104|Tempting Fate

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Bobby thought we were dealing with Fate, as in the three Fates. We told him about Balthazar and the ship, and how if we got him to sink it, Ellen and Jo would die. When we told him that, he ordered us to make sure the angels didn't re-sink the Titatinic. We tailed Shawn Russo, the guy who Dean talked to while Sam and I looked into the family history, and he was hit by a bus.

"You've got to be kidding me," Dean mumbled, than noticed an ad for Shawn's company on the back of the bus that hit him. "Guys, check it out."


Dean pointed at the ad.

"Too soon?"

"Yeah, Dean. Pretty sure six seconds is too soon," Sam told him.

Across the street, I noticed a woman staring at us from inside a building.

"Hey. Hey, hey, hey. I think I saw her. Right over there."

"Her? Like Fate her?"

"Yeah," I nodded.

"What did she look like?" Dean asked.

"Kind of like a librarian," I shrugged.

"Sam's type of librarian or my type of librarian?"

Sam smacked his brother upside the head and I rolled my eyes.

"Well, she was wearing clothes, if that's what you mean."


Dean started to walk across the street, but I reached out and grabbed his arm before he could get to far.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait, wait, wait. We can't just walk over there."

"We're not on the hit list," he pointed out. "We have nothing to do with the boat. Let's go talk to her."

"Talk?" Sam repeated, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, you know," Dean flashed his gun, "talk. Worth a shot, right?"

Sighing, Sam and I followed Dean into the abandoned restaurant.

"Hello? Hello? Hello-o?"

Dean's flashlight died.

"Oh, come on," he groaned.

"You got a lighter?" Sam asked.

Dean pulled said lighter out of his pocket, trying it a few times, but it wouldn't light.

"Oh, come on. It's out of juice or something?" I asked, knowing Dean's lighter never ran out of juice.

"It shouldn't be," he replied.

The lighter finally sparked, and the room in front of us lit on fire. However, before the gas and fire explosion could reach us, we were suddenly in a forest and Cass was standing in front of us.

"Cass!" I cried.

"Hello, Eleanor. Sam, Dean."

"Hey, thanks man," Sam smiled. "Where are we?"

"White Russia."

"What?!" Sam raised his eyebrows.

"Are you aware of what your frat bro did?" Dean growled.

"I'm aware. Balthazar can be impetuous," Cass replied.

"Well, riddle me this," I began. "If Fate's going after the boat people, why'd she try to waste us?"

"Well, I imagine she harbors a certain degree of rage toward you," Cass shrugged.

"What did we do?" Sam asked, practically whining.

"Nothing of import- just the tiny matter of averting the apocalypse and rendering her obsolete. I think maybe she's a little irritated about that. And then you go and dangle yourselves in front of her..."

"So, we've pissed off Fate personally," Dean translated.

"If I know her- and I do- she won't stop until you're dead."

"Awesome," I rolled my eyes. "So what do we do?"

"Kill her," the angel responded matter-of-factly.

"Kill Fate?" Sam scoffed.

"Do you have another suggestion?"

"No, I'm- I just mean, uh... Can you even do that?"

"Balthazar has a weapon that will work against her."

"Of course he does," I rolled my eyes again. "Yeah. Boy, that guy's just got it covered, doesn't he? You need new friends, Cass."

"I'm trying to save the ones I have, Eleanor," Cass glared at me. "We'll have to draw her out."

"Alright, well, she's gunning for us. She's bound to surface eventually."

"We'll make it easy for her. I think you have an expression for it. 'Tempting Fate.'"

"Okay, so, we're just gonna meet our fate at any time, right?" Dean asked timidly.

"Yeah," Sam nodded. "Just walk. Act natural."

Biting my lip, I grabbed onto Dean's hand and we all started down the street. We passed a flight of concrete stairs and a skateboarder flew by, narrowly missing our heads.

"Okay," Dean muttered.

"That's fine," I squeezed his hand.

A bicyclist narrowly missed us next, followed by a man with two barking dogs.

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me," Dean groaned, staring ahead.

