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The trio quietly walked to the direction of the records room atrium, but they had to get through the receptionist first. They turned a corner into a beautiful atrium area in front of towering Art Nouveau doors carved to resemble trees. A very old woman named Melusine behind the desk was in the way of them entering.

"Puis-je vous aider?" Melusine asked.

"Er - yes, this is Leta Lestrange." Newt gestured to Trinity, his hand on her back. "And I'm her fiancé..."

Trinity was utterly confused. No one told her anything about what was going on. She had no clue as to who Leta was.

"I'm her sister-in-law," Tina added, gesturing to Trinity.

Melusine stared at them. Trinity had fair, tanned skin that was a similar shade to Leta. Melusine lifted an ancient book onto the desk and opened it. Her finger trailed through lines of the book, searching for Leta Lestrange. Finally, she pointed to the door.


"Merci," Tina whispered timidly.

"Thank you," Trinity responded, avoiding eye contact with the old woman that scared her so.

"Thank you," Newt whispered.

Melusine eyed them suspiciously as they passed by. The doors to the records office opened. They entered briskly. The doors closed behind them, plunging them into darkness.

"Lumos," Tina whispered.

A race of shelves stretched away from them, all carved to look like trees, disguised as the edge of a forest. Pickett poked his head out of Newt's pocket and squealed in excitement. The trio walked closely together, scanning the eerily quiet area for any dangers that could have been lurking. They weaved in and out of the carved shelves that were filled with rolled-up parchment, the occasional prophecy, and other mysterious trunks and boxes.

"Newt, can I talk to Trinity?" Tina asked. "Just for a moment."

Newt glanced at Trinity who gave him a wide-eyed look. He squeezed her hand and walked ahead of them, leaving the two women alone.

"I'm sorry for what I did a couple months ago," Tina said. "I thought there was a connection between Newt and I before you. We exchanged letters frequently, but I never knew about you. He never mentioned you. Queenie convinced me to see Newt. I really am sorry, Trinity. I have a boyfriend now. His name is Achilles Tolliver. He's an Auror, like me. I'm not making any moves on Newt and I won't in the future."

Trinity stared at Tina in shock. She was ashamed at herself. She hated Tina all along because of a kiss. Tina was obviously led along as well before realizing it far too late. Trinity realized she needed a reality check. She needed to sort out her priorities and learn how to be a better person. In reality, she was truly a beast. Learning how to be a civilized human was a tough task for her. Trinity was fairly competitive. Now that Tina apologized, she needed to, too.

"I'm sorry, too, Tina. I've been very rude to you the entire length of this trip. I'm just very territorial. I know Newt isn't an object, but I just can't help it. My animalistic desires just...overtake me sometimes. It's hard being human," Trinity admitted.

Tina rested her hand on Trinity's shoulder. "That's because you're not human. You're a creature, Trinity. You can't pretend to be someone or something you're not. You don't need to be human. Newt doesn't care about that."

"It's not just about Newt," she whispered. "It's about me wanting to fit into a whole new world I never even knew existed. A couple of months ago, I never even knew magic existed. My people hide away and we don't interact with anyone. I haven't seen my clan for a long while now." Trinity snorted in amusement. "I just learned what a toaster was two weeks ago. Your sister even taught me how to make a pie three nights ago."

Tina smiled at the mention of her sister. "Queenie is magnificent. She is nosy because of her ability, but it's not her fault - mostly."

Trinity smiled. "Thank you for talking to me. It takes a lot of courage. I wish I could be like you. I can't perform magic. I can't protect Newt."

"You can, Trinity," Tina reassured. "After this is all over, I can teach you magic. I don't think you're a Squib because you have magic flowing through your veins. We'll figure it out together." Tina smiled one last time before turning away. Then, she turned back. "I should warn you though. Leta Lestrange is - "

The doors to the records room flew open with a bang. The trio jumped in shock. They pressed their bodies against the shelves. Leta walked inside. It was her last chance to hide evidence about Corvus's death. The doors closed behind her. She raised her wand.

"Lestrange," she said.

The shelves were moving around, rearranging themselves. Melusine was watching through doors of the room records.

The giant trees were shifting all around them. The trio was almost crushed as the Lestrange tree flew toward them. The towering stack stopped in front of Leta. She stared at an empty shelf. There was a mark in the dust where a box once sat, a slip of parchment in its place. She picked up the slip and read it aloud.

"Records moved to Lestrange family tomb at Père Lachaise." Then, she looked up to see Pickett hanging on the shelf. "Circumrota."

The record tower turned, revealing the trio clinging to the shelves.

"Hello, Newt," she whispered.

"Hello, Leta," Newt greeted.

"Hi," Tina awkwardly greeted.

This was Leta? Trinity wondered. What was Tina going to tell me about her?

Leta looked at Trinity, her eyes narrowing. "I don't believe we've met."

"I'm Trinity. It's nice to meet you, I suppose."

At that moment, Melusine walked into the records room, surrounded by growling Matagots.

"Oh - no," Newt whispered.

"What kind of cats are those?" Leta retorted.

"These aren't cats. They're Matagots. They're spirit
familiars. They guard the Ministry, but they won't
hurt you unless you - "

Panicking, Leta fired a spell at one of the cats. "Stupefy!"

The spell hit the cat, but it only caused the Matagots to multiply and become even more aggressive.

" - unless you attack them!" Newt shouted angrily.


Leta climbed over the balustrade to join the trio on the shelf stack. "Reverte!" she shouted.

The towering stack flew backward as the Matagots pounced in a with their sharp teeth and claws. The other "trees" of the records room spun and moved as the trio ran through the room chased by the attacking Matagots. But just as the Matagots seemingly lose the trail, all of the records room towers retract into the floor, leaving the room empty. The Matagots prowled around, only to find Newt's case.

The Zouwu burst out of the case with a loud explosion that resembled the sound of firecrackers setting off. Newt was clinging to her back. She roared and slashed at the Matagots.


Newt's case flew into his hand. The Zouwu and Newt fought off the Matagots. The Zouwu was much stronger. Newt pointed his wand at the ceiling.


Towers rose from the floor, lifting Newt and the Zouwu high up into the air. However, they were still fighting the dangerous cats. The stacks tipped and fell beneath the sheer weight. The Zouwu clambered across to the balcony to the main level on the French ministry. The Matagots still chased the Zouwu, even with her immense speed. She carved a path of the typing pool, then leaped over and her magical power propelled her up and out through the glass roof.

Newt and the Zouwu landed in the cemetery. It was pitch black, but there were lanterns scattered across the cemetery. The few Matagots that followed them, growled, then shrunk. Reduced to the size of domestic cats in the Muggle environment, they meowed pitifully.

Newt opened his case as the Zouwu nudged him with affection. She began playing with him as if he was a toy. She brought him in for a hug and nuzzled against him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay, wait. Hold it there, please. Come on. All right, okay, wait. Okay."

The girls climbed out of the case to observe Newt coaxing the Zouwu. Trinity shook the same bird-like toy with the bell on it that Newt once used against the Zouwu. The Zouwu's eyes lit up in adoration. Her eyes grew doe-like and wide. Unnoticed by Newt, Tina, and Trinity, Leta ran away into the darkness. Trinity threw the toy into the case and the Zouwu followed it, getting sucked in.

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