🌴 Chapter Forty-Three 🌴

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Essa pushed open the side of the stairs and peaked in. It seemed busy as when she had left. She slipped through and made her way towards the last place she saw Jayme, Rosalya, and Taileiah. She couldn't tell them what happened, nor would all these people around.

Her fingers touched her lips, recalling the very moment when she kissed William or William kissed her. A grin spread across her face, a stupid grin as her heart fluttered like the wings of a butterfly. She felt on cloud nine, but she needed to remind herself of one thing: it didn't happen.

She needed to remain calm and act as nothing happened. Like nothing happened? Who was She kidding? She kissed William for a long time, then kissed him again before she left! She smacked her forehead with the palm on her hand, letting out a groan. She couldn't stop thinking about him no matter how hard she tried.

Nori had caught a glimpse of Essa, seeing how she smacked her forehead, she seemed troubled. She walked over to the island girl and cleared her throat. "Essa? Is everything alright?" She asked in a gentle and caring voice.

Essa looked up at her, a bit surprised. She smoothed down the fabric on her torso as a way of pushing all those thoughts away. "Queen Nori, I'm- I'm fine. It's just a bit overwhelming." That wasn't a lie, it was true. This whole thing was a little overwhelming and she hadn't gotten a chance to speak with anyone about finding her family.

Nori knew there was more to the story, but she wasn't going to pry. "Nori, you may call me Nori. I'm not too keen on formalities, but I've gotten used to it." Her voice is gentle, warm like a mother's. "I also feel comfortable allowing you to call me by my name, I don't know why but it feels right to a certain degree.

Essa felt better already. Her worries seemed to melt away the moment Nori spoke. "Nori," For some odd reason, the name felt awkward to say. She didn't know why, it just didn't feel natural. "I'm sorry, I've been trying to keep with the formalities so I don't get mocked or kicked out."

Nori's face softened. To hear Essa was worried about getting mocked or kicked out, broke her head. "Oh, you shouldn't have to feel that way. No one should." She could only imagine what Essa had gone through, knowing Raymond and getting to know Leshay.

Essa was touched she was being so kind and gave her a weak smile. "I won't have to deal with it anymore after tomorrow." That was right. She will leave for her island tomorrow. She'd have to say goodbye to William, to Rosalya, Jayne, Taileiah, the princesses. In speaking, she hadn't seen the princesses around.

Nori tilted her head, recalling that very thing being said. "Oh, that's right, you're leaving back to your island with your animal family, correct?" She asked, wanting to make sure it was correct. Or more so that Essa was truly leaving and not staying since she seemed to be hesitant.

Essa's heart tugged at her not to go. She needed to stay, but her brain was telling her that she needed to go And her body was just as confused as she was. "I -" She stopped herself. "Correct. We've overstayed our visit and I haven't found my family. I'm sure the animals back on our island are worried sick about us."

Nori took note of how Essa always included her animal family. It was sweet to see how she thought of what normal people would see as just animals, but to her, they were her family. "I'm sure they are. You've been gone quite a long time." She mused, looking over and motioning for her husband to join her.

Mark walked over and stood beside his wife with a bright smile. "Oh, Essa, hello. I was wondering where my wife had gone off too." He smiled and pecked her cheek. "How are you doing?" He asked, seemingly obvious to how Essa was acting.

Essa pushed a piece of hair out of her face and sighed. "I'm doing better. This is still a new experience and it's taking a while, but so far, it's been a wonderful night." She replied, genuinely smiling since it had been wonderful, especially the time she spent with William.

Mark beamed, feeling like a proud father or something of that nature. "I'm happy. I've been worried about how you've been doing since our last encounter. I know Raymond isn't the nicest and Leshay is just as bad - perhaps even worse." He frowned, he had always been at odds with Raymond and never really liked him.

