An Unexpected Growth

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(A Sonic the Hedgehog Fanfic)

(Sorry for not updating this book. Its just some short stories I come up with. And they can be from other fandoms. Reader is in this so you know the drill for abbreviations. Also there are human and female so I hope you don't mind. It's easier for me so no hate please. I like to feel a part of stories and want others to be a part of them too.)

Another day, another jog. Sonic enjoys the wind on his face as he runs across grassy fields in the early morning. Things have been rather peaceful for the past few days and everyone has been enjoying the moment of quiet. Sonic has been wondering what old Eggman has been up to but he would rather enjoy the serenity while it lasts. He soon skids to a stop to look at the ocean from a cliff. He whistles at the scenery, "Man, what a view." He says. But then his ear flickers as he hears something and looks over to find a motor-bug. "Huh. Looks like I can get a hit in today." He comments as he stretches a little. He then rolls into a hall and delivers a spin dash.

A direct hit and the bot is now scraps and pieces. "Welp. That solves that." He says. Right as he collects the pieces to dispose of them he notices a vial filled with a glowing substance. "Huh, what's this?" He asks. He puts down the scrap metal pieces and picks up the vial. He brings it up to his face to inspect. He looks at it with a raised brow, "Hmm. Maybe Tails knows what this is. Besides, if Eggman wants it, it can't be good." He says. But then he hears a crack and looks at the vial to find it breaking, "Uh..." And before he knew it, the container explodes. "GAH!" Sonic yelps.

(In French Narrator Voice): Two Hours Later

"Uuuuugh." Sonic groans as he opens his eyes. He pushes himself up as he brings a hand to his head. "What.... was that?" He questions. He then looks over at the pieces of scraps metal from the motor-bug he destroyed. "Oh yeah. Better deal with those." He says, standing up and collecting the pieces. "Boy, I'm starving. I hope (Y/N) doesn't mind me stopping by." He says as he races off.

After throwing away the scrap pieces, Sonic now stands in front of (Y/N)'s home and he knocks on the door. He did not have to wait long as the door opens to reveal (Y/N). She was a human and close friend to Sonic. She stood at 5'10 (If that is not your height just go with it.) and has (H/L) (Hair Length) (H/C) hair she puts up in a braid (if your hair is long enough and if it's not, go with it.). She has (S/C) along with an athletic built body which matches her enhanced abilities she has that makes her faster, stronger, and more agile than the average human. (You're welcome) She wears a (F/C)-colored tank top with and black fingerless gloves along with wearing elastic shorts over black leggings and (S/F/C) running shoes. She smiles at Sonic with bright (E/C) eyes. (Your age for the Sonic Fics will be around 16-18. So you have a preference.)

"Hey, Sonic. I was on my way to Tails' place. I was thinking of hanging out with him. You're free to join, if you like." She tells him. Sonic smiles, "Great. I'll see you there." He says then runs off. (Y/N) rolls her eyes with a smile then grabs her back pack. She closes the door behind her and after strapping her backpack on her, she focuses her powers which makes her glow a soft (F/C) and runs off. She may not be as fast as Sonic, but she was still pretty fast. (The powers was an idea I had and the reader just always had them. Not going to get into that backstory now, though.)

Once she makes it Tails house, she makes her way to the backyard to find Sonic and Tails conversing. She walks over to them while also taking off her backpack and opening it as she pulls out a container. Tails notices her and waves her over, "Hey, (Y/N)." He greets her. She greets him back as she sets down her backpack and sit on her knees. "Hope you don't mind, but I made some chili dogs." She says, opening the container. Sonic was practically drooling at the sight of the food. "Thanks, (Y/N). Don't mind if do." Tails thanks her and grabs chili dog. "Thank you, (Y/N). I've been wanting one all day." Sonic says, grabbing his own and chowing down on it.

