ミ★ Chapter 14

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The fire was licking everything it saw, leaving ashes behind. The medicine cat den was safe, but when Twilightbreeze peeked from the hole near her bedding, she was choked by the smoke. The smoke seemed to grab her lungs, squeezing as hard as she could.

The vision which she ignored came back.

Twilightbreeze glanced around, seeing the Great Oak was on fire. Screams of the cats echoed. Cats fleed and some struggled to pull out the fire.

It is true.

The fire is happening.

I should have figured out how to prevent it.

But at least, her ability came back.

Now is not the time for panic, but for action.

She rushed to Ravenwind's side, shaking her awake, "Ravenwind, fire! Quick!" When Ravenwind did not respond, she dragged Ravenwind out of the tunnel. The tunnel was dark usually but the beam of the wildfire painted the dark tunnel orange. She ran through the tunnel while dragging Ravenwind and went to the clearing. 

She would have figured out what happened to Ravenwind later.

The entrance of the medicine cat den was at least away from the burning area so they were safe. Well, temporary. The fire will spread for sure. At a rapid speed.

Twilightbreeze looked around the clearing as she put Ravenwind down gently. She had to find someone fast enough. She scanned through the crowd as she spotted Birdflight. As the fastest runner in SkyClan in StarClan, he could spread the news faster than wildfire. 

Twilightbreeze dashed to the pine tree. She thrust Birdflight as he woke up with a screech. He was shivering, not in cold, nor in pain. He seemed scared as he glanced around. Then he looked into Twilightbreeze's bright blue eyes.

"What's up?" Twilightbreeze mewed, "A nightmare?"

Birdflight shook his head. "It is...it is...it is...different...with...nightmare..." 

"What is it?" Twilightbreeze had no time to waste, but Birdflight seemed to be testing her patience.

"Please just tell me! We have no time to waste." Twilightbreeze half hissed and half begged when Birdflight stared into nothing. Birdflight looked away as he murmured, "In the brightest part of the dark, the shooting star will guide the way."

"Huh?" Twilightbreeze did not catch the words of Birdflight's words. Not words. But more like taking breaths.

Birdflight repeated again as he looked back to Twilightbreeze, his mouth formed three more words but no sound came out of his mouth. Then he looked away again, his face flushing.

"Come on! Is that a prophecy?" Twilightbreeze asked and Birdflight nodded. 

Her mouth turned sour. Did she do anything wrong? Why wouldn't she be the one who receives it? Why would it be Birdflight?

She felt something other than confused, maybe...jealousy?

It is not time for jealousy. It is time for...

"What are you two doing there? If you two secretly mat..." Ravenwind's voice was cut off when she spotted the fire rushing toward the clearing. She shouted, "What are you waiting for? Come and help!"

Birdflight immediately set off to wake all the cats as Twilightbreeze returned from the river with some water in a big oak leaf, along with Ravenwind, Splashleap, and Waterripple, who later joined in the recuse team. But the fire was too big for that small amount of water. The fire hated being underestimated as he became angrier, swallowing everything it saw.

Everyone was already at the rainbow hollow as the fire did not spread to that place as they chuttered about the fire, a mix of worry, anxiety, frustrated and anger in the crowd. Goosestar, as usual, expressing his anger using angry wordings. Whiskerpetal was busy licking Tinykit when Birdflight came rushing toward Twilightbreeze.

"Have you seen Fernheart? Can you sense her?" Yet another familiar name but already in the list of Names-that-Twilightbreeze-do-not-want-to-hear.

Although she was mean to Twilightbreeze, yet she had a reason. And even though she was mean, Twilightbreeze would never wish her dead. If she did, Twilightbreeze would live with the guilt of killing her former best friend for the rest of her life.

Twilightbreeze stood straight as her nose sniffing in the air, looking for the familiar scene. Probably she was chatting in the crowd. Even if she was gossiping about Twilightbreeze, Twilightbreeze would never mind a bit. Even the slightest bit. Because at least she was safe.

But, the bad news came.

As Twilightbreeze shook her head as hard as she could, Birdflight stomped on the ground and looked around. He could not spot Fernheart either...

The world seemed to shatter. 

Where was Fernheart?

No one knows.

A shooting star shot across the sky as Birdflight looked up, his gaze followed the shooting star until it disappeared at the direction of Sunning Forest, Birdflight offered, "I need to go and find her."

Twilightbreeze opened her mouth but was immediately cut off by Birdflight, "Before you tell me it is dangerous, she was my sister. My littermate. I needed to save her."

Twilightbreeze opened her mouth again but she could not say a word. Birdflight was usually the first to panic and he was always shy. But now there he was, eyes shining with nervous, but more was determined. 

She could never stop him. And if she was him, she would have done the same thing, so it was pointless to argue.

"Fine! But under one condition, if I can not come along, I will announce this to the entire crowd-" Before she could finish her sentence, Birdflight was already out of her sight.

Twilightbreeze sniffed the air, trying to find the direction of where Birdflight headed to. She was eager to help as she chased across the clearing and followed the trail, heading inside the Rainbow Hollow. She tore along the Hollow as she smelt the smoke. 




But the smoke and fire did not slow her pace. She doubled her speed.

She could do this.

But as something black came falling down, she was not sure about this anymore.

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