Essa furrowed her brows, looking like a confused little puppy. "You've been worried about me? Why? You don't know me that well." She asked, innocently and curiously. She was surprised to hear him - they were worried about her. She had only met them a few times.

Mark looked at his wife, shocked at what Essa had said. "Of course. I don't know why, but I just have this feeling that I should worry and care." It was strange. He felt this connection to her. Maybe she reminded him of Janessa. Or maybe it was because she was alone and didn't have anything.

Essa didn't know what to say to that. It made her feel loved and as crazy as it sounded, it seemed like the familiar connection she yearned for. "That's . . . that's very nice." She stammered, wondering if this was what it was like to have a family. Someone who worried and cared about you.

Nori noticed tears rolling down Essa's cheeks as she stood there. "Oh, Essa," She picked up a napkin off a passing tray and reached over, drying her tears. "What's wrong?" Worried laced her voice. Had they said something wrong?

Essa realized she was crying. She didn't understand why she was crying. "I - I don't know." She looked at Nori who withdrew the napkin and touched her cheeks. "What's wrong with me? Why am I feeling like this? Why am I crying?" She asked herself, confused.

Nori grabbed her hand and greatly squeezed it. "It's alright. Come here." She pulled the young girl into a hug, feeling her tremble in her arms. "Shh, you'll be fine. I suppose these are new feelings?" She asked softly, running her hand up and down her back.

Essa nodded, holding onto her tightly. She was ruining her makeup, which she was sure whatever was left from her time with William was surely now gone. "It's confusing and I hate it. Life on the island was simple. Coming here made things complicated." She whispered, squeezing her eyes shut.

Nori looked to her husband. This was breaking her heart and it was breaking Mark's heart as well. "I can't imagine what you're going through. I'm sorry." Her voice cracked near the latter of her words. She couldn't bear seeing this girl cry.

Essa sniffles, whimpering a little while trying to collect herself. 'I thought I couldn't cry anymore.' She thought. "I came to find my family and I'm returning to my island empty-handed. What was the point of coming here? Yes, I've made friends and made a lot of good memories, but the whole reason I came never happened."

Mark joined in the hug, holding both his wife and Essa. "Perhaps all things happen for a reason. Maybe your time to meet them hasn't come yet. You were given an opportunity and I don't think fate would be that cruel to give you that opportunity just to take it away." He hoped his words comforted her.

Essa pulled away from the hug and shook a step back. "But I'm leaving tomorrow! How can I find my family by then? No one but Jayme, William, and Alex knows where my island is. The chances my family will happen to stumble upon it is slim. I've never seen a floating island before Jayme's - maybe coming here was a -" She was cut off from saying anything more.

Daiyu's soft voice approached from behind Essa, her hand in Akira's. "It wasn't a mistake." She told her, watching Essa pull away from Nori and Mark. "Don't think like that. You never know what fate holds and perhaps you already have but they didn't realize it. Sooner or later you will be reunited with them, I'm sure of it. It will then be a miracle."

Essa turned, looking at her with a confused look. "How can you be so sure? I'm not sure of anything anymore. Life was simple and I didn't know what I didn't know, but now I know things and I'm confused and torn. I don't want to keep waiting for a miracle. I hate waiting for something that never comes." She huffed, rubbing her temple with her fingers.

Akira finally spoke up, his smile growing on his face. "Give it time." He reminded her in a warm voice. "It may not make sense now but it will." This sounded familiar. Oh yes, he had given advice similar to his sister one summer while she was spending time with William the first time they met.

Essa couldn't fathom how caring they all were. They were giving her advice. She didn't deserve all this. She had done nothing to warrant nor could she do anything in return. She felt unworthy. "You're all so nice - I don't deserve it." She couldn't accept this all, she couldn't allow them.

Nori stopped her, placing her hand on her shoulder with a tender smile. "You deserve it more than anyone. After all, you've been through, you deserve way more than this. If others can't see what we see, then they are losing out on knowing an amazing person like you." She didn't understand how Essa couldn't see this.