We'd come to a stop in front of a group of street performers who were juggling swords and hatchets.

"Alright, just- just keep walking," Sam said.

I whimpered beside Dean.

"Sam, they're juggling knives. And hatchets."

"Yeah, I know," Sam replied just as the jugglers switched to torches. "Can't avoid Fate."

I whimpered again, squeezing Dean's hand tighter and he dragged me behind Sam through the jugglers. We made it to the other side unharmed. I didn't let up my grip as we rounded another corner. A man was holding a jammed nail gun, and he pointed it straight at Dean's head as he hit it to try and get it unstuck.

"Ah," Dean winced, but the gun didn't go off.

We moved on.

"Alright, I don't get it," Sam sighed.

"I don't either," Dean shook his head. "Who do you got to kill to get killed around here?"

"Maybe Cass was wrong," I suggested.

"Look out!" a man yelled.

We all looked up to see an air conditioning unit plummeting toward our heads.

Castiel's POV

I stared at Eleanor and the Winchesters, frozen on the sidewalk. Eleanor was clutching Dean's hand and they were all staring up at the giant device used to cool off buildings that had been threatening to crush them moments earlier.

"Castiel," Atropos called out to me.

"Atropos," I greeted her, turning. "You look well."

"I look like stomped-over crap, because of you," she hissed.

"Alright, let's talk about this."

"Talk? About what? Maybe about how you and those three circus clowns destroyed my work. You ruined my life."

"Let's not get emotional."

"Not get emotional?!" she cried. "I had a job. God gave me a job. We all had a script. I worked hard. I was really, really good at what I did... Until the day of the big prize fight. And then what happens? You throw out the book!"

"Well, I'm sorry, but freedom is more preferable," I tried reasoning with the Fate.

"Freedom?" Atropos scoffed. "This is chaos! How is this better? You know, I went to Heaven just to ask what to do next, and you know what? No one would even talk to me."

"There are more pressing matters at hand."

"But I don't know what comes next. I need to know. It's what I do."

"I'm sorry. But you're services are no longer required," I raised my voice slightly.

"You know what? I've kept my mouth shut. I could have complained, I could have raised a fuss, but I didn't. But you know what the last straw is? Un-sinking the Titanic. You changed the future. You cannot change the past. That is going too far!"

"It's Balthazar," I shrugged, trying to cover up the real motive behind un-sinking the ship. "He's erratic-"

"Bull crap!" she cut me off. "This isn't about some stupid movie. He's under your orders. You sent him back to save that ship."

"No, I didn't," I lied. "Why would I?"

"Oh, maybe because you're in the middle of a war and you're desperate?"

I averted my gaze, looking back over at Eleanor, Sam, and Dean.

"Come on," Atropos groaned and I looked at her again. "This is about the souls."

"You don't know what you're talking about," I told her.

"That angel went and created 50,000 new souls for your war machine," she continued.

"You're confused."

"No. You can't just mint money, Castiel. It's wrong... It's dangerous... and I won't let you."

"You don't have a choice."

"Maybe I don't. So here's a choice for you. If you don't go back and sink that boat, I'm gonna kill your three favorite pets."

I swallowed, glaring back at her.

"I won't let you."

"Oh, yeah? What are you gonna do?"

"Do you really want to test me?"

"Okay. Fine. But think about this- I've got two sisters out there. They're bigger, in every sense of the word. Kill me- Sam, Dean, and Eleanor are target one. For simple vengeance. You're not fighting a war or anything, right? You can watch them every millisecond of every day. Because maybe you've heard- Fate strikes when you least expect it."

"Balthazar, stop."

Atropos turned to see Balthazar standing behind her, frozen with his blade ready to stab her.

"Ah," he smiled a little. "Awkward."

He slipped the blade back away.

"Set things right before I flick your precious trio off a cliff just on principle," she glared back at me.

"Uh, sweetie, before we go, um, I could remove that stick from your-" Balthazar started.

"Don't try me," Atropos growled.

"Oh. We'll leave it inserted, then. Alright, then. Let's sink the Titanic."

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