Three : Shirtless

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Frank swallowed thickly as Percy pinned him to the wall. Tugging at his wrists softly to test his strength. Percy tightened his grip on his wrists, bending down over his face. Frank shivered as his warmth breath was felt up his neck. Percy kissing his jaw gently. Black hair messy and lips swollen. Neither boy had shirts, and the windows were closed. The blankets were on the ground, and Percy didn't have jeans.

"Frank! Wake up!" Franks eyes shot open, the back of his head hitting a sharp object as he looked around panickedly. "Ow!" Hazel exclaimed, her soft hands flying to her mouth. Leo chuckling as Frank's eyes darted around the empty dining pavilion.

Hazel rubbed her chin as Frank slowed his breathing. His face was very red, he could tell. His pants were. . . Tight to put it lightly.

"Have a good nap, Frank?" Hazel asked innocently, Leo wiggling his eyebrows to completely corrupt Hazel's question. Frank swallowed the saliva thickly layered at the tip of his tongue.

"Me? Uh, yeah! G-great." Frank's voice went several pitches higher. His cheeks cooling as he clenched his hands into fists. His nails digging into his palms as he bit his tongue. Determined not to further humiliate himself.

"Glad you're away. Now, excuse me, but I have to go train some kids with Percy. He wanted to show them a more Roman style to see if they'd prefer he teach that way." Hazel stated, ignoring he bruise already forming on her chin. Her hands running over Frank's back before leaving. Leo playfully blowing a kiss at her, making the girl blush, fan her face, then roll her eyes.

Leo sat down again, having been standing the entire time. His arms crossed and laid on the table. Fingertips faced up and glowing embers dancing above them. "Can, uh, can you not?" Despite having the stick situation banished, fire still terrified him.

"Sorry," Leo snapped his fingers and the flames went out. Frank was instantly suspicious.

"You're being nice. . . Why?" Leo scoffed and grinned. Shaking his head as the Canadian groaned. "What did I do?" He asked, Leo sighing peacefully.

"Besides having a wet dream about someone other than your girlfriend, nothing." Frank froze. "W-What? Leo, that's-thats crazy!" He threw in a weak laugh. Knowing just how fake he sounded, he bit the inside of his cheek.

Leo cocked an eyebrow.

"Well, you have a boner, and you were moaning Percy's name in your sleep. Hun, I don't think it was anything but sexual."

Frank wanted to punch him, but instead, he calmed down.

"So what?!" He spat. "That's my business, and it's not like I wanted to have that dream." Leo shook his head. The same smile plastered over his face as when he started the conversation.

"You're body wanted it. That's all I'm saying." He defended, mocking surrender. Frank groaned, "I'm not cut out for this!" He yelled in his hands. Hiding his face from Leo.

"Dude, we've all had dreams like that. Heck, one time I had one with–"

"Stop! That isn't what I meant!" Frank exclaimed hurriedly, his hands flying into the table. He hissed in pain, then hide his face again. Leo stopped, "I don't get why this is such a big deal unless. . . Oh gods. . . You don't." Frank bit his lip and mustered the courage to look Leo in the eyes.

"Uh, maybe?" He grimaced, watching Leo's face. Leo gaped for a moment, then laughed. His eyes crinkled up and his hands smoking.

"Oh gods–" he spit out inbetween laughs.

"Y-you like Percy. Oh gods!" His laughing died down, Frank's face aflame with embarrassment. His shoulder shifting back awkwardly. Leo let out one last chuckle before going deadly pale.

"What about Hazel?" He asked, the two going silent.

Frank, apprehensively, started to speak again. "I don't know. Heck, you're in the same situation!" He pointed out, eyes stinging. Leo shook his head, "No, I'm not. You know why? I don't have a girlfriend and I, at least, acknowledge that I have a crush! You are denying it for whatever reason! You, Frank, have a girlfriend. Whom loves you so—" Frank couldn't take it anymore.

"Okay! Just shut up. I get it. . . I messed up. Heck, I just want to be happy with Hazel. But next thing you know I'm drooling over a shirtless, straight guy who is convinced that we're such close friends that we're brothers! Do you know how much jt sucks to be brother zoned when you even stated it, before all the crush fiasco?! No, Leo, you don't." His voice lowered and he took a few breaths. Swallowing and closing his eyes tightly for a few seconds.

"I'm sorry." Leo put a hand on Frank's shoulder. "I do know." Leo said, causing Frank to feel 10 times guiltier.

"I liked Jason. A lot. Heck, we even kissed once, during truth or dare, but I cherished it none the less." Frank remained quiet. "Jason's dead. And it hurts more than anything in the world. So this is my advice," he took a shaky breath. Frank seeing tears lining up in his eyes. His heart sank to his stomach.

"My advice to you, is to break up with Hazel, tell Annabeth, and kiss him. Grab Percy's face and kiss him. What happens next is up to the both of you. Okay?" Leo said, Frank's shoulders trembling.

"I- I'm— okay." Leo smiles as a year escaped his eyes.

"Go, get your man. I have to work on Festus, his head needs a bit more work before he can fly again."

Frank could only nod. Watching Leo as he jogged to his cabin, then through the woods and to Bunker Nine. Or, that's what Frank assumed, his eyesight wasn't that good.

"Dang, I'm still not cut out for this Percy-crush-sexuality crisis."

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