(Y/N) rolls her eyes playfully at Sonic but does not say anything as she grabs her own chili dog and closes the container and sets it down. The three enjoy themselves in the moment. Sonic lets out a satisfied sigh, "Ha~ Delicious as usual, (Y/N)." He says. (Y/N) smirks amusingly at him, "I wonder if you only want me around for my cooking. I'm sure Amy wouldn't mind cooking for you." She teases him. "But your cooking is so good!" Sonic replies. (Y/N) and Tails laugh at his childish behavior but then (Y/N) notices something about him. "Uhh, Sonic?" She says. "What?" Sonic says.

"You're.... Glowing." She says as she looks at him. "I appreciate the compliment-Gah!" Sonic groans a little as he feels himself be engulfed in a strange sensation. "Sonic! She's being literal, you're glowing!" Tails says. Sonic opens his eyes as he looks at his hand and finds that he is glowing. "What the-Ahh!" He exclaims from the feeling as it becomes more intense. "Let's get him inside my shack." Tails says to (Y/N). She nods and carefully picks up Sonic and follows Tails as they head to his shack.

After carefully placing Sonic on a table, Tails used a handheld device to scan him. (Y/N) watches with concern as she holds her hand over heart to calm herself. Once Tails was done scanning Sonic, he looked at the results. "What is it? Is he okay?" (Y/N) questions him as she walks over to him. "I think so. He has something in him that is causing the glow." Tails answers. They look over at Sonic and find that he was no longer glowing as he lifts himself to sit up and move to face them. He rubs chest to ease the pain from before. "Aww man. What was that?" He mutters.

"Sonic, did something happen earlier?" Tails asks him. "Well, come to think of it, there was a-" He does finish his sentence as he feels another sensation throughout his body. He exhales some air from the brief feeling. "Uhg. Sorry about that." "Sonic?" "What?" He looks at Tails and (Y/N) as they walk backwards, looking at him with wide eyes. "You're growing." (Y/N) tells him. "Huh?" "You're growing!" (Y/N) repeats. It was then he notice them become smaller but then brings his hand up to find that he was indeed growing. "Huh?!" He exclaims.

The table he was on groans until it collapses. "Oof!" Sonic groans. He continues to grow as he starts to take up the shack. "Guys, I'm still growing!" He says, starting to worry about his currently growing state. He moves to be on his hands and knees but he continues to grow as his quills touch the ceiling. "Get out of here! Now!" He tells them. (Y/N) shakes her head and grabs Tails as she rushes out there. Kicking the door open and Sonic lets out a sigh as they escape.

(Y/N) stops running and looks back as she sets down Tails and the two watch as the shack starts to crack until the roof bursts open. Sonic stands up, his eyes closed and rubbing his head as groans. He opens his eyes and looks down to find he is now a giant. He carefully steps out of the shack then looks down at himself. "What the..." "SONIC!" He looks down and sees Tails and (Y/N) wave at him. He moves to be on his hands and knees, "Are guys okay?" He asks them. "We're fine, Sonic. But what about you? I mean, you're fifty feet tall!" (Y/N) asks.

"Yeah. And it is taking everything I have to not freak out." Sonic says, his smile becomes strained. (Y/N) notices, "Okay. Okay. You said something before you started to grow. What was it?" She says calmly. Sonic inhales some air to calm himself, "Right. Before I went to see you, there was a motor-bug and I destroyed it. It had some kind of glowing substance in it and it exploded in my face." He remembers. Tails looks at the results again then up at Sonic, "I think whatever that substance was may have merged with you and caused you to grow." He concludes. "But why did it make me grow? And I passed out for a while so why was I still my normal size then?" Sonic questions.

Tails thinks for moment, "I think it was carefully merging with you on a molecular level and, as for your size, I think it needed a large vessel to safely reside in." He says out loud. "But don't worry. We'll find a way to turn you back to normal. In the meantime, let's play it safe." (Y/N) says. Sonic calms down and smiles, "Thanks, guys." He says. "Hey! I know somewhere where we can relax." (Y/N) says. "And I'll get to work on finding a way to extract the substance from Sonic." Tails says. "Good thing that was back-up shack." He mutters quietly.