Essa smiled, she rubbed her arm with her hand. "Thank you. Really. It means a lot to me to know I'm cared for. Even if everyone doesn't feel the same way." She glanced around, looking for Raymond or Leshay. Once she couldn't find them she turned back to the Oshiappan royals. "I'm glad to have met you and I'm sorry that you lost your daughter. I'm sure she'd be proud of all of you and be grateful for all you've done for me."

Nori's heart stung a little at the mention of her late daughter. "That was Janessa," She mused, it didn't hurt as bad as she thought. It was strange. She passed it off and continued. "She was always caring about others. She would have wanted us to talk and comfort you. She hated seeing people so sad."

Essa felt the same way. "I hate seeing people sad too. It hurts really bad and makes me feel sad along with them." She had always been that way. For as long as she could remember, that was what all the animals on the island said about her. She was happy and caring, going out of her way to help everyone.

Akira was glad to have met Essa. She reminded him of Janessa, they all could agree on that. "I think my sister and you would have gotten along pretty well." If the two had met, they would have been fast friends.

Nori clapped her hands together softly. "We don't want to keep you. I'm sure you have others who you are looking forward to spending time with. We've got others we should speak to as well." She glanced towards her husband with a nod.

Essa nodded with a smile on her face. "Well, thank you for your words. I hope that we may end up meeting again with whatever fate has in store." She gave a small wave to the Oshiappan royals and moved through the crowd to the refreshments table. She looked at all they had to offer and half of it she had never seen before. "Hmm," She ended up with a glass of water and took a sip from it. Nothing like water.

Kalirene stood beside the young girl, glad to have finally caught her. "Hello, Essa. I've been looking for you." She said with a smile and then continued setting down her flute on the table. "I was worried that you decided to leave the ball."

Essa turned to Kalieene and smiled, curtseying to her. "You're majesty," She greeted as she straightened up and tilted her head to the side. "You have?" She inquired, taking another sip from her glass.

Kalirene nodded, pushing a lock of hair from her face. "Yes, I just wanted to tell you how beautiful you look in that outfit. I don't know who picked it out but it suits you very much." She gushed, looking her up and down. She had never seen such a dress and it blew her away.

Essa blushed, glancing down at her dress and running her hand over the fabric. "Oh, thank you. Taileiah made it for me after my animal family gave her the inspiration she needed." She shyly looked away, before complimenting her back. "You look beautiful yourself."

Kalirene pursed her lips to keep herself from giggling at how sweet and shy Essa was being over the compliment. "Well thank you and you're welcome. Are you enjoying the event so far? I know this must be tough for you, considering all that's happened." She tenderly told her.

Essa nodded, taking another sip from her glass. "Yes, it's tough. I'm managing the best I can but it does feel a little overwhelming. Thankfully I haven't been bombarded with people wanting to speak with me. I don't think people want to take the spotlight off of William and Rosalya." She was glad she hadn't spoken to anyone yet.

Kalirene placed her hand on Essa's shoulder. "I know seeing him with her must be painful." She knew her son had feelings for her but she wondered if she had feelings for him. She figured she might but she just thought she'd ask. "I take it you have feelings for my son?"

Essa's eyes widened. Her breathing hitched. She did know William had spoken to his mother about his feelings but could she admit her onto? "W-why would you think that?" She stammered, trying to remain calm and collected.

Kalirene now knew she did. She understood why she was denying it. "I can tell by the way you look at him. He's happier with you, anyone who cares about William can see that. I would love to have you as part of the family." As a mother, that was all she wanted: his happiness.

Essa looked down at her reflection in the water of her glass. "That's nice . . ." She mumbled, trailing off. She needed to remember this wasn't her night. "This is William and Rosalya's night. We shouldn't be talking about this - he's getting married tomorrow and I'm leaving for my island."

