Eight: Shirtless

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Frank watched Hazel press her clenched hands to her thighs. Guilt came over him and he couldn't meet her eyes. After all, he had just told her that he had a massive crush on Percy. The concept for bisexuality, which was the label Frank decided on for simplicity's sake, was foreign to Hazel. She was still used to looking for the "colored bathrooms" in New Rome restaurants. Frank remembered that she was still having a bit of trouble with Nico over his sexuality. She was in no way homophobic but she wasn't used to sexuality being talked about openly and, more importantly, not have people killed over it. She had accepted her brother and loved him just the same, but whenever they mentioned his boyfriend she paused. Her eyes would flicker with a sense of not disgust or discomfort but fear Frank noted.

"What does this mean for us?" Hazel asked. Frank swallowed thickly, he chewed the inside of his cheek. She looked small, like she was trying to burrow in on herself. They had gone to her cabin to talk about... Frank didn't know the word to describe the situation. His sexuality? Percy? Everything?

A tear fell down Hazel's face and Frank felt his heart shatter. Why couldn't he just love her? Why did he have to start this entire situation with Percy? Frank's mind raced, his thoughts hitting him like a train with each second that passed.

"... Frank, what does– what does this mean for you and me?" Hazel's voice was breaking. Her breath hitched and her clenched fists flexed. Frank opened his mouth, choking out a few syllables before finishing himself panting. It was the kind of desegregate pant that came from the pain in trying not to cry. Tears blurred his vision and he blinked, his lashes were soaked with each blink.

"I don't know."

Frank didn't know if he was saying it to Hazel, or himself. It wasn't fair. He loved Hazel, he wanted to be happy with her. He really, really did. Why couldn't he have just ignored his feelings for Percy? Why didn't he just accept that he wouldn't like him back, as he knows all too well, and stop feeling for him?

"I– I can't stay if you.. if you don't love me." Hazel sounded like she was in physical pain. She and Frank were openly crying.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Frank let out. A gasping breath later and Hazel got up. She threw herself to him, pulling his close as they both trembled.

"When you get it figured out... tell me." Hazel whimpered.

Frank sniffled and said "I love you."

Hazel looked up to him. Her hand went to the side of his face. Her fingertips brushing against a streak of wet.

"Not the way I needed you to." She said.

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