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"Shade, come on! Get in here before all the fish swim away!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming!"

Shade padded to the edge of the river, the spray from the waterfall making her soft fur sleek down, especially around her face. She smiled at Moon, who was up to her stomach in the water, splashing about as she tried to catch one of the many fish in her mouth. The white ex-rogue lunged for the flash of silver in the water, but missed her mark. She ended up diving face first into the water, making Shade burst out laughing. Moon narrowed her eyes playfully at the grey wolf.

"You laughing at me?" She teased, jumping up and wrapping her paws around the smaller wolf, dragging her into the water too. Shade let out a yelp of surprise as she slipped under the surface. She opened her eyes under the water slightly and saw Moon, making a silly face at her. Shade broke the surface, laughing, and splashed the white wolf before her.

It'd been almost a week since the two escaped. And so far, no one had been able to find them and their little paradise. They had plenty of food, a cave system that they knew like the back of their paws, and a beautiful waterfall and river. They couldn't ask for more.

As day became evening, the two wolves finally retired back to the rocks to dry off in the sun. Shade began dozing off in the evening light that turned her grey fur gold, her chin resting on her paws, her tail swishing lazily across the warmed rock. Even the breeze that ruffled her fur was warm and comforting.

Moon sat at the cave entrance, watching the grey wolf with an affection smile on her face. She took a deep breath, drinking in the scents of the forest, her eyes closed. She sighed, opening her eyes again. She got to her paws, shaking out her finally dry fur, and walked quietly over to where Shade was dozing off. She lay down beside her, resting her head over Shade's neck. The grey wolf smiled, her eyes still closed, and curled into Moon, her breathing slow and content. The white wolf smiled as well, grooming down the fur that was sticking up on the top of Shade's head, from where it had dried weirdly.

"I want to stay here forever." Shade said quietly, stars beginning to peek out, despite the sun having not completely disappeared yet.

"Then we will." Moon agreed. Shade sat up, which made Moon sit up as well.

"No, I mean... I want to stay here forever. With...with you. Moon, I... I really like you, and..." Shade looked down at her paws, her cheeks burning. Moon blinked, surprised. Then she smiled and leaned forward, giving Shade a small kiss on the cheek.

"I love you, Shade." She admitted, her yellow eye seeming gold in the sunlight, her blue eye sparkling. Shade looked at her in shock for a moment before grinning and nuzzling against Moon, her nose hurried in her fur, her head pressed against hers.

"I love you too, Moon. Now and always." She promised. Moon hummed a small laugh, rubbing her nose against Shade's.


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