus, we all headed back to Bobby's.

Three days later, Bobby sat at his desk drinking alcohol. Sam, Dean and I stood in the doorway, staring at him.

"Say something," Sam hissed at us.

"No. You," Dean hissed back childishly.

"No. You," Sam echoed.

They both looked at me.

"Don't look at me."

We immediately launched into a three-way rock-paper-scissors match. Knowing what Dean would pick, I went with him on scissors, while Sam picked paper. He stared at us, stunned, and then turned to address Bobby.

"Uh..." he cleared his throat.

"You three just gonna stand there like the ugly girl at the prom, or you gonna pitch in?" Bobby grunted. "This so-called Eve, mother of whatever, ain't gonna gank herself. What's wrong with you three?"

"Bobby, you haven't slept in days," I pointed out.

"I sleep. What are you, my wife now?"

'No, but I might have to call your actual one,'  I thought.

"Bobby, all we're saying is that, you know, taking five might be a good thing," Dean hopped in.

"For whom?"

"Look, Bobby, it was- it was tough for all of us, seeing Rufus go like that," Sam added.

Well, not for me, since I wasn't actually there to see it, though I did attend the funeral.

"You think this-? This ain't about Rufus!"

"Bobby, he wasn't just a poker buddy," Dean said.

"You know when I knew Rufus was done for? The day I met him. The only question was, who first- him or me? Now, you want to stand there and therapize, or you want to get me some coffee?"

We all exchanged a look.

"Make it Irish."

We headed out of the room, into the kitchen.

"Well, he's doing fantastic," Dean rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, this isn't about Rufus at all," I added sarcastically.

"Well, what do you want to do? I mean, we can't just sit here and watch him poop out his liver."

"Well, we could get him out of the house," Sam suggested. "There's a job."

"Really? What have you got?" Dean asked.

Sam pulled a newspaper clipping out of his jacket and showed us.

"Look. Chester, Pennsylvania. Three people got kicked in the last week, all freaky. Last guy got karate-chopped by his garage door. And these are all blood relatives."

"What are you thinking, family curse?" I queried.

"Could be," Sam shrugged.

"Hey, grumpy-" Dean yelled at Bobby, who had walked over to us. "You, uh-?"

"I don't want to do crap. Leave me alone. Just, get out of my house, all of you. You're driving me nuts."

"Bobby," I began.

"Now! For the love of Pete!"

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