ミ★ Chapter 5

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Twilightbreeze returned to the Medicine cat den with the smallest vole in her mouth. She was already late after the long talk with Deafears and just in time to get the last bit of food or she would be starving for the night. 

Why didn't you tell us this? This is important, you know? I don't care whether it is true or not. We have to find out before this occurs. You mean one of them was a ginger pelted tom and the other was a dark brown pelted she-cat? You are sure that you don't find them familiar? Don't do this again! Tell us if you receive any more visions! Is that clear?

Not knowing the reason, Deafears' voice kept repeating in Twilightbreeze's head. She pushed these thoughts away as she walked into the den, setting the vole on the ground and took a bite. Not great, but not bad either. She could live. Ravenwind was too busy treating Sandpatch who was lying on the moss in pain to notice her arrival. It seemed like he was poisoned and Ravenwind hadn't packed the herbs yet.

Twilightbreeze stopped eating as she always put saving others in the first place. She ran to the pile of herbs and put some Brown herbs on a big leaf, ignoring the bad taste of the herb in her mouth. She rolled them up and handed it to Ravenwind.

"Hey, just in time. Wait, Twilightbreeze, since when you are here?" Ravenwind mewed with shock. Twilightbreeze took some Green herb for Sandpatch and herself to get rid of the bad taste of the medicine. She gave Sandpatch some Green herb as she swallowed some too. 

She responded Ravenwind when chewing, "You were too concentrated on Sandpatch to notice my arrival." She turned to Sandpatch and continued, "Congratulations, Sandpatch. You are going to have the privilege and honor to taste this amazing herb which no one except me has tried it before. The Green herbs will make it taste better."

After she teased, she regretted what she did when colors drained from Sandpatch's face. Ravenwind gave her an epic tail swing to warn her as Twilightbreeze stared at her paws. Sandpatch shot her a gaze as he took a cautious bite to the Brown herb. The air was suddenly silent in the den as Ravenwind and Twilightbreeze stared at each other. 

"Twilightbreeze, go and collect herbs by yourself tomorrow. Sandpatch had a nasty poisoning." Ravenwind ordered as she broke the silence and her gaze told Twilightbreeze to keep her mouth shut.

Well, I have to keep a list of who cannot be teased to keep track. Twilightbreeze thought as she backed away and continued finishing her meal. Poisoning was not common in StarClan as the two-legs did not release harmful substances into their prey or water, nor did animals with venoms running wild in StarClan. But why would this occur there? 

Twilightbreeze's mind was filled with thousands of questions, she did not really have spaces for more...

Twilightbreeze took a leaf from the Great Oak and set off for the Rainbow Hollow early in the morning. She reached the place at dusk and she started the collection of herbs. She gathered the herbs and packed them up using the leaf. 

Suddenly, an image came into her mind. She put down the herbs and focused hard on it. She had no doubt that it was a vision. She saw the patrollers of the Skyclan in Starclan was having a serious argument by the river with Riverclan. 

"You crossed the river first!" Twilightbreeze heard Harefur shouted to a RiverClan cat, "Isn't it true, Minnowtail?" 

Minnowtail murmured in a low voice, "Yes..." 

The Riverclan cat shouted back, "That is our river!" 

"Since when it was Riverclan's?" A low voice was heard as Waterripple came out from a nearby bush, "If you keep saying that, I guess we have to fight!" 

Larkwing followed Waterripple out to the cleaning beside the river and stood next to him. The Riverclan cats shouted, "Then we are going to keep saying that!"

Twilightbreeze came back to reality. The sunbeams danced on her pelt as she knew that she must hurry to stop all of these. She did not want any more patients. 

Waterripple was known for his aggression and loyalty. He was one of the greatest warriors when it came to battles in SkyClan and the job of being a watcher was truly torturing to a cat who enjoyed battling. 

With a grumpy Larkwing, a cranky Harefur, a timid Minnowtail, and two panicking apprentices, this battle would happen without a doubt and without a doubt too, it would not end very well. Even though she did not know exactly when this happened, her sense told her to hurry. Her senses had never been wrong before and it never did...

Twilightbreeze stuffed some Red herbs in her mouth and lifted the pack of herbs on her back. She chewed on the Red herbs when she went directly to the river. She saw Waterripple, Harefur and Larkwing fighting with three Riverclan toms, everything was the same with her vision. They had already started the battle. Twilightbreeze was still a bit too late to put a stop on this. 

Waterripple went directly for the tom's back as he leaped and sliced the tom's back. The tom did not give up easily as he rolled over and pushed Waterripple on the ground.

The battle between Harefur and the tom was not going on very well. Comparing to the strong tom, Harefur was far weaker. She was being dragged on the ground but she never released her bite on the tom's tail, drawing blood out of the tom. If Harefur was angry, she could be very scary. Finally, the tom grabbed a chance to get away from Harefur and Harefur lied on the ground, her belly bleeding.

Twilightbreeze made her way out of the crowd of Bluepaw, Graypaw, and Minnowtail to Harefur. She spat out the red herbs and put them on Harefur's wounds. 

"I want to fight! I am fine! Let me go!" Harefur mewed when she was trying to stand up but failed. Twilightbreeze pinned Harefur's paws to prevent her from standing up and shifted her gaze back to the battle. Waterripple sank his teeth onto the Riverclan tom's legs but she knew that he was weak already. She must put an end to the battle before everything was getting out of control.

She moved closer to Bluepaw and mewed, "Can you help me to find the leaders and bring them here?" Bluepaw hesitated and she whispered, "But my father Waterripple..." Her voice was interrupted by Twilightbreeze, "Will be fine under my watch. Ok? Don't you trust your mother's sister?"

Bluepaw nodded as she quickly dived under the bushes and disappeared. Larkwing was licking his wounds on his paws and there was a deep cut on his face. Waterripple was surrounded by three toms and tried to fight his way out. He was already at a loss of energy. Waiting for the leaders to deal with this might be too late.

What should she do?

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