By the Sea

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The sun was bright, warming the sand to almost unbearable temperatures. One would have to be quite desperate if they wanted to cross it. The beach side was scarcely occupied, hidden below a cliff side, secluded among the dunes and palm trees providing at least a little bit of shade. Six people, seemingly teenagers, were on the beach. Some were in the water, some were on the sand.

One boy sat in the shade of one of the palm trees, not really partaking in the events with the others. A girl with copper hair was half in the water, letting the waves rush up around her feet, playing volleyball with a girl further up on the beach. The girl's hair, which used to be blonde turned brown, had been recently dyed a mixture of purple and blue, and was tied up in a ponytail to avoid getting it wet.

A boy with messy blonde hair was also participating in the game, laughing along, especially when a rather large wave would come up and almost knock the ginger over, knowing she wouldn't mind. A bit deeper in the water, two teenagers, who seemed older than the others, were jumping waves, talking and watching the others play. The girl had red hair a few shades darker than her sister, whom was playing volleyball. The boy next to her naturally had brown hair, but had been convinced by the one with purple hair to dye his hair too, so he was sporting bright blue hair, to his girlfriend's initial disapproval.

The ball was bounced off arms, heads, knees, any limb possible, making the game more of a free for all than volleyball, but the group didn't seem to care. The girl with purple hair spiked the ball high over her friend's head, making the girl laugh.

"Savanna!" She accused playfully, making the perpetrator laugh as well. The blonde boy shook his head in amusement raising his hand slightly, causing a wave to rise and bring the ball to him.

"Heads up, Elana!" He called before tossing the ball into the air and hitting it in her direction. The ginger girl, Elana, bumped it with her head back to Savanna, making the two laugh. The two further in the water, Ever and Comly, chuckled at the antics of their younger friends. As they were watching, Ever gasped slightly, as if some revelation had come to her worth sharing. She laughed as she pulled the blue haired boy back to shore.

"Come on, Comet! I've gotta tell the others something." She told him, using his nickname from school. When the teens playing ball noticed the other two coming back in, they stopped their game and waited for their arrival.

"What's up, Ever?" Elana wondered, seeing the joking smile on her face. Savanna, who was holding the ball, threw it at the blonde boy, noticing that he wasn't paying attention. She laughed as the ball bounced off his head, and he splashed her with water.

"Ah! Simba!" She complained, though she was still laughing. Elana rolled her eyes playfully at the two before looking back at Ever and Comly.

"Okay, so this is kinda stupid, but..." Ever began, her eyes alight with amusement. "I just realized that Simba's initials are SEA." There was a moment of complete silence, then the whole group burst out into laughter. That is, everyone but the boy in the shadows, who was too far away to have heard the discovery. He didn't really care. He was only there in case things went wrong. Which they usually did when those four were together.

Simba's face was red with slight embarrassment, but mainly from laughing. Savanna and Elana exchanged amused looks, which only made them laugh more.

"Oh my stars, I can't believe I never noticed that!" Elana expressed as she pulled her wet hair up into a ponytail, walking out of the water to her towel, which was spread out on the sand. Simba chuckled, toweling off his hair, having let himself get wet, as opposed to how he usually stayed dry. Savanna plopped down next to Elana, still smirking. Ever and Comly went to where the jeep was parked to get the food, leaving the three friends together. Elana looked over her shoulder at the boy in the shadows, smiling, her eyes shining.

"Come on, Jacob, have a little fun!" She encouraged, motioning for him to come over and sit with them. The boy just leaned against the tree.

"I'm perfectly fine over here." He grumbled. Simba rolled his eyes.

"Dude, come on! The war's over! You don't have to be all doom and gloom anymore!" He pointed out. Jacob narrowed his eyes at him, not amused. Simba glanced at Elana, checking to make sure she wasn't shooting him any warning looks. He'd learned to watch for those the hard way. So far, he was in the clear.

"Just 'cause you're Death doesn't mean you get to kill the vibe. Get out here, already!" Savanna teased, getting to her feet, smiling. She grabbed Jacob's wrist, pulling him out of the shadows and over to the group. Elana was trying not to laugh, and Simba couldn't help but be worried about how the dark teen would react.

Savanna was grinning proudly, until Jacob smirked. He made his eyes flash red and moved as if to grab Savanna, baring his teeth. She screeched and stumbled backwards into the water in surprise, making the whole group burst out in laughter again, including Death. Savanna was walking back to the group when a wave washed up, hitting her right below her back, making her yelp slightly.

"Jeez! That's cold!" She exclaimed, the back of her bathing suit bottoms now soaked. Elana snickered slightly before full out laughing, leaning against Jacob, who was now sitting next to her on the blanket.

"What?" Savanna wondered as she sat down again. Elana smirked.

"The SEA is flirting with you." She teased. Almost simultaneously, Simba and Savanna's faces turned bright red, which only made Jacob and Elana laugh harder.

Just then, Ever and Comet came back with two baskets of food. They sat down and handed out food, inquiring the others as to why Simba and Savanna's faces were so red. As Elana explained, Simba dared a glance in Savanna's direction and saw that, while her cheeks were still a bit red, she was smiling.

The boy looked back at his food, smiling slightly as well. Even if the wave wasn't his doing, he was relieved that Savanna didn't seem to care that much. He looked around at the others. Dark and light, earth and sky... Maybe fire and water wasn't so impossible...

A/N: Owlgirl01 You're welcome. XD

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