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A girl is shown making breakfast while humming a song. She is very happy today because its her first day of medical college.

Suddenly a lady in her 70's called her out.

L- Anika puttar. Go and get ready for college otherwise you'll get late.

A- Yes dadi I'll go but not before giving you breakfast and your medicines.

D- But..

A- No.. Come'on sit down and have your breakfast.

Dadi sighs in defeat and sits on her place. Anika serves her breakfast and gives her medicines.

Anika gets ready for college.

A- Ok, Dadi. I am going. Please finish your breakfast and have your medicines and no cheating. Ok. Take care.

Dadi kissed her forehead and she leaves for college.

She came out of her small house and was about to go to bus stop when she saw a man beating someone brutally.

M- Come'on. Take out the money.

The person was lying half consciously and requesting the man to stop beating him but the man was unstoppable.


Another man came and stopped him.

AM- Shivaay bhai. Stop otherwise he'll die.

Shivaay stops and looks at the other man who is none other than Rudra, right hand of Shivaay.

S- Ask him to give money.

R (to person) - Give the money. Why are you calling your own death?

The person takes out a bundle of money from his pocket and handovers it to Rudra.

Rudra gives the money to Shivaay and he has a smirk on his face. Suddenly his eyes fell on Anika who was looking at him with disgust and fear. He smiles and moves towards her.

Anika gets scared and starts walking fast. Shivaay was running to match her pace and was trying to stop her.

S- Hey Ani. Stop.

Anika kept on walking and doesn't stop. Finally Shivaay caught hold of her hand and Anika gets scared. She starts shivering and was trying to free her hand from his hold.

S- Where are you going?

A- Please let me go.

S- Tell me where are you going?

A- Col... Lege.... College.

S- Come. I'll drop you.

A- I'l..l...I'll g....go.

S- I said I'll drop you.

Shivaay sat on his bike and asked her to sit on the bike but she was hesitant or maybe scared to sit with him.

S- What are you waiting for? SIT.

He shouts and Anika gets scared. She immediately sat on the bike keeping in mind to not to touch him. Shivaay sighs and starts his bike.

He left her on the college gate. Anika immediately got down from his bike and ran inside the college. Shivaay chuckles at her behavior and leaves.

In the evening, Anika reached home and sighed in relief as Shivaay was nowhere to be seen in the area.

She enters the house and found her dadi sleeping peacefully in her room. She caressed her hair and kissed her forehead.

She went to prepare tea. When she was preparing tea, she heard some unusual sounds outside her house.
She went out and saw that Shivaay was fighting with some men.

He was covered with blood. Two men were lying there unconscious and he was beating the last one. Suddenly the man picked up a rod from ground and hit it on Shivaay's arm. Shivaay closed his eyes to control his pain. He opened his blood shot red eyes. He held the neck of the man from both of his hands and turned it to side and the man fell unconscious. Anika gasped in shock and fear.

Rudra came running to Shivaay.

R- Bhai, are you okay?

S- I am fine. Send these bodies to their master's den.

Rudra nods his head. Shivaay turned around and saw Anika looking at him with fearful eyes. He takes a step towards her but she immediately ran inside the house and closed the door with a bang. Shivaay smiles sadly and went inside his home to treat his wounds.

Anika was very tensed after seeing the fight of Shivaay. She was scared that what if he harmed her or her grandmother.

Dadi came to Hall and saw Anika sweating and scared like hell. She gets worried and made her sit on the chair.

D- What happened, putter? Why are you so scared?

A- Wo.. Wo... Shivaay.. He.. He is troubling me dadi.

D- What? That goon?

A- Yes dadi.

D- What did he do?

A- Today in the morning, he forcefully dropped me to the college.

D- Then..

A- Just this and he keeps on staring at me.

D- Don't worry puttar. Everything will be fine.

Dadi hugs her and rubs her back to calm her down.

It was next morning, Anika was about to leave for college but Shivaay stopped her and asked her to sit on his bike.

A- This time I am not going to sit on your bike.

She started walking forward while Shivaay was following her while sitting on his bike.

Finally Shivaay gets angry and blocks her way with his bike.

S- Why do you always test my patience? When I have said that I'll drop you to your college, then what's wrong with you?

A- I don't want to go to college with you.

S- But why? What problem do you have with me?

A- The problem is you are a goon. A bad person who beats people for money. You are a jerk. Anyways, why are you so interested in dropping me to my college?

S- Because I care for you. Your college is located in the outskirts of the city and the area is very isolated. Its not safe to travel in public transport that's why I am so interested in dropping you to college. Get it. Now sit otherwise I know many other ways to make you sit on my bike.

Shivaay smirks at Anika while saying the last line. Anika gets scared and immediately sat behind him. Shivaay smiles and starts his bike.

When they were on their way, someone started firing from back. Anika gets scared and she held Shivaay's shoulder tightly. Shivaay turns back and saw a Jeep following them and a man is firing at them.

A- Shivaay!

S- Anika calm down.

Suddenly a bullet hit the mirror and it broke into pieces.

