Odin's Fury (lol)

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Thor POV

I had gone that night to my father; I needed to let him know what I had done. This was some important and risky business, and I needed the All-Father to approve.

I appeared in the Bifrost room and flew with my hammer to the castle after saying a quick hello to the guards. I asked where Heimdal was, but they had just shrugged.

I landed on my feet outside of the grand golden doors, and the guards outside saluted me and opened them. There was the giant room, with the golden throne at the back wall. The floor was a startling white.

I headed up to my father's room and found that it was empty. The guard at the door informed me he was at dinner. I abruptly remembered the time difference between Midgard and Asgard.

I pulled the dining room doors open effortlessly, and found a quiet dinner. There was only my father, my mother, my warrior friends and a handful of nobles gathered around feasting. That was one of the things I missed about Asgard; the food. Sure, the mortal 'pizza' and 'pop tarts' were delicious, but they were nothing to a well-fried boar.

"Ah, Thor, my son. What brings you to Asgard?" My father spoke warmly, but with his indifferent face, he always had in the presence of Nobels.

"Father, I request to talk to you in private," I asked earnestly.

"I accept. Come with me to my chambers." He said, standing up and walking back to his room.

I followed him, and we sat down on comfy lounge chairs.

"So what would seem the problem, Thor?" he asked, the indifference melting from his face and being replaced by a face of a man who was under lots of pressure and a bit of heartbreak.

"I have made a hasty decision. A couple of days ago, my team and I were attacked by a beast not from this world," I started.

I heard him take a deep breath, but gesture me to continue.

"It was Greek."

His worry lines deepened.

"I conversed with a representative of the Greek community, and they allowed me to take two of his own to help fight this beast. But he gave me a warning; The regular Midgardian shouldn't be able to see them. And if they could, there is some powerful magic at play."

"You do realise how dangerous this is, my son? If these representatives get killed, then this could be war." He said slightly raising his voice.

"Don't worry father. I will make sure they are safe."

"Who are the representatives?" he asked, curious.

"A son of Apollo, and a son of... Hades..."


I went back, appearing in the parking lot of Avengers tower. Odin yelling at me still rang in my ears. I knew that there would be a meeting between the pantheons and that it would be dangerous. Odin made me slightly second guess my decision, but I needed to do something. We literally couldn't fight that fire monster.

I walked in and saw a very heated scene. The director Fury was standing, with my teammates in a line, Steve with his back facing me and closer to the door, and Nico and Will in front of him. For some reason, Will had his hand on his husband's shoulder.

Fury looked me in the eye. "Just the Mother^&#@!# I wanted to see."

I flinched slightly at his statement. He said such a dirty term so loosely.

"Ah, Director Fury," I reply confidently.

He scowled. "These young adults are trying to tell me that you brought them here to be on the team?"

I frowned at him. "They have the experience needed to fight the beast we were unable to fight."

"They're just kids!" Fury replied angrily.

Nico glared dangerously at the director like he had something personal against him. That child of hades may have changed, but he was still moody. (MY smol bean Thor's POV not mine!)

"I'm not a kid.' He said darkly.

I panicked a bit. If Fury unleashed Nico's anger, even slightly, then maybe even Will couldn't calm him down in time.

"Fury doesn't mean that," I say, and glare at Fury, telling him he has to shut up. Fury doesn't look happy about it.

"Sure," Nico replied sarcastically.

Will stepped forward to stand next to his husband, entwining his hand in his, and whispered something in his ear. Nico smiled softly.

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