Our Dinner at 9 p.m.

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A/N: This is my first fanfiction of ShikaTema in English version and English is not my native language so... I apologize if it has some error grammar. Feel free to comment.pls

I DO NOT own Naruto story.


"Huh?" She frowned before looked high and low to stacks of papers. "Huh !?" Her slender finger slid each paper to search something.

"What?" The man asked. He felt something wrong.

"I don't see medical records"

Shikamaru frowned. "Are you sure?"

"Of course!" She raised her voice "Is it with you?" The blonde-haired woman reached his pile of paperwork, which he placed on a short table in front of him.

"Nope" He claimed before sighing loudly "We need to find it. Maybe Sakura can help us. Troublesome."

"I'll go to the hospital."

"Sakura's not in the hospital right now" Shikamaru glanced at the clock when he found out that it was almost 9PM. The male jounin stretched sluggishly while Temari was nervous.

"how should we suppose to do!? We need to finish it tomorrow morning. If we wait to find Sakura in the morning, It'll be late."

"We won't wait. We'll go to Sakura's home and I hope she can help us... c'mon!"

Temari calmed herself down and hurried to follow Shikamaru out of the document room. Outside the room, nobody was in the building. It was dark and silent. The whole picture didn't seem familiar. But they didn't care about it. Both of them hurried out of the building and headed straight the pink-haired doctor's home. According to Shikamaru's guide, they stopped in front of Sakura's house in next few minutes. Shikamaru rang the bell.

"A moment!" The sound of the old man squealed behind the door before the door slid off with the face of the middle-aged man. He cocked his eyebrows when he clearly saw his guests. "Oh Shikamaru-kun. What's going on?"

"Sorry to interrupt, Haruno-san. Is Sakura here?" Shikamaru asked. Temari was sure that the big man in front of them was Sakura's father. He nodded for Shikamaru's question.

"I'll go after her." The two younger said thanks to before the old man began shouting for his daughter. Just a moment before Sakura replaced her father.

"Shikamaru? Temari-san?" The new comer greeted them doubtedly.

"We need your help." Temari cut off whatever question in Sakura's mind then asking for the crucial medical records.

"I see. You were lucky to come here. I accidentally picked it up from the hospital. I'll get it. Would you come in?"

"Thanks but we're in hurry."

"Okay. Wait a minute." She disappeared in her house left the couple in front of the door.



"Did your mom complain about your overnight-working?" Temari gazed him. She hag a thought when she saw Haruno's family and boubted uncontrolably. Shikamaru had his family in Konoha too but you see... He worked and done things outside like a homeless. Expectedly, to mention his mother made him making face like a pain in his ass.

"She always nags me like before. Troublesome." He scratched his neck. "At first, she hit my ears. It burne like hell you know..." She giggled. "I don't know but I'm jounin here and Hokage's advisor. Mom would have to get it."

Temari listened quietly. Her family was left with only Gaara and Kankuro. They're in her age. And everyone in her family had different obligations. With going out on a mission for months, so no one was waiting at home. No one asked because everyone understands how they're so messy all the time. Unlike Shikamaru's mother even she was a ninja, she was old enough to be home. Since she lost her best husband ever. She would surely want her son to go home. Temari couldn't imagine how much but it's definitely much.

"You don't have to stuck with me, you know. Go home. I can handle..."

"No. Don't be silly." He cut her kindness out.

He had a million reasons that couldn't take Temari's kindness. She might be dead under all of paperworks.

"Silly!? Wha--!!!" The voice of a dashing woman told him that she was inviting a quarrel. Luckily, Sakura opened the door and interrupted.

"Sorry for late, guys. Here..."

The voice of a dashing woman tells her that she is inviting a quarrel. But luckily, Sakura opened the door and interrupted.

"Sorry, guys. Here..." The pink-hairs medic-nin handed them a brown sealed file that looked heavier than they thought. The couple stopped to quarrel and sigh loudly. "Oh! and this is tea leaves. It'll help you refreshing a little bit, if you have to through the night."