S- Sh*t!

Anika immediately closed her eyes and hugged Shivaay from back.

Shivaay took a sharp turn and took the way of forest. The firing kept on increasing suddenly a bullet hit Shivaay's arm and he lost control over his bike and they fell on the road.

Shivaay's head got hit with a stone and there was a slight scratch on Anika's foot.

She immediately went towards Shivaay and patted his face. Shivaay looks at her with painful expression. Anika was crying miserably.

A- Shivaay! Shivaay!

Shivaay looks at her crying face. He gains some courage and stood up while holding his shoted arm with other hand.

S- Anika, we have to go inside the forest if we want to be safe.

A- But Shivaay, your condition is not good. You are shot and your head is also bleeding.

S- We can't wait Anika. We have to Save our lives.

Anika nods her head and they started making their way inside the forest.

After walking a good distance, Anika was really tired and Shivaay was also in pain. His feet started to stumble. Anika noticed this and got worried.

She held his arm to support him.

A- Shivaay, please let's stop somewhere. Your condition is also not good. It's going to rain also.

Shivaay nods his head. Anika was holding his arm and walking. After few moments, they found a cave.

A- Shivaay, look there is a cave but what if there is any wild animal.

S- Anika, there are no wild animals in this forest.

Anika looks at him with narrowed eyes.

A- How do you know about this?

Shivaay chuckles at her.

S- Because I am Shivaay and I know everything about this city.

He says while smirking.

A- Ok. ok. Now stop Showing off and let's go.

Shivaay nods his head and they went inside cave. It was totally dark. She made Shivaay sit there with the support of the cave wall.

A- Its so dark here.

She starts looking for something to lit and luckily she found some broken pieces of wood.

A- Shivaay, I have got some wood but how will I lit them up?

Shivaay's eyes were little droopy by now due to pain. He puts his hand in his pocket and takes out a lighter and forwards it to Anika.

Anika takes the lighter and angrily glares at him.

A- You smoke also?

S- Ya sometimes, when I am tensed.

A- It was totally expected from you.

She said while lighting the fire. Shivaay chuckles at her but suddenly he winces in pain.

S- Aaahhh..

Anika immediately ran towards him.

A- Are you fine Shivaay?

Shivaay closed his eyes to control his pain. Anika gets worried for him.

A- Shivaay, take off your shirt. Let me check your wound.

S- Hawwww.. Don't put your eyes on my handsome body.

A- Shivaay please it's not the time to joke.

Shivaay chuckles at her.

S- Ok. So do it yourself.

Anika sighs in defeat. She bends down a little towards him and starts unbuttoning his shirt. While she was unbuttoning his shirt, Shivaay was looking at Anika with admiration.

Anika slowly unbuttoned his last button and looks at him. Shivaay was trying to control his smile. He signs her to proceed further. Anika then slowly removes the shirt from his shoulder. As the cloth was stuck on his wound, he winces in pain. Anika slowly removes the shirt and keep it aside. She was observing the wound.

A- The wound is not very deep. The bullet just touched your skin.

She picks up a big leaf and was going outside when Shivaay stopped her.

S- Wait. Where are you going?

A- I am going to get water.

S- Where will you search water?

A- Shivaay, if you have not noticed this then let me tell you that it's raining outside.

S- Ok. Come soon. This place is not safe.

Anika nods and collects some rainwater in the leaf.

She sits beside Shivaay and cleans his wound. She takes her bag and takes out an ointment tube from her bag.

S- Do you always carry a dispensary in your bag?

A- What a joke! But I think it is good to carry some medicines in case you need them in emergency and see its useful now.

Shivaay nods his head and Anika applies medicine on his wound. She takes a piece of her dupatta and tied it around his arm. She treats his forehead injury also.

S- Now sit. You have done so much hard work.

Shivaay chuckles and Anika makes a bad face.

It was almost night. Shivaay and Anika were sitting beside each other.

A- Shivaay, it's already night. How will we go home? Dadi must be tensed for me.

Anika puts forward her worries in front of Shivaay.

S- We can't go home, Anika. It's not safe in the jungle. It has rained a lot so the ground must be slippery and dangerous. We have to wait till morning. Don't worry about dadi, Rudra will take care of her. I have sent him a message.

Anika nods her head and rests her head on the wall.

After some silence, Shivaay broke the silence.

S- Do you hate me, Anika?

Anika looks at him keenly.

A- I don't hate you. I hate your job.

S- It's not my choice, Anika. I had to do it so that I don't die due to starvation. I was 14 when my parents left me alone in this cruel world. Our properties and assets were sold to clear my father's loan. I was on road. I had nothing to eat for many days. I used to starve. Then one day I came in front of Raghu dada's car. He helped me. He said that he will give me food and a place to live if I work for him. I instantly agreed because in front of starvation, nothing is right or wrong. Since that day, my life has not changed a little bit.

Anika was in tears.

A- I am so sorry. I was very wrong about you. I am sorry that I judged you.

S- Hey. Stop crying. It's ok. It's not your fault at all.

Anika smiles at him.

