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No matter how fast you run...

Her heart was beating in her throat, racing her feet as she fled through the forest.

No matter how far you go...

She paid no mind to the branches and thorns that tore at her skin, jabbing out as if trying to halt her panicked progression, trying to slow her to a stop. She wouldn't stop. She couldn't stop. If she did... he would catch her.

I will always find you...

A noise behind her fueled fire in her feet, her muscles working furiously to propel her forwards, despite their flaming screams of protest. Her throat was tight with fear and pain, her side sharp in agony, the air passing through her lungs feeling as if it was filled with shattered glass. She couldn't stop moving. Hesitation meant death. She could hear him... Every step brought him closer, no matter how fast she ran, no matter which turn she took. She could feel the cold, red stare, burning into her back. Her spine tensed in anticipation for the crimson blade, she knew he must almost be upon her...

I am always here...

She couldn't take it anymore, just the anxious waiting as she desperately flung herself upon the unseen forest path, trying anything to simply escape. She had to know... she had to see... She cast a glance over her shoulder, expecting to see the red visor's glare in the moonlight. Behind her lay only the shadow-dusted trees she'd maneuvered only moments before.

You can't escape me...

The glance was all it took for her to lose her footing. She was sent tumbling to the ground mercilessly, and she groaned as she tried to pull herself to her feet again, spitting dirt out of her mouth, one eye squinted closed against the pain of the impact. Her body was battered with bruises soon to come, but she knew she couldn't stop now. Any second, he would be...

A cold metal grip wrapped around her neck, dragging her up off the ground and into the air. She didn't have time to scream, no time to cry. Before she could even attempt to pull at the hand around her throat, she was staring into the blood red visor of the Hunter, and his fist clenched closed.

Selena Knight thrashed awake, gasping and desperately clutching at the bed to root herself in reality. Tears streamed down her cheeks and she shuddered uncontrollably, her breaths rapid and uneven. Luke was awake in an instant, sitting up beside her and pulling her into his arms, hushing her gently.

"It was just a dream, Silver..." he whispered to her soothingly. At his voice, his touch, she flinched terribly, panic seizing her as the sound of her own neck snapping resonated in her ears. Eyes blurred with terror and the images plastered in her mind, she let out a cry, pushing herself away from her boyfriend.

"No! Get away from me!" she screamed, clawing at his arms and wriggling in his grip. Luke winced, but held her tightly, all too easily guessing exactly who had been in her nightmare...

"Selena, it's Luke. The Hunter is gone," he swore. The brunette didn't seem to hear him, scratching at his face and crying out.

"Help! Somebody, please!"

Luke hushed her repeatedly, holding her close, eyes squeezed closed as he willed his girlfriend to wake from this nightmare. He couldn't stand to see her this way, especially knowing that it was all his fault... The Hunter had lasting effects on both of them, but Silver... she chose to live with him. Luke had no choice, but she chose it. And now she was suffering more than ever. No matter how many times the blond attempted to get her to leave him, she wouldn't do it, and he was always grateful of it. Luke's stomach churned with self-loathing, but he pushed it aside. He had more important things to worry about.

Selena shifted into her wolf form, using the change to help her struggle free. She flung herself away from him, tumbling off the bed and onto the floor in a flurry of sheets and pillows. Luke scrambled after her, shifting into a wolf himself, hoping that perhaps his other form would help her find the anchor she needed.

The white wolf thrashed about in the sheets, desperately attempting to claw herself free. Luke pressed his nose against her side and she froze, her chests heaving with her panicked breaths. The black wolf gently nudged away the blankets and laid down beside her. He wrapped pressed himself against her trembling form, resting his head on her back as she curled into him, whimpering pathetically.

This was the side no one else saw. No one else knew how much it all affected her. She held up her walls with a brave smile, taking on any challenge presented to her, willing to do anything to help somebody in need... No one saw her when the lights were off, no one saw the tears that fell, the pain in her broken eyes, the shattered soul begging to be whole again...

No one but him. Because looking at her fractured light was like looking into a mirror. The harsh reality staring directly back at him.

But perhaps that was why they fit so well together. They didn't need to explain, because the other always already knew...

A/N: This one was pretty boring and poorly written, but oh well XD I've had this in drafts for a while so I decided to slap an ending on it and throw it out here for you guys XD A little bit of Silke angst, haha! Anyway, yeah! I hope you liked it, I guess, and I'll howl to you later!

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