You Can Be Whatever You Want, I'll Still Love You

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"Father, what does gay mean?" A teenager asks his father while the family eats dinner. 

The father spits out his drink onto the disgusted face of his wife. The father looks at his son in horror while the mother only looks perplexed. 

"Why the actual heck do you need to know that son, words of profanity are banned in this household," He says while the teenage son frowns. 

The mother, looking like she might burst into flames glares at her husband and then turns to face her son. 

"Gay is not a word of profanity, it means boys that like boys," His mother said to him kindly, "Your father just doesn't like the word, but I welcome it, anyone of any gender, sex, race, and color, should have chance to have a good life, everyone is still the same on the inside, I will love you if you are gay, pan, straight, ace, trans, questioning, queer, hetro, homo, androgynous, you name it, I will still love you, and if your father doesn't, he can leave because I will always love you"

Now the husband was glaring at the wife but she didn't care. She stood up for what she believed in. 

(You can bully me all you want for supporting the LGBT community, I don't care because I believe in everyone being equal, if that offends you, please leave)

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