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Tony Stank/Tony Stark/Iron Man's POV

I had been working on the iron man suits late, again. I had no idea that I even fell asleep, but I obviously had. I heard a voice calling my name, and I looked up groggily.

"Stark, we got another mission, so get your ass up here so we can leave." I heard the Russian spy, Natasha Romanoff yell.

I sighed. When I was pulled into all of this 'earths mightiest heroes' business, I had no idea I would have to go on so many missions. Yes, it was fun, but it meant I had to be on call all the time, which Tony Stark just doesn't do. He runs on his time, not some upstart government businesses!

I pushed all of the bitter thoughts away and grumbled. 'Fine."

I got up, changed into a new top, brushed my hair, and ordered JARVIS, my AI, to get me a coffee. I had updated it so it could make coffee with a machine I always kept on every floor. It was done quickly, and I took a sip. 

"Tony!" The angry spy yelled.

"I'm coming!" I yell back and burst through the door.

She sighed. "I'm guessing you want to know where we are going?"

I looked at my fingernails, with had machine grease underneath them. I really needed to fix that. "Yes, I guess."

"Well, it's Washington Square Park. H.Y.D.R.A has been spotted with what the camera's see as flamethrowers."

"Well, that will be fun,"  I mutter, pressing a button to call my Ironman suit. It flew, piece by piece onto me. Natasha didn't blink an eye.

We met up with the rest of the team and headed down to the park.

We soon found out this was not a flamethrower at all. It seemed like there was a huge monster in the middle of a raring fire, throwing out flames and causing havoc. There were a couple of H.Y.D.R.A snipers, but too few for a normal attack. 

This... thing... had an almost aura of power. Of something ancient. 

I could see Thor was freaking out. I don't know why he was so scared. But he pushed on, and we attacked.

Bad idea number #45268.


Hey guys! Do you like? I just want to point out that this story is in the period after Avengers 1, and before Age Of Ultron (or the long weekend of Ultron). 

This is the 3rd book in my series, the First being Darkness Prevails, and the second being An Unexpected Trip to Argentina. Please feel free to check them out, but If you don't have time, I don't mind. Thanks to the people who have followed me from my previous books, may you enjoy xx

Love ya all, KatWeasley1

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