Probability Girl

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It all started in the third grade. We had a test about the fifty states, at the time I only knew 48 of them. So on the test, I got really confused because I thought there were only four-eight states. I had no idea at the time what my mind could do from just a simple thought like this. My mind put this thought into action and made the probability that there were forty-eight states one hundred percent and the probability that there was any other number, a zero. I had no idea what I had done until an announcement came over the school's PA system.

"I would like to inform everyone that the two states Hawaii and Alaska have been overtaken by Canada, therefore making them providences of Canada and not the United States, we are telling you this because all teachers teaching geography units need to reteach them about how there is now only 48 states, sorry for any inconvenience this might have caused," Said the secretary in her usual booming voice over the PA system. 

The teacher of our class, Mrs. Vencil, gasped very loudly when she heard this. She then stood up quickly with a panicked look on her face. We all knew that she was going to say to stop doing the test, so everyone relaxed and had looked relieved. I had no idea I changed the History of the world and that me, an eight-year-old girl, made this possible. But then, as I grew older and started to realize what was happening, I grew afraid of my power. I can change the probability of anything! Anything!! Debates, politics, sporting outcomes, test answers, personality traits, gender, everything and anything. It still scares me to this day how much power I hold. I haven't told anyone about my power of course because they wouldn't believe me. I know that you think that I could change the probability of them not believing to a zero percent, I can, but it can change so much about your life from that one little thing. For instance, when I was ten what I wanted more than anything else in the world, was to go to Disney. So I changed my parent's probability of saying no, and off we went. Little did I know, I was the reason they were deep in debt after the vacation. So now I am in middle school, have okay grades, try my best to keep my secret hidden, try to make good friends, and trying to stay away from the bullies. Everyone, I can tell, can sense something odd about me, therefore most shy away. The bullies on the other hand, because they don't understand why sense this oddness about me, bully me to my wit's end. That's why I eat lunch in the library, and why I have bruises all over my arms, and why I have no real friends. No one to sit with at lunch, no one to partner up with on group projects, no one to make me laugh, so instead, I read and draw. I read to put myself in someone else's shoes, in someone else's problems other than my own, so I can escape reality. I draw the characters I love in books and sometimes characters of my own creation to keep my mind focused on something outside my own troubles and worries. I just keep waiting for someone to finally befriend me, or for someone to notice the sadness in my life, or for someone to tell me it will be alright. Because the only people that do that right now are fictional, not real, though I wish they were. Worries, troubles at home and at school, being lonely and drifting off into space is what I spend my days doing. Then someone comes into my life, and that person's name is Anyu.

(I think I am going to make this into a book! Vote if you think it should be a book!)

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