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A/N: This is my first fanfiction of ShikaTema in English version and English is not my native language so... I apologize if it has some weird grammar. Feel free to comment.pls

I DO NOT own Naruto story.



The door opened without knocking. The new arrivals didn't expect to see anyone in this room. But she almost screamed when she saw two young jounins in ruined state. One of them buried herself in a pile of papers. Another one lying on the floor. Shizune could quickly identified him from his unique hairstyle.

"S... SHikamaru-kun! Temari-san!"

"Ah... Shizune-san." Shikamaru got up first. Shizune relieved that she hadn't to send them to emergency room. "Please send the documents to lord sixth... we will go home."

"All of these!?" The Hokage's assistant stared at the pile of papers when the Nara got on his feet, pass in front of Shizune, to shook Temari's shoulder. Then, she woke up with unhappy sleepy face. She sent her hand to him. Ask him to drag her home.

They left the office. They had no idea what time was it until they push the door to see the morning sunburn licking their skin. Their eyes sored as if it's more sensitive than usual, causing they blinked away.

"The worst watching sun rise that I've ever see."

"Yeah..." She nodded in silence. Waiting for her brain refreshing a bit. "The worst romantic moment."

"Let's go home." He said drainedly while grabing her hand. But she stopped following him.



"Let's get something to eat together."

"I wanna sleep." Told the Nara. Moreover, she's the one who need to sleep. He wondered why she ask him to eat.

"It's a breakfast time." That reason couldn't persuaded. In his idea, people can survive even if skip a breakfast. "I'm hungry... since five."

He stared at her face. She still has sleepy face and it's... cute. His heart melted down right away.

"Okay fine...Let's go to Ichiraku again."


"Oh! you guys again?" The owner of the Ichiraku was surprised. No one could eat ramens every meal except Naruto and this time was too early for them.

"Same as the last time." Shikamaru said. Which is not different from Temari.

"Oversleep? huh?"The owner's daughter was smiling while her father went off to do the order. But the two of them didn't react very well except falling down asleep at the counter. At that time, the new guest came in and greeted lively. "good morning Why're you so early? Naruto-kun."

"Morn'in nee-chan, morn'in jii-chan. Shashu-ramen same as the last time."

Blonde-headed heroes sat next to the previous downed man. The blue eyes glowed a bit before hitting. "Shikamaru!?"

The disturbed Nara roared in his throat. His hair was messier than the normal. Eyelids weighed too heavily to raise. Shikamaru frowned at Naruto, telling him that he was fucking annoyed being disturbed.

"You're in such a corpse state. Dude!" Shikamaru's brain was still processing slowly. But this time, the conversation is pushed into the crazy madman who is predictably ahead. "Is that Suna's badass nee-chan beating you again!? What does she do? Tell me!"


Naruto was lucky that Suna's badass nee-chan was still sleeping. She couldn't ravage or make bloody morning scene.

"Nothing. We've just prepared the Chunin exam all night long." He wanted to leave a dying message.

"Ah... well then, Kakashi-sesei threw his jobs into you? I hope he's not reading pornography."

"He's oversleep harder than anyone. If you go for the mission, you'll see it. Man." Shikamaru's eyelids were too heavier to move.

"Oh really?"

"Miso-Ramen for you." Bowls was served in front of the two sleepers. Shikamaru looked at the bowl quietly, before poking Temari's slender shoulder.

"Tem... Wake up..."

Then she groned before lifting her head with half-opened eyes. Her hand grabbed two pairs of chopsticks from bamboo flask in front pf her, sent one of them to Shikamaru before eating.

"Wrong pair" Naruto warned. He looked at the two Shinobi moving slowly. Temari frowned almost unconcentrated before she switched a new chopstick to Shikamaru. He had a same symptom like her. The whole picture in Naruto's eyesight looked clumsy and slow as a snail.

"You guys OK?" Naruto sweated. Geez... how tired!

No answer from both. They just ate. The feeling of surrounding people who woke up was irritated but pity in the same time. Finally, the sand blonde-haired woman put her chopsticks down while she was eating less than half. Then, drinking water and wailing.

"I can't eat anymore." Temari made a frown before falling her face down to the counter again. left shikamaru pulled a wry face.

