The Little Mermaid【Part7】

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Last chapter! The next story is...

【Eren POV】

I felt so bad for killing her.

"Eren, it wasn't your fault." my mom said.

"It was!" I plopped on my bed and cried.

"Come on, sit up."

She put my crown on my head and took a few swims back to take a look.

"Perfect prince." she smiled.

I huffed and crossed my arms. It's been two weeks till I've last seen Levi and its starting to hurt.

"Oh Eren! Levi sent you a letter!" Mikasa said.

I perked up and swam right over to her.

I opened it up and there was a little note with a ring.

Dear Eren,

I know I've only seen you for 1 day, but I truly love you. I know this relationship is moving fast, but hey, lets call this a Fairy Tale. So, I think it's time to take a step forward.

Eren Jaeger, will you marry me?

~love Levi

I cried and smiled.

"Well, don't leave us hanging! What did it say?!"

"Yes." I answered quietly.

Mikasa and my mom looked at each other and smiled.

"You said yes!"

I gave them both a hug and I just cried tears of joy, forgetting about Petra and Armin.

"I have to work on the dress!" Mikasa and my mom both said.

They swam out of my room and I slipped the ring on.

Eren Ackerman.

Well, I guess I'm not a Jaeger anymore.

The ring was really pretty. It was gold with a little mermaid tail carved on the side with specks if teal. At the end of the tail there was an emerald.

Then on the back it said Eren Ackerman.

"Eren! We finished!"

"For heavens sake Mikasa, I'm a guy!" I argued.

"But you bottom." she winked.

I blushed and snatched the dress from her.

I put it in my closet and rushed down for dinner with my huge family.


"Fitting time!" my mom yelled.

She tugged the dress over me and it felt comfortable. I was really pretty too.

"Does it make my butt to big?" I asked trying to see.

"It's perfect!"

"Great! Gotta go Mikasa!" I said. I hugged my mom and Mikasa while I swam out the window.

'Meet me at the park at 4:00.'


I climbed up the grass patch and hulled myself up.

This time Annie said I didn't need to give up anything.

"You look pretty Eren." I heard a voice say.

I froze and turned around.

There was Levi, dressed in a white tux.

My dress dried with a little help of Mikasa.

"Well, lets go." Levi held out his arm while I just cried tears of joy.


"I now pronounce you Husband and Wife (?)."

Levi kissed my softly while I kissed him back.

My crown was messily placed on my head and so was his.

He was now a prince too!

'Good luck Eren!' Petra appeared.

My eyes filled up with tears.

'See you later!' she disappeared.

My sisters and brothers waved to me at the surface along with my parents.

I waved back as they all saw Levi.

"Oh my goodness! That's Eren's husband?! Lucky!" Historia said.

Ymir frowned at Levi.

"Keep my little bro safe."

"I will." he answered.

I used my water magic and formed the water into a mermaid and froze it.

It was a glass statue of a mermaid.

"I wanna have your babies, Eren."

"I love- wait what?!"



The next story is...

Peter Pan!

So stay tuned and I hope you enjoyed!

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