Kalirene pursed her lips. She didn't want her to leave but she said couldn't stop her. It was her choice and she understood why. "That's true. I just want you to know if you have feelings for him, that's alright. I don't blame you. Seeing William happy for once - I just wish he could be as happy with Rosalya as he is with you." She wanted to make sure she knew she would be supportive.

Essa was secretly glad Kalirene was supportive of the idea. But she couldn't tell her. It was bad enough she had admitted her feelings for him! "Even if I had feelings for him, it could never work out . . ." They lived in two different worlds.

Kalirene always felt things could have turned out differently. She wished they had. No one but Raymond and Leshay wanted this to happen. "Perhaps it could have. If maybe I had been a better mother - if I had tried to defend him and insist he shouldn't be betrothed again, then maybe he could be happy. I didn't regret it a lot and looking back, how could I not try more? William has been hurting and I've been ignorant."

Essa placed her hand on her arm, giving her a gentle smile. "It's not your fault. William knows even if you did there was nothing you could have done. You did the best you could and he loves you so much. You can't change the past, only the present." She hoped her words brought her some comfort.

Kalirene was touched by how caring Essa was. She placed her hand on top of the island girl's and returned the smile. "You're right, I shouldn't dwell on the past and focus on how I can change the future," She paused, realizing it was too late for that. "Time has run out and the only people who will be happy will be Raymond and Leshay."

Essa recalled wise words she once was told. It came back to her and she knew Kalirene needed to hear them too. "If it's meant to be, it's meant to be. That's what I'm holding on to. William and Rosalya are also holding onto that. You should too, it may not be easy to believe, but it gives us hope." A small flame of hope.

Kalirene smiled softly, looking up at Essa. She had a point. If providence wouldn't allow it then it would be so. If providence did, then who were they to try and change that? "You're right." She needed to remain hopeful that whatever happened would be in William's best interest.

Raymond stepped beside his wife and looked down at Essa for a brief moment. The look in his eyes was as if he had just stepped in manure. "I wondered where you went." He pulled his eyes away from Essa and looked at his wife.

Essa quickly curtseyed to him, knowing she needed to show respect to him. "You're majesty." She greeted him. She didn't want to make him mad. She needed to do all she could to show respect. Then hopefully, he'd leave her alone. She hadn't run into Leshay so she was good so far.

Raymond slowly nodded, wishing to ignore her but he tried to act surprised. "Oh, Essa, you came after all and haven't left yet." Disdain. That was what was laced in his voice. He had to applaud her for her being able to be here amidst all the gossip he was sure she had heard by now.

Kalirene shot him a glare and gently tapped his arm. "Raymond!" She hissed, shaking her head. He was so blunt about his dislike for her and he never examined why he truly disliked her so much. She could only figure he knew she had much in common with their son than with Rosalya and it drove him nuts.

Essa tried to remain composed but never meet his eyes. "Ah, yes. I'm here just for the experience of this one thing before I left. I'm leaving tomorrow morning for my island with my animal family so you won't have to worry about anything." She wanted to make sure he knew that she wasn't going to stop the wedding.

A smug smile grew on Raymond's lips as he fixed the ruffles on his shirt. "Good. I need William's head clear so he can marry Rosalya and focus on taking over the throne. He doesn't need any distractions." Disdain, once again, was detected in his voice, emphasizing the last word of his sentence.

Essa gripped the glass and bit her lip. He wasn't going easy on her. "I'm sorry I've made you feel that way. It was never my intention. I just wanted to find my family and I've made a mess of everything. I'm not wanting you to accept my apology or anything, I just want you to know I never had any other motives." She whispered, trying to keep from letting his words affect her.

Raymond could tell she was genuine with her words. That still didn't make him feel any better. "It may never have been your intention, but everyone else perceived it that way. I just hope you have learned something from this: you don't belong here with us. Coming to find your family was foolish, chances are they'd never accept you back." He snapped.

