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"Mother, I've traveled for two years, trying to find my soulmate!" Trinity shouted angrily.

"All I'm saying is - "

"All you're saying is that I should marry someone I don't love!" Trinity cried.

"But it's been too long for you without your soulmate!" her mother retorted.

"Where is the mother I had when I was a child? Where is the mother that loved me no matter what? It's not my fault that Father was in a neighboring territory unlike my nowhere-to-be-seen soulmate," she spat out.

"Trinity, I - "

Trinity cut her off by throwing her hands up in the water and swimming away. The ocean was a large place, and Trinity wanted to swim far enough where her mother would not be able to catch her.

"Trinity, wait!" Her mother made an attempt to swim after her, but a hand on her shoulder stopped her.

Trinity father closed his eyes and shook his head. "She's right, Daphne."

Daphne protested. "But, Aereas!"

He opened his eyes. "How would you feel if someone split us apart?"

Daphne stayed silent.

Aereas nodded to himself. "That's what I thought. I love you, Daphne, but right now, I'm on my daughter's side on this."

Daphne sighed and rubbed her arms. "Well, what do you think I should do? She obviously hates me now."

"She doesn't hate you, but I think we need to make a tough decision."

Daphne's eyes widened. "No! You don't mean..."

"Yes, Daphne. You need to consider the possibility that her soulmate is a human."

Daphne had always prayed that her daughter's soulmate wouldn't be a human. She didn't want her daughter to live on land or accidentally kill her soulmate. Daphne wanted to keep her daughter close to her for as long as possible, but Trinity wasn't a child anymore.

"I shall call the rest of the clan for a meeting. We shall discuss Trinity," said Aereas.

Daphne nodded weakly. Aereas called for the servants to round up the rest of the sirens. Once they were all accounted for, he personally sought out Trinity.

Her father found her near the shore, but she wasn't on human land. She was staring up at the light that escaped the ocean surface. She didn't care if her soulmate was human. She just wanted to hold her soulmate and cherish them.

"Why did you call the clan here?" Trinity asked curiously as she swam toward her mother and the clan.

Aereas smiled as he swam to his throne. "You'll see." He cleared his throat to gain the sirens' attention. "We have very important news!"

They all quieted down and no words were exchanged - not even whispers. Aereas was a respected man. He was their king.

"Daphne and I would like to inform you that because our daughter, Trinity, did not find her soulmate in sea, we are sending her up to land."

The clan gasped in shock. No one from their clan ever had a human soulmate. Trinity's posture immediately became perfect, her back straightening. She smiled widely.

"I'm going up there? You really think he's there?" she asked.

"Let's hope, sweetheart," Daphne nervously responded.

Trinity ignored her mother. "When do I go?"

"Whenever you'd like," her father replied.

"Now. I want to go now."

Sirens were distant relatives to mer-folk. They didn't have tails, but they had fins. One on the bottom of each of their calves, one on the bottom of each of their arms, and one replacing their ears.

"You keep safe, all right?" her father requested.

"Of course, Father."

"I'm sure you'll find him," her mother responded.

Trinity let out a weak smile. After all - why leave on bad terms with your own mother? "Thank you, Mother."

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