Six : Shirtless

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The next two chapters didn't help. Neither did the next one, or even the next five. Instead, Frank finished the book with more questions than he began with.

Frank set down the book and walked out of his cabin in defeat. Maybe he was just gay for Percy? Was it even attraction?

He trudged his way over to the training arena. His arm transformed into a beast with sharp claws. They gleamed under the sun as he peered at a dummy.

The dummy looked back at him with dead, button eyes.

Birds chirped and annoyed him. With a growl, Frank slashed up the dummy's face. Grains of sand spilled like desert blood. Frank attacked again, his upper half now that of a black bear. His breath was hot and the sun poured down. Shreds of the dummy settled at his feet.

"Dam, Zhang. You've improved." Percy said as he entered. Frank tensed and turned. He fought the blush wanting to creep up his neck and face with little success. Maybe Percy would assume it was because he was sweaty?

"You're doing awesome, dude. Just one thing could be fixed." He started. Percy shrugged off his shirt seamlessly. Frank's mouth watered as Percy's toned stomach was exposed to him.

Percy positioned himself behind Frank. He grabbed his left elbow and lined his arm up under his right.

"Bring up your arm like this, and flick your wrist." Percy murmured in his ear. The son of Poseidon demonstrated, using Frank's limbs like his own. Frank held his breath.


A dummy stayed while for one second, and then slid down its severed side. It was cut in half, sand spilling out of it like blood to an amputated limb.

"See, it gives you better control." Percy said. Frank shivered at his touch. Percy was still close to him. Frank bit his lip.

"Do you need my help again or do you have this?" Percy questioned. Frank's mouth was still dry. It felt like he had swallowed cotton.

"On-One more." Frank managed to squeak.

"Alright," Percy's clipped reply came. He got closer to Frank. His hips rested near his thighs.

Fuckkk. Frank thought

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