"You're the one who drag me here. I told you to go back to sleep."

"Shut up." She mumbled.

It didn't like he didn't understand her. Shikamaru felt hungry but too tired to held dang chopsticks.

"Are you guys together all night?" Naruto asked. Shikamaru hummed to him slowly through "Oh my! What's happen to your chin?" Shikamaru remembered that his chin probably got the red mark from the 4 a.m. accident. But he didn't willing to explain.

"It's too troublesome to explain it."


In general, Shikamaru didn't think about telling his own story to other people. It wasn't his intention especially in his break time. His tried eyes almost closed completely. His tongue couldn't taste of ramen anymore. He didn't know Ichiraku's ramen taste like sand in the water or it would be his sense bud that already died.

"Anyway, is Temari alright? She looks worse than you"

"Well, she just came from Suna and continuely go through the night. No surprise for her state."

"Now I see Kakashi-sensei's so cruel."

"Yeah..." Brown's eyes man fluttered. After eating a few more, Shikamaru gave up. "Sorry, jii-san" He earned coins in his pocket paying for ramen, then woke the Suna's Kunoichi up again. "I'm leaving, Naruto"

"Oh... 'kay..." The last picture Naruto saw was his friend held the cruelest princess' hand, dragging her out of the shop among late morning light. They looked like ready to sublimate any time.

What a pity...


"Here's fine." Her half-opened teal eyes pumped up to confirm that this was her hotel, then turned to tell him. He yawned and waved his hand. Shikamaru still stood until Temari marched up steel staircase beside the building to the second floor.

"Shikamaru" Her calling made him stop his feet then turned around. his weary face looked up. The Kunoichi draped her limp arms over the ladder.

But still smiling. A shiny smile.

"See you tonight."

"Eh...?" His eyes widened.

"What's that mean? You're the one who invites me to dinner at your home. Remember?"

"But ..." Suddenly, the brain returned to last night memory.


Back to the 1 AM

"Tomorrow... wanna have a dinner at my home?"


"Well... my mom invited you to dinner at our home... Are you free?"

"Y... yeah" Temari answered lightly made he raised his headup doubtedly. But her face turned away from him instead. He saw the red slashes painted on her ear slightly.

"What's worng?"

"In Suna, it means you introduce to your parents that you want to... marry him or her." Shikamaru choked his saliva. "B... but! Konoha's not the same tradition, right?"

"Nah... not that too formal."

Yeah. Nothing's embraced. Nothing's serious.

"If you're not okay, it's okay." He rushed his sentence.

"I-I... I... I will..."

"Huh? What did you say?"

"I'll go..."

It's not serious at all.

"Okay..."He was glad she wasn't denied. But something wasn't right. The young genius took his time to ask himself again.

If this is NOT serious, will it mean I can invite other people... other girls?

No... I can't.

He gazed rather face that covered behind a sheet of paper. Then, his sluggish eyes changed. "If It's serious... If I'm serious about it, will you still come with me?"

Her hands and shoulders are contracted. Temari didn't answered. Then, Shikamaru didn't ask again. The awkward conversation was ended with the feeling of disappointment grew inside the man's chest.


"But..." Shikamaru stroked his head confusingly. "I thought you denied it."

"I said nothing yet." Her smiled made him fooled "You need to give me a time. You know... you said like a marriage proposal last night." Her voice was softer in the last sentence.

Yes it is. He won't be able to invite the others. Won't talk to the others like the way he talk to her.

And now her answer sounds like she accept.

Dang! my heart's gonna explode even if I'm so fucking tried.

"Ok... see you." Shikamaru took long time to find his own words. "I'll take you... Six o'clock?"


"Good dream."

"You too."


Almost ten...

Shikamaru walked back his home. Let past twenty-four hours' scenes played repeatedly in his mind, even through he felt dizzy almost fainted.

Then, the young man sensed that the mouth muscles lifted automatically. He couldn't stop smiling at all during his return home.

If he had died right here right now, he would still be happy.



Thank you for every vote, every comment, every single visiting I'm so glad like Shikamaru now. Now I finished it. Tell me if you like or dislike. Wait for next slowly slowly update the new one.

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