A- Why do you always stare me?

Shivaay was shocked with her sudden question.

S- Umm... Wo... Wo...

A- Come'on tell me.

S- Wo.. I... Umm... I kinda like you.

A- What?

S- Yes.. When you shifted in our colony, that day I was totally mesmerized by your beauty and simplicity. From that day, I started to like you.

A deep red blush painted Anika's cheeks. Shivaay smiled on seeing her blush.

A- Ok. Let's sleep now. It's already very late and we have to get out of here in the morning.

Shivaay nods his head and they drifted to sleep.

In the morning, when Shivaay opened his eyes, he saw Anika sleeping peacefully while keeping her head on his shoulder. He smiled and adored her face.

Anika also stirred in sleep and opened her eyes. She looks at Shivaay who was already looking at her. Again she blushed.

A- Shivaay, are you fine now?

S- Yes I am fine. Let's get out of here.

Anika nods her head and they left the cave.

As they were near the highway, Anika heard some temple bells.

A- Shivaay, is there any temple nearby?

S- I don't know.

A- But you said that you know everything about this city.

S- Yes. But I don't know about temples because I don't believe in God.

A- but why?

Shivaay glares at her.

A- Ok. Sorry. But I want to go to that temple.

S- Anika, stop being stubborn and let's go.

A- Please Shivaay. I really want to go there.

S- Ok.

Anika squeals in joy and Shivaay smiles to see her happy.

They reached near gate of temple.

S- Go.

A- Won't you come with me?

S- No.

He says sternly.

A- Please Shivaay. For me. This is the first time that I have asked something from you. Please.

Shivaay sighs in defeat and nods his head. Anika smiles and holds his hand and leads him inside the temple. A priest was putting sindoor on God's feet.

Anika Sat down on her knees in front of the idol of God.

Somebody called the priest and he handovers the sindoor plate to Shivaay. Shivaay looks at him confusingly.

P- Beta, please hold this for sometime. I will be back in a minute.

Shivaay was about to say something but the priest left from there.

Shivaay moves towards Anika but his leg slips and the sindoor fell in Anika's hairline. Anika moves her fingers on her hairline and saw sindoor. Anika and Shivaay both were shocked. Suddenly the priest came back.

P- This is a very good sign. God has blessed your pair. You both are destined to be together. Always stay blessed.

S- Anika, I Am so sorry. I didn't mean to....

Anika maintains a cold face while Shivaay was feeling guilty as he thought that he has hurt her.

A- Shivaay, let's go home.

S- Anika, but..

A- Let's go, Shivaay.

Shivaay and Anika finally reached their colony. Anika ran into her house without paying attention to Shivaay. Shivaay felt bad and thought that he has lost her forever.
He sadly went to his house.

Anika reached her home. Anika's dadi was very happy and relieved to see her. Dadi hugged her tightly.

D- Anika, where were you? You know I was so tensed for you. It's good that Rudra told me that you and Shivaay are stuck somewhere and you are safe.

Anika was lost in her own world. She didn't even reciprocated the hug. Dadi broke the hug and looked at Anika. Then she noticed sindoor on her hairline. She was shocked.

D- Anika.

Anika looks at Dadi and burst into crying. She narrated everything to her. Anika kept her head in Dadi's lap and Dadi was caressing her hair.

D- Anika, I know that it is very much for you to digest but as you told me everything. I don't think that Shivaay is a bad person.

Anika Sat up straight and looks at Dadi.

D- Anika, it was destiny which brought you both together. According to my experience, Shivaay is a person with Golden heart. Always remember one thing that a person is never bad, his situations make him good or bad. You can change him. Convince him to do a respectful job.I think that you should give a chance to this marriage. If it doesn't work, then I am always by your side. The decision is all yours.

After thinking for sometime, Anika went inside her room and locked it. After sometime, she came out in a beautiful red chiffon saree and sindoor adorning her hairline and a beautiful smile.

Dadi looked at her and smiled at her.

A- Dadi, I am going to my husband's house.

Dadi smiles broadly and Anika left.

Anika knocked Shivaay's door. Shivaay opened the door and looks at Anika shockingly.

S- Anika.

She went inside the house and saw medicines and bandages lying on the table. She understood that he was trying to dress his wound.

She held Shivaay's hand and made him sit in front of her. She started dressing his wound and Shivaay was keenly looking at her.

After dressing his wound, she looked at him.

S- What are you doing here?

A- Can't I come to my husband's house?

Shivaay looks at her shockingly.

A- I know Shivaay that this is difficult for both of us to accept this truth. I have accepted it and I want to give a chance to our relationship.

Shivaay was overwhelmed by her confession.

He immediately hugged her and Anika also hugged him back.

S- Thank you so much Anika. You don't know that how much it means to me.

Anika smiles broadly and hugs him tightly.

Shivaay breaks the hug and kisses her forehead.

S- Thanks for coming in my life, wifey.

A- Thanks to you too hubby.

Both chuckles and joins their forehead with each other.

"Everytime "I love you's " are not important to make a love story eternal."

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