The Emblem

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She wore the country's emblem proudly as she walked the streets. Even in this broken down town of hers she managed to get the pin of promise, an Emblem from the Promise state where I live. All the buildings are torn down and rugged, everyone always looking for food, water, and shelter. I am one of the richer families.  This emblem enables me to get into big events like the meeting of the states and the Honest Truth. The honest truth is a game show where people have to confess all their sins from the last three years. It's really funny watching people do this, but sometimes it breaks families apart.  I decide to walk around the poor side of town before work starts because I am bored. As I walk the muddy road people look at me with horror.  Terror shown on the faces of the young, anger on the faces of the old. Then a young girl with muddy clothing and rags all over her body comes up to me. 

"You work for the government?" She asks me. Her face has no emotion and it scares me. I nod my head. She looks from side to side. 

"Come with me! They will kill you if you don't come with me!" She says and grabs my hand. She leads me into a broken down building with many people it. All of them hold weapons, the poise then when seeing me. The little girl smiles with delight. 

"Good job Charla" A mother in the pack says. I start to run but the girl catches me in a net. I resist but the more I try to esape, the more entangled I get. One man gets down on his hands an knees and removes the emblem off of me. He smiles and puts it on his shirt, right over his heart. 

"Now you have promised to help the people of the poor, or else we revolt!" He says and grins, exposing his toothless mouth. He takes the net off of me and I run out the door. When I get far away from them I relize I owe them nothing. They took the fake one my dad said to have just in case someone steals it. The real one is hidden under my shirt. I pull it out and grin.

My father was right, those people know nothing about what's happening in the government.

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