She Wondered Why

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She didn't understand that people will judge you for not being like them. She wore Ugg boots with an Areopastle shirt and shorts. Everyone else wore stuff more like this. 

For girls...... and 

For men......

She liked being the only one who ever walked on the ground. She got to see and feel things other didn't, like how the tiles felt under her feet when she took her boots off. While other kids played games on their eyephones in class, she made sure to pay attention. She wanted to get somewhere, anywhere in this world. She just wanted for things to go back to the way they were a thousand years ago. She would fit in then, she really would. But for right now, they still haven't been able to send kids back in time without getting their face melted off. She just wanted to be normal. 

But normal is different, and she didn't want to be different, society did. 

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