"thanks" Temari exhaustedly smiled.

"We'll leave. See ya."

"Don't push yourself too hard!"

Temari turned her heel back to the work but Shikamaru held her arm to stop her.

"Wait. We're out here. It'd better grab some food...?"

"Good idea." She couldn't refuse. They worked too much and nothing fell to their stomach since noon. She's starving as well as him.

"I'll take you to Ichiraku."

"Heh? Dose it still open this time? Isn't it too late?"

"Naruto told that the owner open it 24/7" The woman was a little surprised. "Let's go. I'm starving now."

They headed to the ramen shop in the bustling area that they weren't wondering why ramen shopkeepers  decided to open it all day all night.

The loudly greeting raised up suddenly when two bowls of Miso-Shashu had been served.

"Shikamaru! Temari-san!" That's voice was Ino's but she didn't come alone. Soon after the voice ended. The white pale face of a young man, the former Foundation, sent a smile behind his girlfriend. "Aww! I know it! you're on date!"

The word 'date' made the couple flinched. Their face painted red. It wasn't like an embrassing stuff. They just not get used to it yet even if they've been date before.

"What a drag. It's not a date. We just have some food before get back to work. And I heard you two went to the mission. Why're you here?"

The pale blonde girl smiled brightly to her childhood friend. "Sai and I just returned from the mission this afternoon. Then, we decided to date." Ino stopped her coy reaction after she and Sai officially launched their relationship to the whole world. In Shikamaru's mind, it made him even more irritated.

So annoying

So Jealous!

"You'd better find a chance to share time together. You know you hardly meet each other."

'I knew it, geez...'

The busy couple thought simultaneously. Temari pouted to Miso-Shashu's bowl as if it didn't taste good anymore while Shikamaru raised his chin on his hand and said emotionlessly.

"Don't worry. I'm gonna stay with her til the sun rise. You think how many file we must handle?"

"Oops! Hehehe" Ino giggled dryly when she felt his moody emotion. Sai gently pulled Ino away.

"If so, we shouldn't disturb you. Anyway, have a nice last supper."

"We're not gonna die!" They yelled at Sai. But He wouldn't be interested while dragging Ino away. Leave another couple still sitting in front of their meal quietly.

One is Konoha, One is Suna.

They thought Ino was right. Since the day they started thinking each other more than a friend. They'd always be disturbed by the feeling of missing each other. So, a meeting or a mission, It's not a drag stuff anymore if they still have a time together. This night-through mission was the same. He was willing to spend the night with her even his brain might be blew in the next morning. He, the most lazy shinobi, would be okay.

However, they couldn't deny that they are jealous of Sai and Ino, who could share their time together.

This reminded him the lately morning conversation with his mom.

"Wow, you are an early bird huh? Shikamaru?"

"Ah... the Chunin exam hm? Tell me will you come home tonight?"

"I can't tell, mom"

"I know it can't help but at least you should bring it back home. It's not good to stay in the office all night alone."

"I'm not alone..."

"What did you just say?"

"Nah! nothing! I gotta go..."

"Wait! Shikamaru!"


"Why don't you invite 'her' to dinner at our home?" That sentence took him to choke saliva.

"M... Mom!?"

How could she know! How could my mother know about me and Temari!?!

"Tomorrow is perfect!" Yoshino splited her hands as if she has already decided. Her sweet smile sent shivers to her son's spine. He knew that when she did it, she already closed his chance to deny. "Don't you dare forget it, dear."

Inviting the most cruelest princess of Sunagakure to dinner at home... not different a S-rank mission, is it!?

Temari'll think he deserve to die with her wind jutsu or her fist.

At that moment, he madly ran his brain system while admitting mother's order.

However, after he met Ino... His mind has changed.  It might not be bad to date with her in his home next time, right? Of course, if she accepted.


A/N: TBC. Stay tunes!

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