A terrible 3 a.m.

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A/N: This is my first fanfiction of ShikaTema in English version and English is not my native language so... I apologize if it has some weird grammar. Feel free to comment.pls

I DO NOT own Naruto story.



It was harder than 1AM for sure. Shikamaru'eyes were heavy as hell. He yawned widely when he forced to focus at the documents. His back was so pain he need to striaght it up frequently. It didn't help much. Only Sakura's tea could refresh his mind a little bit. Moreover, the cold air spreaded around the document tower. The temperature of the room was so low that Shikamaru had to go to find a blanket from another room.


When the room filled with silence. The blonde-haired woman tilted her head to the black-haired man's shoulder.

He said nothing.

Next, she laid down on his lap, he still siad nothing. No complaining. No troblesome word.

"You'll sleep so soon in that position." He softly warned.

"Nah! don't worry I'm not gonna leave you stay alone."

She said that but after a while, the document in her hand fell to cover on her face. Her conciousness seemed to disappear completely. Shikamaru waved the document in his hand, dodging it to look at her beautifully peaceful face. Teal eyes hid behind the eyelids. The sand-haired twintails pressed on his lap that seemed to hurt more than comfortably. But the drowsy woman fell asleep too deeply to know.

'You finally leave me alone, troublesome woman.'

The dead-fished eyes looked at her who informatively leaned on him as if his legs were a pillow.


'Well, walking through the desert for three days long. She should rest instead of working without a break like this.'

"What a drag..." Even if he muttered her. His face's still gentle. The word 'What a drag' seemed to far from the real meaning of it. His hand covered a blanket on her shoulder.

Long time ago, he said that she is the cluelest kunoichi on earth. It doesn't seem to match with her face right now.

Woman... You make me turn back my word, geez.

His hands ran through her silky hair on her forehead. His lips softly kissed on her temple. A warm touch couldn't wake a sleepy woman up. Then, he leaned back to continuely read the document as if nothing happened. He listened to her breath among a silence. Keep his sweet secret forever.

Date is date, work is work. But someone recieved a special moments he gave either date or work. Nobody knew. Nobody got it from him except her.


4 AM

Temari started to move her body again when she felt she's on Shikamaru's lap. Taking a nap made her brain refreshing. She asked sleepily. "How long have I been sleeping?"

"Almost an hour."

"An hour!?"


"Ouch! What the heck!" She abruptly jumped up, knocked his chin by her head. Shikamaru held his chin painfully while Temari crawled down from his lap.

"I thought it's only ten minutes. Why didn't you wake me up!"

"Stop nagging me, woman. You should keep working quickly. It's almost morning."

The word made Temari couldn't decide to scream, cry or sigh. Finally, she bloated her cheeks before picking up the documents again.


5 AM

When drowsiness replaced by time-lapse and workload. Her body wailed, had a backache and stomachache. She dazzled, lost focus sometimes. But her eyes were awake terribly.

"Done" The genius relaxed with his long breath and dropped the last sheet of paper. Temari looked up and made a lament. She just left another document set up while Shikamaru's already done all his part. Now it's an hour left before dawn. Temari guessed the shinobi would leave her to get some sleep while she still worked. It'll be done in time... if she hurried up a bit faster. But his voice cut her mind off. "Hand your paper here. I'll help you."

"It's fine. There're not many. Go get some nap." Deeply, the ambassador of Sunagakure want him to help. She was ready to stop reading and signing everything. Fighting against lethargy and fatigue was so difficult. But then she understood that Shikamaru wanted to sleep as well. He's done his part, so it's a right thing to let him sleep.

"Troublesome. I'm not going to let woman work and run away to take a nap. It's unmanful."

Temari rolled her eyes. She didn't want to argue with him. Although she felt annoyed with his mention of men and women stuff.

"Baka, you talk way too much." She whispered to herself.

"You know I heard it."

Next chapter is the last of this story. Stay tune!

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