Essa felt like someone had crushed her heart at his sharp words. "I -" She stopped herself. She realized he was right. She had been foolish. She had been foolish to think she could find her family and even more foolish for having feelings for William and admitting them tonight of all nights.

Kalirene cut Essa off, narrowing her eyes at her hand with a deep frown. "That's enough. I know you don't care for Essa but please don't ruin this night for her. For once could you not try and scheme with Leshay into humiliating her?" She hissed, pressing her lips into a fine line.

Raymond narrowed his eyes back at Kalirene and huffed. He didn't say a word, just pivoted on his heels and walked away. He was boiling with anger that his wife was defending her. This whole mess was Essa'a fault and why shouldn't he be glad she was leaving and offering her some advice.

Kalirene turned to Essa and grabbed her hands. "Don't listen to him. He's always been that way and I don't know why - well, he wasn't that way before I married him but I suppose he kept his true colors hidden so I'd marry him." She had been in an unhappy marriage and had grown accustomed to it.

Essa took a deep, shaky breath. She needed to remember that she was leaving tomorrow and all this she'd forget in no time. It would all end up becoming memories, maybe even dreams. "It's alright. I understand what he means and after tonight, he doesn't have to worry about me. He's worried his son won't fulfill his duties and become king, marry Rosalya. He just doesn't understand."

Kalirene couldn't believe she was hearing Essa say these things. "You've certainly changed." She mused with a slight smile. "Well, I'm going to go give him a nice little talk. Continue to enjoy the night and I'll find you later if you manage to find the time." She let go of her hands and turned away. "Take care."

Essa shortly waved to Kalirene as she watched her walk away. "Take care." Her voice was soft enough for the queen to hear before she sighed. 'I have changed. Tonight was a turning point and I'm not going to be the same naive girl I was when I came here. I'm not going to allow anyone to make me feel worthless when I know I'm worth more than gold and rubies.'

Disha briskly walked up to Essa. She was so happy to finally lay eyes on the girl she had been waiting for. "Essa! I'm so happy to see you. Sorry I didn't find you sooner. Governess Dalita has been shadowing me, it's awful." She apologized and then sighed heavily.

Essa crouched down to Disha's level. She grabbed her hands with her own and held them. "I'm sorry. I've been preoccupied with other things. I'm sorry I got side-tracked and it never hit me to come and find you." She was feeling a little guilty.

Disha didn't mind. She could tell something happened. A lot had but she wasn't going to pry. "You don't need to be sorry. You've never been to one of these before, I have. It's only natural to feel that way." She hugged her tightly for a brief moment before pulling away.

Dalita's sharp voice spoke behind the young princess, cutting Essa off from speaking. "Princess Disha, I was wondering where you've gone off to." Her eyes drifted up to Essa and she forced a smile. "You must be the island girl, Essa, right?" She asked, her voice held as much disdain as Raymond's did.

Essa stood up, looking the governess in the eyes. "Yes. You must be their Governess. They've and William has told me a lot about you." She curtseyed to her, and she may not have been royalty but she was of noble birth in some way seeing as she was their Governess.

Dalita was slightly impressed with how respected she was. Curtseying to those with titles and who were above her. "They have, have they?" She inquired, looking down at Disha with an icy glare. She could only imagine what they've told her or what they haven't told her.

Disha quickly cut in so neither had an opportunity to speak more. "I just wanted to say hello to Essa. I haven't seen her all night and I wanted to see how her nights were going." She forced a smile, it wavering for a brief moment.

Dalita nodded, placing one hand in the other, hovering over her stomach. "Ah, I see. I saw her enter and then she just disappeared. I wonder where you went." She hoped either caught on to what she was going to do. She was trying to get Essa to spill whatever she had been doing.

Essa knew what she was doing and she wasn't going to fall for it. "I felt overwhelmed and needed some time away from all the eyes. I'm not used to this many people." That wasn't a lie. She did feel overwhelmed and needed time away. Although, that time she spent with William and kissed him for a while, cried with him, and listened to him.

