1 a.m. Invitation

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A/N: This is my first fanfiction of ShikaTema in English version and English is not my native language so... I apologize if it has some weird grammar. Feel free to comment.pls

I DO NOT own Naruto story.


They came back at the documentary room around midnight. Outside the building was quiet like a graveyard. When Shikamaru turned on the light, they could feel the room cool down by Konohagakure's night time temperature. The second round of document management was harder than the first round. Especially after their stomach has been full filled.

Half an hour after that. "Oh god ..." She lamented. The teal eyes rose from alphabets lined up on the page.

"Is everything OK?"

"I re-read this page for three rounds." Her index finger and thumb massaged between her eyes to relax her mind. Unfortunately, it didn't work.

"Oh..." Shikamaru understood immediately. He thought Temari started to lose her concentration after working marathon for several hours. It was almost 1AM. "Let's take a break.

"I'll make some tea."

Shikamaru put the paper down. His legs was as hard as plastered statue. He watched Temari making tea form behind. He couldn't help to think that she looked really exhausted. "Suna must be irritated if they know how much Konoha is using their ambassador."

Temari laughed lightly. "I'll sue Gaara"

Shikamaru tilted his head. "You're not gonna do that."

"You sure?"

"If you really want to protest, you might already break lord sixth's office door... remember you did it last time."

"Did Ino tell you? You said that you din't want to know how I forced the Hokage tell the mission of Shijima no Kuni, didn't you?" The slender figure swiveled back with two cups of hot tea in her hands. She handed a cup to him then sat down beside him.

"I didn't ask for it. You know she's a natural-born talkative queen."

"Well, I don't care about it."

"Please! I don't want you to break the Hokage's office again."

"You made me do it! It's your fault!... and don't you dare do it again." She raised her voice made the old cry-baby chunin gave up.

"Yeah... yeah... I told you I'll never ever do it again." His voice softened in the last word. Actually, he still felt so guilty whatever he hid to her last time. And she finally followed to save him. That made the lazyass thinking about moving forward. To prove that he is worthy for her concern.

Suddenly, Ino's word repeated in his head.

"You'd better find a chance to share time together. You know you hardly meet each other."

"Hey..." Shikamaru inhaled deeply. His eyes looked at the woman who picked up the papers and read them again. She murmured in her throat perceptively. Then his eyes peel off with a long exhalation again. "Tomorrow... wanna have a dinner at my home?"

Her hands let the paper foalted down on the floor.


"Well... my mom invited you to dinner at our home." He rolled his eyes as if afraid to say something wrong. The Nara tried to make himself as normal as possible. Even though he was so nervous even his heart beatef faster for unreasonable excitement. Why would he so excited? Geez, Choji and Ino have been dinnet at his home before. "Are you free?"

"Y... yeah" Temari answered lightly made he raised his headup doubtedly. But her face turned away from him instead. He saw the red slashes painted on her ear slightly.

"What's worng?"

"In Suna, it means you introduce to your parents that you want to... marry him or her." Shikamaru choked his saliva. "B... but! Konoha's not the same tradition, right?"

The asked man scrathed his head. It didn't like he didn't know what his mother mean by that. But he didn't want to be serious in 'that dinner' truly meaning. It might be awkward between him and her.

Yeah... it's absolutely awkward.

"Nah... not that too formal."

Nice. Now, you're gonna be beaten.

"If you're not okay, it's okay." He rushed his sentence. Well, it's no use to force her if she don't like it anyway.

"I-I... I... I will..."

"Huh? What did you say?" He asked as he heard the murmur softly as if the sound of a needle fell on a carpet. Shikamaru glanced at her when Temari covered her face with a paper.

"I'll go..."

The awkwardness seemed to fade away. The room replaced with the fluffy feeling in their hearts. He usually watched the clouds drift in the air and daydreamed being a cloud. It was so comfortable and free. But It's not as close to the feeling now. So fulfilled. So warmed. Shikamaru couldn't help to widely smile like a madman, while his heart beat faster.


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