"Okay. Let's get going then." Sonic says, he holds his hand out for (Y/N) and she makes herself comfortable as Sonic holds her. He stands up and follows her directions. They soon found themselves at a watering hole and Sonic lowers his hand onto the ground and (Y/N) hops of him. She walks over and sits down while admiring the water. Sonic sets himself down next to her and looks at the water. He stares at his reflection then looks at (Y/N). She has a relaxed smile as she plays with the water a little. It baffles him how small she is to him now.

"Hey." He snaps out of his thoughts as he looks to find her looking at him with concerned eyes. "Don't worry. Tails will find a way to change you back. And if I'm being honest, it's kind of cool to have a friend that's a giant." She says, giggling a little at the end. Sonic huffs but smiles a little. "Yeah. Oh but the face on Eggman when he sees me like this. I can only imagine!" He laughs. (Y/N) laughs along with him. The two sharing a peaceful moment.

Until, "WHAT THE HECK?!?!" They looked to find Knuckles looking up at Sonic with complete disbelief. "Oh, hey, Knuckles." Sonic greets as (Y/N) waves at the red echidna. "Don't 'hey' me! How did you get so big!" Knuckles demands. "He he. Long story." Sonic replies. "Hey, Knux. We're waiting on Tails to make something to return Sonic to normal. Want to pass the time with some sparring?" (Y/N) offers, a competitive spark in her eyes. Knuckles looks at her then thinks it over. He gives one last glance to Sonic, "Alright. Punching stuff is easier anyway." He accepts.

Sonic watches as the two spar. Knuckles may be stronger, but (Y/N) is able to dodge and counter his attacks. It lasts for a while until they both had enough. "Way to give me a bruise for later, Knux." (Y/N) says, holding her stomach. "Sorry. Didn't mean to over do it." Knuckles apologizes. But then the two were drenched in water. "SONIC!!!" Knuckles shouts at the giant hedgehog. Sonic chuckles, "What? I thought you two needed a wash up with how sweaty you got." He says innocently. Knuckles continues to give him a piece of his mind while (Y/N) smiles amusingly as she dries herself off.

After a while, and with Sonic carrying them around for a walk. The end up in a field of flowers and the sun was setting, making the scenery all the more beautiful. "Hey, guys!" The three looking to find Tails carrying a device as he flies over to them. He sets the device down before landing. "Hey, buddy. Is that gonna change me back?" Sonic asks. "Yep. Though, it is going to take a while." The two-tailed fox answers. "Well, the sun is going down and this seems like a perfect place to slumber." (Y/N) suggests as she lays down on the soft grass. "Well, I'll stay here too to ensure Sonic actually returns to normal." Knuckles says as he gets comfortable on the grass. "Fine with me." Sonic says. "Okay. I just need to attach these wires on you. They will extract the substance from your body and be put into this container. I triple reinforced it so it won't be cracking anytime soon." Tails explains. Sonic lays on his back as Tails attaches the wire onto his forehead and chest.

He turns on the machine then finds a pair and lays down on it. He curls his body as he wraps his tails around himself. Sonic smiles softly at his friends sleeping peacefully and soon closes his eyes as he drifts into a peaceful slumber of his own.

As the sun rises to shine on a new day, the four were still sleeping soundly. Sonic had indeed return to his normal size. The four also moved closer together as Tails was laying on (Y/N). She had a hand on his back while also having her arm be used as pillow for Sonic and Knuckles. The red echidna snores softly as Sonic has hand on his face. The substance was successfully contain in the container but that did not matter at the moment as the four rest up some more.

The End
(So if you have some ideas, feel free to comment. I'll see what I can do. Okay, bye!)

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