Dalita could see how that could be. Growing up on an island surrounded by animals and being here surrounded by people, was a change. "I can see that." Her eyes sized her up and down, she had to admit she wasn't what she had expected. "You are returning to your island tomorrow right?"

Essa nodded her head. That was her plan at least. "Yes. I've overstayed my time here and I haven't found my family, so there isn't any reason I should stay. Besides, I don't want to come between William and Rosalya's wedding." She honestly replied.

Dalita was shocked that she was different from how Raymond spoke about her, even the gossip was off. "Hmm, yes, their wedding is a huge event. They'll be happier once this grand event is over and all the pressure has been lifted off their shoulders."

Essa knew that the pressure would never be lifted off their shoulders. She could only force a smile and agree with whatever the Governess said. "Yes, I'm sure they will," She said, trailing off and looking down at Disha. "You were here when I arrived."

Dalita pushed a lock of hair out of her face and behind her ear. "No, I wasn't. I was back home in Russia dealing with some personal issues. Now that's cleared up I'm back here and my time away has caused the young royals to slack." Her eyes drifted down to Disha with a frown.

Disha knew where this was leading. She wanted to get Dalita away from Essa before she started on her. "Anyways, I want to speak with Essa alone if that's alright with you." She looked at her Governess, challenging her in a way.

Dalita could only narrow her eyes at Disha and inwardly huff. "Oh yes, forgive me for taking up your time. Please excuse me." She stepped back and pivoted on her heels, walking away from the duo she made her way to find the other princesses.

Disha looked up at Essa and took her hand in her own. "I don't understand why she's our Governess too." She mused, puffing out her cheeks and blowing out some air. She then smiled, pushing those thoughts away. "I know you're not telling the whole truth."

Essa's face grew red as she stammered to find a reply. "W-what? What makes you think that?" Has she seen her leave with William? Had she gone to look for her? So many questions swirled in her head, making her dizzy.

Disha giggled, placing her hands on her hips. "No silly, you're an awful liar or at least awful at leaving stuff off. Something happened that has you acting differently, but I can't place my finger on it. It's not a bad thing." She mused, studying the girl before her.

Essa sighed softly. She had never thought about that before. If Disha noticed, who else noticed? "Something happened - I'm not saying what - it was a good thing, but also a bad thing. I'm trying to forget it and figure out these new feelings." She replied, knowing it was going to be a long night.

Disha crossed her arms over her chest and smiled, grabbing her hand. "Then, while you figure that out, let's dance!" She exclaimed, dragging Essa out onto the middle of the floor not taking no for an answer.

Essa was about to protest but Disha seemed happy. She didn't want to take it away from her and maybe she'd meet the other princesses on the floor. "Fine, fine." She genuinely smiled at the young princess. Perhaps she could forget about her kiss with William and just enjoy the night, whatever it may continue to bring for her.


I am on a roll, two done in a few days. I am really inspired and I'm pretty happy with how these ball chapters are turning out. I like them more than the shower ones, which I'll definitely go back and edit those two more.

Chapter Talk:
I think the ball will have maybe two more chapters. I know I said that in the previous chapter but there is some stuff I still want to do. A little more world building and interacting with other characters, like Rosalya and the other princesses, maybe even Leshay pulling Essa off to the side to speak with her. We'll see.

Ooh, little hints that Essa is Janessa although to both parties it's a little oblivious. But that reunion will come in due time. I'm bouncing two ideas on how it can happen and I think they're both good. Although, one of them is drama and drama. Which I'm liking far more than the other ones.

And lastly, anything else I forgot to ask my pals. I am happy to answer anything!

In closing, all rude, impolite and mean comments will be replied to in a diplomatic way, reported or deleted if I feel like it is attacking me personally.

Thanks for reading!

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